Debbie (Fitness Freak)


Hi Debbie,

How many differnt exercises do you do for each body part in a set? For instance when doing biceps I do 3 differnts exercise biceps with barbell, Hammer curls, and concentration curls. Should I be adding more variety to the set or is 3 enough? I just realize when working my inner thighs I was only doing the pli squat for all 3 sets. I guese I should add at least 2 more huh? Thanks Debbie.

3 is usually good enough for the smaller body parts. Any more and you can go into overtraining easily. For larger groups (chest, back, legs) I'd do maybe 4 different exercises. Legs especially. I just did my leg workout this morning and did 3 exercises for quads, one for hamstrings and one for calves. You can see my workout under the Hardcore Fitness Maniacs checkin on the Check In forum at the bottom of the main forum page. Maybe that will give you an idea of how to do this.

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