Deanies Wednesday 3/21 check in


Good Morning Girls :)

Today was coremax and stretch max. I got to sleep late :),(6:30) and had a good workout. I did coremax section 3 with the med ball and the stability ball. For me, this section always starts off strong and tapers off. the end ab work just doesn't do it for me. I also tacked on the plank work from section 1. Then I did stretch max section 3, my favorite. I get a good stretch with the band.

I found out yesterday, all 3 boys, my older DS and his 2 friends, are all on different baseball teams, so I'm thinking they just ignored the carpool requests for the older kids. The irony is, my other DS only asked to be on a team with one friend, and ended up with that friend, and 3 others from hebrew school! Go figure!!

Marcy- thanks again for the x rotation info. I have to go back and insert pushups for chest work with PS. I totally forgot to do that before :) What was on the schedule today and how'd you do?

Gin- I totally think you should go to the road trip! I think if you don't go, you'll regret it. I do have to say, everyone on these forums seems nice and friendly, and you are too, so you should have no problems even if you go yourself. :)

Tracee- Hope you have a great workout! Are you doing a count down calendar for April 15th? 3 more weeks to go!LOL

Have a great day all,

eta: forgot to write my name (ha ha)
Deanie :+
Good Mornng!

Today was BMax 1 step only , then yoga class ,then 2 mile run and 1 mile walk on the treadmill. I always do the Susan Komen Race for the Cure and it is coming up in 2 weeks here, so I would love to be able to run the whole thing!! It is such a great race for a wonderful cause if you guys are ever able to do it.
I am waiting to hear back from my 1 friend that might be able to go on the Road Trip. I have a feeling that she will back out though. My DH is interested in going and just doing his own thing during the "Cathe" time and then we would vacation.

Marcy--I thought the same dancers were good and bad that you did. When you see how bad the bad ones are, you realize how good the better ones are. Did that make sense???:eek:

Deanie--I'll bet it was nice to be able to sleep later today. Did you decide what age you will teach next year?

Tracee--Don't work too hard!!

I am scheduled for my stress test tomorrow. The instructions say to eat a light meal 4 hours before. I will have to skip lunch then.....YIKES!!;-)

Have a great day!
Good morning!

Today I changed things up and tried IMAX3 for the first time. WOW! That is now my new dreaded workout. Ha! I didn't even make it all the way through. My mind started wandering and I started thinking of things I could get done if I didn't have to workout for so long so that kind of killed the motivation. I quit after the 6th cycle so I don't even know how much scarier the workout got after that. On a good note though, I did get the other stuff done that I wanted to do.

Deanie - I was sitting here thinking how lucky you are to have slept in until 6:30. It wasn't so long ago that I didn't consider 6:30 to be sleeping in. Ha!

Gin - I'm glad you're still thinking of going on the road trip. I really would like to attend but there are too many obsticles in my way at this point.

Gin & Marcy - I agree with you both on the DWTS comments. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed Joey Fatone, I'm not sure what I was expecting.

The calendar says it's spring but it still felt like winter this morning. It is raining though so I guess that is a sign of spring. :7

Have a great day.
Hi ladies!

Today was S&H Tris & Bis. It's been about 2 1/2 months since I did this workout. I had a great workout. I did the abs first. These aren't my favorite abs. Had no problem with them. Here are my weights:

Overhead Extensions: 23.5 all 3 sets (went up 4# on 2nd set and 7# on 3rd set)
Lying Extensions: 10# all 3 sets (went up 2# on all)
Kickbacks: 10# all 3 sets. Went up 2# on first 2 sets and 5# on last set.
Dips - Both sets with 40# bbl in lap (Deanie: you inspired me here!)
Dbbl curl - 13.5 all 3 sets (went up 3.5# on 2nd & 3rd set)
Hammer curl - 12# all sets (went up 2# on all sets)
Barbell curl - 30# 1st set, 26# 2nd & 3rd sets (went up 6# on 3rd set)
Wrist curls - did these with dbbls 10# all reps
Reverse curls - 5#

Deanie - Sorry to hear about all your carpool problems. At least your DS has a lot of friends on his team. On Core Max and Stretch Max, #1 is my favorite on both.

Gin - Yes, it made total sense what you said about the dancers. Hope your stress test goes well. It would be great if you and DH could go together. I hope you're able to run the whole Race for the Cure. How long a run is it?

