Debbie (FitnessFreak) - ? about 2 of your rotations...


HI Debbie,

I really enjoy your rotations and hope you have time to answer a quick question for me. I looked over the rotations you compiled and am trying to decide whether I want to try the Muscle Building & Staying Lean or Muscle Building & Defining Rotation. I'm trying for more weight work in my weekly routine instead of cardio, since I've read so many responses that show better results using this approach.

Since I'm going from your 1 hour workouts for Fat loss rotation, I was wondering which you thought would be a logical next step? Would the Muscle Building & Defining be too big of a jump, do you think?

Anyone else who has an opinion, please feel free to throw it out there. I really appreciate everyone's input and sharing what your experience has been.

Thanks so much,
I just wanted to let you know that I have read this message. I need to go home and find these two rotations, I don't have them here at work in my favorite places. I'll respond later on when I get time.
I Picked one!

Hi Debbie,

I just wanted to pop in here to say that I decided to go with the Muscle Building & Defining - This is the one that starts the first week with S&H/PH and either abs like Coremax/KPC abs or a cardio like C&W step or 10-10-10 cardio. (If I knew how to add the link I would do it!!)

I chose this one for a practical reason, I got a sprained ankle on the 28th of June. I took 6 days off to rest and recover, but I want to take it easy on the cardio end. (My ankle is ok now, but I know better than to try too much too soon.) This rotation has lower impact cardio than the other one I listed, which uses Imax2, LIC, Bodymax, etc.

I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, I'm gearing up for my second day today! I'm also working on my diet (although I don't like that word, it has such a bad connotation!), I feel like the combination of better food choices and the heavier weight lifting is going to have a great impact.

BTW, I did maintain a 3 pound weight loss using your 1 hour for Fat Loss rotation last month, and that was with no changes to my diet. I think that's pretty significant, since I've been stuck at about the same weight for almost a year now!

Thanks again for the great rotations!

RE: I Picked one!

Tricia, I'm so sorry! I forgot all about answering this. I think you will do fine with the rotation you chose. Hope you get good results from it!
RE: I Picked one!

Oh My gosh, Debbie - you don't have to apologize!! I know how busy you are and just wanted to let you know not to worry about me, since you said you'd look them up and get back to me. I definitely don't want you to feel bad when you do so much to help everyone here on the forum!!

I did the S&H/Power Hour Back along with C&W Step workout today and I want to say, I felt great!! I was able to stay at heavy weight throughout and the cooldown from C&W goes so well with the back work, too. You definitely know the workouts in and out. I'll be sure to post my result later this month!

Thanks again!
RE: I Picked one!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

tricia, where did you find these rotations? the muscle and lean one looks like i'd like to try it.
thanks, cathy
RE: I Picked one!

I'm going to attempt to put the link here - hopefully it'll work!

This particular post has several of Debbie's rotations and the link on it, not just the one I'm using. Scroll down about half way for the Muscle Building rotation. (I'm loving it so far, BTW!)

Another link that you might be interested in is this one:

That's the other rotation that I referenced above, but decided not to do this month.


RE: I Picked one!

These links did not work for me... is there another way to get to these rotations? Thanks!

Thanks, again Debbie, for a great Rotation!


I just wanted to let you know that, heading into week 3, I'm really seeing some nice definition from this rotation. I can't wait to see what happens after a week of Gym Style and MIS!! AS usual, your rotations do not disappoint!!

Another question for you, Debbie

Hi Debbie,

Today was GS Back/MIS Back and ME Abs. You have noted (serveral places on this rotation) to do Yoga in the PM. Can you tell me which yoga workouts you've used or what instructors you like? I only have some of the Namaste Yoga from Fitv, and they tend to work certain areas strenuously if I remember correctly. Not sure if that would be a good fit, since I think you're suggesting something that is a nice relaxation for the evening. Also, do you ever do Pilates, and if so, when do you put those workouts in?

sorry for all the questions, really just want to pick your brain - there's so much knowledge in there!!

RE: Another question for you, Debbie

I do light yoga after I do weights or I'll do one of Cathe's Stretch Max routine. I like Karen Voight the best for light yoga though. When I want intense yoga I go with Bryan Kest.

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