Debbie H.-- How is the PS/CTX 1 pt/day rotation going?

Lynn M.

Hi Debbie--

I wanted to check in with you to see how you were faring with this rotation? I think you started a week or so before me doing this and are you liking what you are getting out of it?

I am about 3 weeks into it and am seeing some noticeable changes.. I seem to be getting more definition in my arms esp. my shoulders and biceps. I have added some bulk but it is more cut than it was.

Also, I wanted to ask you how and what you were doing w/ ab work in this rotation? Which ab workouts are you pairing up?

Finally, how long do you think you will do this for? I am thinking if I continue to get results, I would go for a max. of 8 weeks.

Sorry, Looong!

Hi Lynn! (My middle name, BTW!) Great to hear from you! I just finished up 6 weeks doing this rotation last week. Just like you, I saw the most results in my BIS & SHOULDERS. Also, I think my TRIS are a bit firmer! Woo-Hoo, as I struggle with firmness there. I notice that I have lost almost all bodyfat in my neck-to-chest area. Not sure I am happy with that as I feel it makes it a lil' too bony looking if you know what I mean? Wish we could move fat where we want it, huh? Ha! I had hoped to combine a total body tape each week as to hit each muscle group twice, but these last couple weeks or so it has been tough trying to fit it in. I also teach aerobics and just finished preparing my Fall Session. When I am working on this, I HAVE to sacrifice some of my Cathe time. :-( I was pretty much able to hit the lower body twice. I just started adding in Brand New Butt & More and really feel it in my outer thigh, rear and even the obliques. Good tape to combine with Cathe's. As far as AB Work goes, I really need to get back to her core/plank/stability ball/med ball work as I saw great results while using it. This past 6 weeks I have gone back to her traditional AB work on her older tapes and I must say, the core work yields me much better results! I head out tomorrow for vacation for a lil' over a week (PLAN to walk LOTS, hopefully, get a workout or 2 in the workout room, maybe a jog or two and I am also taking some bands along to do stuff in my room. I printed out Cathe's Vacation Workout which I hope to implement a couple times.) My intentions are good, just hope I can find some time for a few days at least. I am really looking forward to the new series. It sounds so awesome and just what I think I am going to need for this lower body of mine! :7 Thanks for keeping me updated. This week has been nuts finishing up my Summer Session, plus preparing for vacation and somehow it didn't turn out as I had planned workout wise. I will get 3 total cardio days in and only 3 muscle parts but that is okay. I'll live! I am not real sure what I am doing when I return. I'll keep you posted. Again, thanks for posting to me. Good Luck as you continue! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Sorry, Looong!

Hi, Debbie and Lynn:

I was just about to post a question about doing the one per day rotation when I saw your thread. I'm going to try it for a couple months due to time restraints. I was just wondering how you decided to combine PS and CTX, and which order you do them in, and what would you think about combining S&H with either of the others, or pyramids, or one's own stuff, etc, etc, etc. In other words, tell me everything you thought about when you worked out how you were going to do it. Thanks in advance, and Debbie, have a wondeful vacation!

RE: Sorry, Looong!

I hope you have a great time on your vacation!!! We'll miss you around here. Have a safe trip.
Debbie H.-

Debbie- Have a great time on vacation!! And, remember, your body needs rest as much as your mind and spirit! A lot of people find that some time off helps to refresh your motivational level so you will hit it that much harder when you get back to your program!! I'll look forward to chatting w/ you then!

Ann, is some of the 1 body part/day routines I have done

Hi Ann-

I am a huge fan of the one bodypart/day program. For my body type, I seem to always see the most results when I train this way. (For the record, I am more of a "pear", and I have had to work really hard to get the muscles that I have. I also have a tendency to gain weight easily.. but it could be that I also LOVE food, and am a sales rep for a manufacturer of dessert products!! :)

Anyways, I digress..

There is a couple of ways you can do this type of workout w/ the Cathe tapes, if you are game to try them. I try to keep my workouts to an hour, give or take.

If you have the S and H series, I like to split these up into doing one bodypart per day. That gives you a half hour of strength training each day. Then I will tack on a 1/2 hour of some type of cardio.. The CTX cardio portions are great to use there. Or run or walk for a 1/2 hour. That gives you a six day rotation , w/ one day of rest. Also, if you do this, I would suggest putting at least 2 days between your chest work and shoulder work for maximum recovery time.
As far as length of time on this rotation, I will do this one for about 6 weeks. I think Cathe suggests to only do a S and H rotation for about 3 weeks. But for me, I don't get as burnt out and seem to be able to maintain focus if I am only training one bodypart /day.
Also, if your focus is building strength, make sure to do the weight work first, cardio second when doing this regimen.

