Deanines Rotation Check In 3/1


Good Morning Everyone!!

I did PLB this morning. Wow, I love this workout! I think the stability ball work is harder than the weight work!! I'd love to do a 3 week rotion with the Pyramids, maybe after Debbies... hmmm...

I have not checked out the March rotation yet. I'm curious to see what Cathes thought up.

I'm very busy again today: meeting friends for coffee, work 9:30(so I can see friends first) -2, variety show dress rehersal today!!!:) It doesn't look like much, but I will be frantic I'm sure!!LOL

Gin- What did you end up doing today? yoga, or are you taking a total break?

Jennifer- Did you end up doing Step Blast Challenge? How was it?

Tracee- I'm sorry to hear about your sons strep. Someone in your home must be a carrier(I hope its that easy and he doesn't need his tonsils out)

Marcy- I did the same weights as Cathe today. It felt weird, usually on the weight work I go 5# heavier than her.

Breakfast 1 1/2c. Kashi (dry)
snack(will be in work) 1/2 gensoy bar
lunch (again in work :) ) 1c. bulgar and pb with broccli, carrots, and if I'm still hungry a banana

Have a great day!!
I will try to BBL,

Good Morning!

I did B&G floorwork and added dead lifts and firewalkers then KMax leg conditioning drills. Can't decide if I should swim tonight or not.
I took a peek at Cathe's March rotation. It's an Intermediate Rotation and does interest me, since I am may be getting back into intense workouts slowly.

Tracee--Sorry about your son's strep. That must be frustrating.

Jennifer--What a great w/o you did last night. Great going on the clean eating and yeah for passing up the ice cream.

Deanie--Sounds as if you have a busy day..enjoy!

Marcy--Hope you had a good w/o.

Off to work.......
Good morning ladies!

This morning I did Stretch X from P90X. It felt good to stretch this morning. It was 57 minutes so it felt like a nice, complete stretch for the whole body. Tony also did a lot of stretches for the hamstrings which I really needed. He also did one stretch for the inner thighs which felt great where you squat down and press your elbows against your thighs and rock side to side. I think tomorrow I'm going to do either a yoga workout or a circuit workout, maybe HSC. Last night I took me almost 2 hours to get home from work so we wound up ordering pizza. I had 3 slices!

Tracee - So sorry to hear about your son's strep. I hope he gets better soon. I agree, winter is the worst. Only 20 days until spring.

Deanie - Cathe's March rotation is for intermediates. Has a lot of Low Impact Step, LIC, Body Fusion. Also, CTX Kickbox, KPC, Pyramids, some 30-40 min. runs, C&W, Cardio Kicks, Step Heat, Step Max, SJP, Power Hour, ME, MIS. Hope your dress rehearsal goes well today. I agree, the stability ball work in PLB is tough. The outer thigh lifts on the ball are always tough but they were a little easier for me the last time I did them. Going the same as Cathe is still okay in my book. I usually go heavier than her for shoulders and triceps.

Gin - How are you feeling today?

Jennifer - Congrats on the clean eating. Keep up the good work. Sounds like you had a good workout. I love Step Blast. It's my 2nd favorite step workout of Cathe's. Favorite is Rhythmic Step.


Leftover chicken divan - chicken with broccoli, mushrooms and peppers in 98% fat free cream of mushroom soup.

Snack: Fiber One Bar.

Lunch - Another seminar at work today so I'll probably be having something like what I had yesterday.

Dinner - Who knows? I think I'm going dancing tonight so that doesn't leave much time to eat. I might just have some soup or an egg white omelet with green peppers and onions.

Hope you all have a good day. BBL.


I actually was going to suggest you look at Cathe's March rotation since you're on the mend and working your way back into intense workouts. Sounds like you had a good workout today. Your legs must be fried after that! I probably would have added the deadlifts too. I love deadlifts.

Good morning ladies.

I also did PLB this morning. I wanted to get back to the same days of the rotation as Deanie. I love this workout also even though it's a lower body. I had forgotten about the floorwork and you're right, I think it's tougher than the pyramid section.