Tracee - Congrats on trying IMAX 3. That's my favorite IMAX. The last 4 blasts are: 7 - jumping on/off step and slow/fast jacks on/off step, 8 - Plyo jack, air jack, tuck jump, turning plyos, 9 - Go across step and abduction repeaters, 10 - jump wide on step, jump together, jump off step and jump wide, wide squat jumps, airborne jumps. Arent you glad you stopped when you did? 6:30 is sleeping late for me too. Even as a teenager, I never slept late. It's still cold here too, 28 degreees this morning, but tomorrow is going to be 63! YIPPEE!! Hopefully it will melt the rest of the snow. I think Joey was my favorite dancer as well.

Sounds like we all had great workouts today. Good work girls!


Good Afternoon Ladies!

Tracee--WTG with the IMAX3!!:7 That is one that I don't own, but I do have Hardcore Extreme which has parts of IMAX3 and i have heard how tough it is!!:p

Marcy--The Susan Komen Race is a 5K (3.1 miles). I have a couple of close friends that are breast cancer survivors, so I will put their names on my back. Truly most of the people that participate are walking, but I would like to run most of it if able.

Deanie--Do you think I could sub another 60 min. cardio workout for the days that are scheduled IMAX1,2,or3 for our faux rotation? I have 1 and 2 is a 45 min. FitTV taped version.

You STRONG, FIT ladies have encouraged this old, weak, wimpy lady to go out and buy a pair of 15#ers today!!:7 I do have to wait first until my recovered furniture is delivered. Yeah!!

Hi again,

Gin - After all the walking and running you do, running the whole things doesn't seem like it would be a problem for you. My mom is a breast cancer survivor too.

Good for you on getting 15#ers! I have to go get more weights as well. Instead of getting dbbls, I will probably be getting more plates for my DH's dbbls which are really like short bbls. I think I'll be able to do more variations in weight that way.

Instead of the IMAXes, maybe you could do Hardcore Extreme #2 with the hi/lo intervals and KM blasts.


Good Afternoon Girls,

Tracee- Good job on Imax 3! That is my favorite Imax. Good music and fun intervals/blasts. My fav. blast is #7!, hate the plie jumpsx( I'm glad you got alot accomplished this morning!

Gin- I'm still waiting till after spring break to see where the nursery school director wants to place me. There is a teacher who left last year who was asked back for next year, and its depending on her decision, where teachers are being placed next year. I prefer the 3's, so keep your fingers crossed for me:) For the next rotation, I would stick with interval workouts. If you only have 45 min, then do that. I also like Marcy's suggestion to do Hardcore Extreme, #2 or 3; but just 60 min. of them. (I think they are longer). Have fun with your new dumbells! Hows the new upholstery look? I love getting new stuff:D

Marcy- Way to go with the weights! I really like S&H especially because you can go heavier AND work on your form! It really does take a certain mind set, and for me, I really have to be in the right frame of mind.

PS. Gin- I think its a great idea for your DH to come with you for the road trip and make a vacation out of it! For me personally, that would hold a lot more appeal. You can do Cathes classes and meet her and other girls from the forum AND have time with DH!

Okay Marcy, just when you thought I was done with questions}( }( , here goes:

I adjusted the rotation, because I wanted to add in the pushups, I know we pick a # and do that # of push ups, but for the other excersises should we not do 2 or 3 sets, just picking 8-10 reps and moving on? (i.e. for the Arnold press choose a weight and just do one set of 8-10 reps and then go to the close grip press and do one set of 8-10 reps with the chosen weight?) Then I think its to short, not an hour and I could re-do some excerises? Am I making this to hard?

Also, same ? with back and bi on day 3, maybe I should rework that?

Weeks 5-7
Day 1 PS chest, shoulders and tri and abs- use mix and match
Decline pushups
Arnold press (2 sets)
Close grip press (3 sets)
Two twitch speed pushup-perform 4 fast and 3 slow standard pushups. Fast are fast and slow are 4 counts up, 4 counts down
Clean and press (2 sets)
Dumbbell French press
Side to side pushup- wide feet, wide hand position; walk both hands to right, do pushup, then walk both hands to left and repeat. Each sequence equals 1 rep.
Standing side laterals
Cross body extensions
One arm pushup-On knees (separated as far as poss.) place push-up hand on floor below shoulder. Place other arm behind back. Go as low as you can go to where you can still get back up. Partial range of motion works with the exercise. Switch hands every other rep.
Reverse flyes
One arm balance push up- Perform pushup, then twist up with one arm to perform one arm balance. Look at the thumb of your skyward arm. Hold on for a beat. Come back down and repeat on other side. Do one pushup between each balance.
Seated laterals
Dips with barbell in lap
15 min ab work of choice

