Dear Cathe, part 2


Let's start with a set called Low Max 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, followed by a Low impact/high challenge (Low Max style) cardio dvd every time you release a new batch of routines. I've just about mastered Low Max but I can't EVEN do those junior-high-school-cheerleader jumps in Imax 3 (I tried... I'm sure I looked hilarious...). Lord knows, I'm terribly envious of you ladies who can JUMP(!) and, though my orthopedic surgeon would slap me if he knew I even tried, I'll keep trying. Part of the trouble is I don't know what to graduate to after Low Max (if not Imax 3, what?) and the other thing is I hate that I can't jump when everyone else seems to be able to. I mean, what's wrong with ME? I'm doing side leg lifts and leg extensions with ankle weights to strengthen the supporting muscles around my knees which, as I continue to lose weight and develop new abilities, I'm hoping will help me to overcome the pain in my knees so I can overcome this whole jumping thing. Still...

I'd like to see lots of high challenge cardio routines that are designed to NOT destroy my joints. LOTS - so I can rotate them and not get bored or suffer from overuse/repetetive motion injuries. I need the Low Max challenge, minus the IMAX destruction but there's only so many days a week I can keep doing the exact same Low Max routine. Trouble is, your serious workouts are all built around BIG jumps and nobody else's workouts are tough enough. By the way, small, low hops (as opposed to big, high JUMPS) are fine with me.

Am I alone here? Anyone?
Nope, you're not alone. I did IMAX2 this morning and had to modify the high jumps a lot ... takes some of the fun out it, and I avoid looking at the TV so I don't feel left out during the modifying. I'm glad to see that one of the new workouts Cathe's fliming is low impact step. My knee pain has lessened with leg weight workouts also. However, I don't want to risk injury so I keep modifying. Keep doing the small, low hops and check your heartrate ... I note that my heartrate is still up there with the modifications, and really, that's all that matters. Deb
I'm with you on this one. As a 56 year old, I'm starting to feel the effects of aging. So it's a great idea for me. Less pounding on the body and yet very hard and effective.


The idea is to die young as late as possible

I wouldn't mind some low impact, high intensity workouts (LM doesn't get my heart rate up as much as other cardio workouts) but not at the expense of producing Imax, classic Cathe cardio type workouts.
I'm with you ladies. I think that it is great that Cathe can do the high jumps, even after having surgery on her knee.I also wish there were more low impact DVD. Another (mostly)Low Impact DVD is High Step Circit and Kick Max (premix #1).
Why not an IMAX that shows lower-impact (but still high intensity) modifications for each interval, and has a background or two do them (sure, you can always say "just modify," but many of us would rather do what we see, with the on-screen exercisers, than do what we are told, but not shown, to do). The original Interval Max does this to some extent, 'previewing' some intervals with lower-impact versions (or showing a few levels---like Gin Miller's Intense Moves shows "high, higher, highest" options).

That way, we don't have two separate workouts (low impact for those who want that, and higher impact for others), but one workout that is usable by both groups, and can be used in a variety of ways (ie: today, I feel like doing all the higher-impact moves, next time, I may do the low impact, and after that, I may feel like doing some intervals as high impact, some as low, and some as an intermediate option).

I agree that 'cheerleader'-type jumps just aren't necessary for the plyo effect, and jumps that are closer to the ground can be just as effective, and less jarring.

But while impact can be more easily modified, turning, torquey moves can't. One thing I appreciate about Interval Max is that it's intense without being torquey and twisty, which is much easier on the knees.
>I don't know what to graduate
>to after Low Max (if not Imax 3, what?) ...

Low Impact Circuit would be a good choice.

Interval Max (the original) is another optin: high intensity, but the plyo moves seem more athletic than 'cheerleadery' than those in IMAX3, and no jumping off the step onto the floor!--I got rid of the latter because I didn't like the big jumps either, especially mixed with more turny, less-well-cued step choreo.

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