Jennifer - My son is 7 (8 in April) and he's my child that gets sick a lot. He always tends to get things worse than my other kids. A simple two day cold for my older son will be a two week snot fest for my 7 year old. Ha! He had tubes in his ears when he was one and they removed his adenoids at that time too. It solved the ear infection problem but nothing else. They haven't mentioned needing the tonsils out yet but I've been expecting it.

I think it's probably in my head but I'm feeling sick today with a sore throat. Funny how the mind can do that to ya. I've convinced myself that I'm the carrier and the reason my son can't shake this virus. :eek:

Hopefully, I'm back on track with my workouts and won't have too many other interruptions. As you know I'm still new to staying consistent and I'm always worried that something will come up and I'll stop working out for a year like the last time. ;(

Thanks for listening.

Hi guys, back again!

Tracee- Isn't nice to have someplace to rant?!! Sometimes I rant to my DH, but then he wants to solve all my issues, and I really just want him to listen!!:) I hope your son gets better soon! Didn't you have fun this morning with PLB? I actually made it thru the stability ball excersises! Usually for the last excersise I have to get off the ball. But not today- very exciting! Just keep checking in, even if you miss a workout. That should help you stay on track. You've been doing great for a long time!

Gin- I saw Cathes rotation, not interested for me, but it could be good for you:). In case I don't get back on the boards before you go to the doctors, good luck tomorrow, and I hope all goes well!

Tracee/Marcy- You know I've been flip/flopping about which rotation I want to do on March 5th. I think I am going to follow Cathes, but on one of the cardio days, I'm going to do yoga instead.(so I'm kinda incorporating both rotations into one- 5days workouts, one yoga day and one rest day) I just am not in the "mood" to do S&H again, and I like the cardio in Cathes rotation better(maybe not better, but I miss it), she also uses DM, and I want to do it again, also I like doing the Imax's once a week, and I like doing the pyramids and a circuit in the same week. After I do her rotation and tack on a week with PS. I am going to take a recovery week and then do a faux P90X rotation using Cathe workouts (or Cathes Feb rotation and then the faux P90X rotation). I am sorry I am flaking out, but I will still check in every day. I feel really bad, but I am kinda "mushing" the 2 together..... Also, the weeks of GS and pyramids are the same, so we will be doing those together. Can you tell I feel bad:(

Hope you guys aren't mad!x(


So are you doing Cathe's January rotation on Monday? I might consider doing a faux/real P90X rotation with you. I'll do Cathe on the days it calls for doing pullups and chinups since I don't have a Door Gym yet. Otherwise, I'll try and do P90X. I really have to think about this because I wanted to do just P90X. Were you planning on doing it only for a month?

And no, I'm not mad just as long as you still check in. Which yoga workouts do you have besides David Swenson's short forms? I only have Bryan Kest and Yoga X. I certainly don't want to spend any more money but I think I need a little variety.


Tomato and cucumber salad, egg salad, potato salad, tuna salad, 2 slices of roast beef. I just wonder how much mayo they put in all the salads and a real, tiny piece of cheesecake. I also had a slice of whole wheat toast for breakfast (I eat Arnold's Double Fiber. I love this bread.)

Deanie - Don't feel bad at all for doing what works best for you. I probably won't be following Debbie's rotation exactly either and I will probably change things up depending on my mood that day. I'm not ready to do S&H again either so I'll mainly being doing Pyramids and GS. I have to do the GS since they're new and I have yet to do them. :)

I did have fun with PLB this morning. Of course I already can feel my hamstrings getting sore so I'm dreading getting up in the morning!!

So guys did we decide what we are going to call our next rotation checkin? Are we sticking with our current title or are we changing it?

Whew!!:) I'm glad!