If you are thinking about doing the PS/CTX rotation, I will tell you what I have done so far. Since I am only 3 weeks into it, I can't give you a complete review, but so far I really like it and am liking the new definition that seems to be popping out.
For upper body, I have been doing one bodypart from PS, then do the same body part from CTX. Then I do about a 1/2 hour of cardio. For my lower body day, I will do either Leaner Legs and tack on some cardio, or I will do 1/2 of the PS legs tape and then tack on some cardio to that. Depending on how I feel that day, depends on if I do the standing or floor work portion of that tape. For abs, I do them 3-4 days a week using the ab portions of either the CTX or PS tapes. I always try to get in at least one of the ab workouts that have plank/core work on them, though. Those always kill me!!

My thinking on combining the PS/CTX tape when I decided to do this was that it would give me a good balance of strength and endurance type training in one workout. My theory is that I would build some bulk with the heavy strength work of PS, and then cut/lean it out with the endurance work of CTX. I will let you know how my theory holds out after another 3 weeks or so. I can tell you, that I am fried by the end of the strength work and am glad that I have a whole week of recovery til I have to work that body part again!

After this rotation, I may try to figure out some way to workout the pyramid tapes into a one body part/day. Not quite sure yet on how to work that. I am anxiously waiting for Cathe's Body Blast tapes to get here, so that idea may go on the back burner for a while!

Sorry for the long note. If you have any questions, or want any more details let me know. Keep me posted on your progress. I will be curious to see how it fares for you!

Happy lifting! Lynn
Thanks Everyone!

We are so excited about this trip we can hardly stand ourselves today! Thanks for the well wishes. MUCH appreciated! :7 Lynn, I agree, a break does do the body good and I think I may just RE-think all I was going to TRY to do. After all, we will be walking miles a day from what I hear.

Ann, Lynn gave you some excellent tips. As far as which tape to do first: I switch it from week to week. (I keep a journal.) Say for instance I did PS~TRIS, then CTX~TRIS today, next week I would switch and do CTX first. Just figured it would shake up the routine even a bit more. Like Lynn said, you are pretty fried after this routine, but you do get a nice long recovery time. I really enjoyed it. It seems to go so fast too. It was just nice knowing I can run to the basement and be done in 1/2 hour. I am sure you could combine ANY of Cathe's strength tapes and constantly keep the muscles guessing. That is what is so nice about her making such a nice variety. You will never get bored. Let me now what you decide.

Again everyone, thanks for the nice wishes. We are almost flying high and we aren't even on the plane yet! :7 :7 :7 I will miss you all sooo very much.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks Lynn and Debbie

Lynn and Debbie:

Thanks for the great replies. You have given me a thorough foundation for trying this out, especially knowing how well it's working for you. I'll let you know after I'm into it a couple weeks how it's going.

Thanks Lynn and Debbie

Lynn and Debbie:

Thanks for the great replies. You have given me a thorough foundation for trying this out, especially knowing how well it's working for you. I'll let you know after I'm into it a couple weeks how it's going.

Hi Lynn... I'm also doing this rotation. I'm in my third week and I'm also looking more cut. I'm happy with how my shoulders and biceps are progressing.

I'm doing ab and core work from CTX Kickbox and Power Circuit along with the ab and core work from BC/ME. (But not all on the same day!) I think my lower abs are flattening slightly... but I have a long way to go.)

I haven't decided if I'm going to continue through September. 40 minutes is a long time for me work one body part, even though it is effective. Plus I'm running 2-4 miles about four times a week and trying to fit in a CTX cardio or two each week as well.
Hi Lynn... I'm also doing this rotation. I'm in my third week and I'm also looking more cut. I'm happy with how my shoulders and biceps are progressing.

I'm doing ab and core work from CTX Kickbox and Power Circuit along with the ab and core work from BC/ME. (But not all on the same day!) I think my lower abs are flattening slightly... but I have a long way to go.)

I haven't decided if I'm going to continue through September. 40 minutes is a long time for me work one body part, even though it is effective. Plus I'm running 2-4 miles about four times a week and trying to fit in a CTX cardio or two each week as well.
Hi Jenne-

Good to hear from you and am glad to hear somebody else is trying this rotation!

I have also noticed a difference in my abs from this rotation as well.. Esp. my obliques. ( I don't think my lower ab region will ever be flat, sigh!)

I am also running for some of my cardio during the week. I think that has been really shaping up my abs as well.

Take care, Lynn

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