Dear God

This is supposed to be a fun forum where we can all chat about health and fitness and our appreciation of Cathe. Why do we have to continuously bring up VERY sensitive subjects that just make people angry and create fights? Ugh. I'm tired of this.

Dear Concerned Student:

I am not allowed in schools.



Dear God:

Pretty petty, don't you think, being a god and all?

Agreed with Allison. A politically- and religiously-charged post like this has no place on this forum.

In the words of Chandler from Friends, "Can opened... worms everywhere..."
Is the troll now using the name "Teddygirl"? If so, how did the troll get the name to show over a thousand posts? I'm confused.
my grandmother was a sunday school teacher around the times they took prayer out of school. and for many years after that we didn't see nearly half the issues of today. WHY?? b/c parents took the responsiblity to start teaching at home. okay so they didn't pray in school,but there was church, there was the dinner table, there was before bedtime/hardtimes/goodtimes.

the moral--it starts at home with PARENTS!!! JMHO!!!


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Troll excuse me………&***@ :p :p

The Dear God, poem was emailed to me and I thought some or most of you’d find it too be interesting, I did. By NO means did I post this poem to start any political or religious charge, that was not my intention. You guys crack me up:+ I'm still laughing :p Have a wonderful day. Peace!

I didn't read it but I have read many of TeddyGirls posts and I really doubt that she wanted to stir up something.

I am sorry to say this, but some people on this forum need to loosen up a little. We all love Cathe, we all like fitness but this is not a sanctuary here.

Most people here post about things that they have questions about, things they want to share, or maybe just want to get different perspectives. And it certainly is not always fitness related!!!

Sometimes there are posts that I find out of place, but this is a free country, I can make a choice - I don't have to read them, I don't have to answer to them. Just because I find it silly or even offensive doesn't mean it is to other people. And the world certainly doesn't revolve around me :)

And believe it or not, not everything is always iddle sunshine. Sometimes disagreeing on something makes us stretch and grow, and broaden our horizon a little bit.

So why don't we just embrace our differences and learn from each other.


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