Yes, I am going to continue Cathes Jan 07 rotation, but on Monday is GS that week and so is Debbies.I want to do a faux P90X because the real one is to much money and I'm not sure I will like it (I'm so Cathe obsessed!!) I don't have a pull up or chin up bar either. So I am going to do the rotation with CAthe workouts, and yes, I was going to do 12 weeks. I had done a search about P90X and rotations and came up with one (posted in the rotations forum) using GS and PS. This is what I ended up with(below). If you have P90X I would love your imput on the rotation- I'd like it to be as close as possible. It would be great to do this rotation with you! Also, I'm going to see if my DH can burn the dvds so I don't have to keep switching.

weeks 1-3
day 1: GS chest and back
day 2: Imax 3
day 3: GS shoulders, bi, tri
day 4: KPC
day 5: yoga
day 6: GS legs
day 7: rest

recovery week:
day 1: yoga
day 2: 2 sections core max or pilates
day 3: KM bootcamp
day 4: 2 sections stretch max
day 5: yoga
day 6: pilates
day 7: rest

weeks 5-7
use PS same as above

week 8 recovery week

week 9 & 11
use GS as above

week 10 &12
use PS as above

These are my yoga workouts:
Bryan Kest 1,2 &3
David Swenson short forms and ashtanga yoga "the practice"
rodney yee- power yoga (its okay) and yoga burn (also just okay)
Total Yoga (the flow series- fire) with Tracey Rich and Ganga White- I do really like this one, but it is over an hour, and honestly once I found David, any other yoga wasn't as challenging. What yoga tapes do you have?

Off to have a snack of popcorn- I'd rather have cheesecake!:) I don't know what I'm going to do for dinner, its going to be at the variety show practice. Maybe yogert, cheese sticks and an apple. Not a very exciting dinner.

Hi again,

If we were all doing Debbie's rotation, I would have suggested changing it to Fitness Freak's January rotation but since we're all probably doing something slightly different, I think we should keep it Deanie's rotation in honor of our fearless leader.

Tracee- Thanks! I'm glad. What is it about S&H? I love it, but I have to be in the mood for it! And after I do it, I don't want to do it again for a while.
Marcy- LMAO :p :p :D !!(I think I wrote that right?)!! You are so funny!! I am good with whatever you all want!
Good Afternoon!
You guys have been busy while I was gone. Went to lunch with a friend after school and had a spinach salad (which I thought would be healthy) but I told the waiter to put the dressing on the side and he didn't. I NEVER use as much dressing as they put on!

Marcy--Do you have all of the P90X? Do you like it? I am feeling fine, thanks for asking. I just had that one episode and have felt fine since. I see the doc tomorrow aft. My legs don't hurt after today's w/o. I didn't do any lunges or squats. That is what kills me!:p

Tracee--Hope you aren't getting sick. Take care.

Deanie--Thanks for posting your rotation. I may not be able to follow it exactly, but I like to try to do the same as you guys. I think it's a good idea to keep our name the same, if you don't mind, Deanie.:D

Hi Gin,

Yes, I have all of P90X. So far I've done Ab Ripper X, Yoga X and Stretch X and I have loved them all. I like Tony, he's very encouraging, shows form pointers and modifications to make things easier or more advanced. I guess I could have gotten the pull up bar already but my downstairs (where I workout) is very open like a great room so not really any room to attach to doorway except to front or back door and I don't want anyone looking at me doing pullups at 6 in the morning. Otherwise I would have pause the DVD, go upstairs and come back down and Tony constantly alternates between pullups or chinups and another exercise so I would constantly be running up and down the stairs.

My house is now on the market so hopefully I'll be getting a new house in a few months with my workout room. No more dragging barbells, dumbbells, stability balls, etc. in and out of the closet, under the chair, etc.

Hi Ladies~

Just got in from work, was offsite today in a training class....BORING :)

Today was not a good eating day for me, & I am feeling it now! This morning I had a donut, lunch was salad & fried chicken...:0 Ice Cream for dessert.

Tonight is a rest day for me, I'm exhausted!
Last night was a good work out, I love Step Blast one of my favorites! I also love Rythmic Step...another goodie after I got the footwork down.

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Okay, just looking over the above rotation, I like the one I posted in the rotation forum better. (I couldn't figure out how to get there while I was writing the post) So if we do this next month, I want to follow that one (less heavy leg work)

Okay, off to dress rehersal:)


I have the P90X manual but don't have time to look it over now. I think your rotation looks pretty good but I'll try and see if you should change anything. Just so you know, on days 1, 3 and 5 Ab Ripper X is included so maybe you could include Core Max 1, 2 or 3 or any other ab workout on those days. Ab Ripper X is 16 mins.

I gotta run. Talk to you tomorrow.

Have a good night everyone.


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