Day 3 PS back and bi and abs
T bar rows (3 sets)
Bent over rows (3 sets)
Barbell curls (2 sets)
Seated dumbbell curls
Shrugs (2 sets)
One arm rows (3 sets)
Negative curls (2 sets)
Concentration curls (2 sets)
alternate B&G abs (1&2) and tough abs coremax

Thanks, it just seems weeks 1-3 worked so well and these weeks, not so well :)

Deanie: I'll start with Day 3 first -- Order of exercises: 2 back, 2 bis (24 exercises in all - only done once through.) I think you need more back moves.

P90X is different from Cathe in that Cathe exhausts one body part till failure, Tony switches off body parts. I think I actually like the P90X way better because it gives time for each body part to rest before going back to it and in that way you can lift more and not be as tired. JMHO.

Day 3 PS back and bi and abs
1. T bar rows (3 sets) - (1st ex is pullups so I would do max number of reps here and that's it).

2. Bent over rows (3 sets) - desired rep count, switch to other side, in manual these are called lawnmower moves and you do them from a side lunge position (L arm resting on L knee and pull weight up from floor straight up to waist) Only do once each side.

3. Barbell curls (2 sets) - Think of Cathe's crazy 8s only these are crazy 7's - 7 half curls from waist lowering down and back up, from waist position 7 half curls to shoulders and back down, and then 7 full curls.

4. Seated dumbbell curls - These should be one-arm cross-body curls - alternating arms, curl weight across body and back towards shoulder of same arm, repeat on opposite side. Only one set.

5. Shrugs (2 sets) (isn't this a shoulder move?) I would add reverse grip bent-over row - with one foot forward and knees bent, bend at waist keeping your back flat and palms facing forward. Reach straight arms towards front right toe, then pull weight up towards hips, driving elbows skyward.

6. One arm rows (3 sets) - this should be the lawnmower move again only with elbows flared and palms facing back - do each side only once.

7. Negative curls (2 sets) - I'm not sure what this is. Is this like reverse curls I did today in S&H Tris & Bis with palms facing down?
I would do curl up/hammer down - perform standard curl. At top, turn weight vertically and perform downward hammer curl. I think you just do desired number of reps.

8. Concentration curls (2 sets) - in lawnmower stance, complete desired number of reps and switch to other side. Only one set.

9. Add one-arm corkscrew curl - with arms at sides, palms back, curl up one arm at a time and twist wrist inward. Have to check how many reps.

10. Seated bent over back fly (exercise should be felt in middle of upper back, not in shoulders). I think you just do desired number of reps.

11. Supermans ("fonz")
alternate B&G abs (1&2) and tough abs coremax -

I don't want to lose my post so I'm going to end it here for now and come back.

Okay, here's what I've worked up using Cathe and your suggestions. I'd like to be able to follow Cathe as much as possible. What do you think?

T bar rows
Bent over rows
Barbell curls
Seated dumbbell curls
One arm rows
Negative curls
Concentration curls

T bar rows
Bent over rows
Barbell curls
Seated dumbbell curls
Dead lift
One arm rows
Curl up Hammer down
Cross body curl

T bar rows
Bent over rows
Barbell curls
Seated dumbbell curls
Dead lift
One arm rows
Crazy 7/7/7
Hammer curls

This way there is 12 excersises of bicep, 12 of back, total of 24. The first 4 excersises are repeated, but the next 4 I tried to change up.


eta: just had a thought, If I need to not repeat excersises, I could use 2 other dvds (start with PS, move to MM, finish with HSTA- alternating 2 back, 2 bi twice) Which would be better? actually I kinda like the 3 disc idea.....
This sounds better. Changing discs sounds good since you get a wider variety of exercises. I don't have time right now to look the rest of it over. I'll have to do it tomorrow. Did you find out if you could preprogram your DVD player? That would be great if you could.

I can, but it takes a long time to preprogram because I'm unfamiliar with it. To use the mix and match feature is just as easy. Thanks,
Have a great evening!

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