Debbie (fitness freak)


Good morning Debbie,

Today I did 3 sets of heavy triceps, biceps, and shoulders. Would I still see increase in muscle if I did triceps, biceps, and shoulders 2 a week with the 2nd time wish would be on Friday with a more moderate weight with a slightly higher rep? Thanks Debbie!
I am a true believer in once a week for any body part. It gives the muscles time to hear and in turn makes them grow. So my answer would be no, do not work them twice a week.
>I am a true believer in once a week for any body part. It
>gives the muscles time to hear and in turn makes them grow.
>So my answer would be no, do not work them twice a week.

Ok thanks Debbie. Now, I prefer to train more than one body part per day. For instance today I did biceps, triceps, and shoulders. This is the order I do them: Triceps, biceps, and shoulders (do 3 differnt exercise for each body part) Then I will start another set triceps, biceps, and shoulders etc.. Is this ok, or is there a better way of doing it? Thanks!
Well, I think you should hit each body part with different exercises and then move onto the next one. Always start with the muscle that needs the most attention. It's good to hit that muscle before fatigue comes into play. Example:

Barbell curls
Hammer Curls
Concentratino curls

Do all these exercises. Let say you are doing 3 sets/12 reps. Do the barbell curls - 3 sets, 12 reps with a small break inbetween. At least 60 seconds. Then do the hammer curls the same way - 3 sets/12 reps with 60 seconds in between. Then concentration curls - 3 sets/12 reps with 60 seconds in between.

Close Grip Press
Overhead dumbbell extension

Do these the same as above.

Overhead Military press
Lateral Raises
Front Raises

Same as how you did biceps

Going from one body part to another will not give you any muscle gain progress. You need to hit each one good, then move on.
Ok, let me know if I got this.

barbel tricep (60 second rest)
hammer curl (60 second rest)
concentration (60 second rest)

2nd set
barbel tricep (60 second rest)
hammer curls (60 second rest)
concentration (60 seond rest)

3rd set
barbell triceps (60 second rest)
hammer curls (60 second rest)
concentration (60 second rest)

1st set (triceps)

close grip press (wait 60 seconds)
overhead dumbell (wait 60 seconds)
Kick back extension (wait 60 seonds)

2nd set
grip press (rest)
overhead (rest)
kickbacks (rest)

3rd set
grip press (rest)
overhead (rest)
kickbacks (rest) (I would do shoulders in the same manner.
Yes, this is correct. But what is Barbell Triceps? For the 1st set of biceps you should be doing barbell curls, not tricep work until you get to the tricep exercises.
>Yes, this is correct. But what is Barbell Triceps? For the
>1st set of biceps you should be doing barbell curls, not
>tricep work until you get to the tricep exercises.

Thanks again Debbie! Yes, I'm sorry I meant to say barbell curls. Please forgive me, I have so much and so many questions. Like I said I would rather do biceps, triceps, and shoulders, one day in appose to working 2 muscle groups on different days. Am I ok doing what I prefer to do or is it better to do the rotation you had recomended?

This is your recomendatio

You can do any body part on any day as long as you work them only once a week. You can go with this:

Mon: Tri/Bi/Shoulders
Tues: Cardio
Wed: Chest/Back
Thur: Cardio
Fri: Legs
Sat: Cardio
Sun: Rest

This scenerio gives you three cardio days, three body part days.

You can do this:

Mon: Bi's/Tri's
Tues: Cardio
Wed: Chest/Back
Thurs: Cardio
Fri: Legs
Sat: Shoulders
Sun: Rest

This scenerio gives you two days of cardio. If you want to give one body part attention because it is lacking, you can go with this option.

And on a side note: I always legs on a day all their own since it usually takes a good hour to work every muscle group in the lower body.

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