Deanies Rotation Check In Thursday


Good Morning Girls!

Today was GS BSB. I had a good workout this morning. Lifting heavy, I will be happy for the rest week.

I am meeting the girls for coffee this morning, so I am making this short and sweet:)

DB row....1 set..20# 2 sets 22# (up 2# from last time)
1 arm DB row...2 sets 25#
BB pullover ....30#
overhead press...3 sets...15#
lateral raise....2 sets ....10# (prob. could have done one set at 12#)
rear DB flye...2 sets 8# (last time second set at 7#)
BB curl....2 sets....35# (last time did 30#)
DB partial curl...10#
concentration curl...1st set...14#(no bonus), 2nd set..first 4 at 17#,finished with 15# (up 2# on each set)
curl turn down...12#
Hammer curl...8 reps @15# bonus with 12#
wrist curl....2 sets ....12#

I was happy I upped my weights, I am feeling it now:)

Marcy- sorry about the last minute changes, but thanks for your help. When Gin said she didn't have PS, I really took a look at weeks 5-7, and they didn't seem to work as well. I am combining PS, GS, MM and MIS for day 3 weeks 5-7. After upping my weights today, I totally understand why we are only doing one set of each excersise!!

Have a great day all! Happy workouts,
BBL, and I will post what I have for the above day....

Good Morning!
Today was S&H Legs and Shoulders and BMax2 abs. I have my stress test this aft. Don't really know what to expect but I may be too tired to go to swim class.
My DS comes back from his Mexico Spring Break trip at midnight tonight. He sent an e-mail saying he may come stay with us tonight which would be around 1am...YIKES!! I am always happy to see him,and I am anxious to see him come home safely ,but I'll be tired.:p

Have a great day all!
Good morning ladies. I took this morning as one of my rest days and it was needed because I stayed up late watching tv shows last night.

Congrats to all of you for your great weight lifting you've been doing. It sounds like we've all been a great inspiration to each other. :D

I think I'm going to wait until the day before the faux rotation to print it out since Deanie seems to want to keep tweaking it! ;)

Marcy - Yes, I'm glad I stopped after the sixth cycle yesterday after reading what you wrote. Yikes. How do you handle all those jumps and jacks, etc.? I will be surprised if this ever makes it into one of my favortie workouts. Then again I said that about RS the first three times I did that one and now it is one of my favorites.

Gin - Good luck with the race, that's a great thing you're doing. I can't wait to hear if you ran the whole thing.

Deanie - I'll keep my finger crossed for you to get the 3 year olds. That is a fun age.

Well, I've got to get back to work. Have a great day.

Came back to tell Gin good luck with her stress test. We were posting at the same time so I didn't see your message when I posted.

Today was Yoga X for me. I thought I was going to do Bryan Kest but I was up before 5:30 so I was able to fit it Yoga X. This is my favorite yoga workout so far (not that I have many and I'm looking to get more.) Have any of you done any Byron Baptiste? I was able to do a few seconds of Crane pose and my balance poses were better. Now that I'm doing less cardio, I'm able to fit in more yoga and stretching which I like.

Deanie - Great job on the weights. You seem to be more like Cathe - heavier with chest and biceps. I do better with back, shoulders and tris. I'm curious to see your new writeup for day 3.

Gin - Good luck on your stress test.

Tracee - Tuck jumps are tough on me but plie jacks are no problem.

Have a great day everyone.

Hi again all,

Tracee- smart move for waiting to print out the rotation. For me, if I have to much time to think about things, its not always good!:+

Gin- hope you get to see your son today (tomorrow):)

Marcy- You are right about my strength areas. It will be interesting with the X, because there is no lifting for the chest. I have done Baron Baptiste. I don't like him. He is easier than Bryan Kest, and his voice is annoying and I don't like the "corny phrases" he uses. But that's just me.... I think Gin has some of his tapes and likes him.

Here is my weeks 5-7 day 3:
Day 3 back and bi and abs
PS: T bar rows
Bent over rows
Barbell curls
Seated dumbbell curls
One arm rows
Negative curls
Concentration curls

MM: BB underhand row
BB pullover
Bicep curl
Db curl
HSTA: Dead lift
Wide grip rows
BB curl
Hammer curl

GS: DB row
1 arm DB row
BB curl
DB partial curl
T back squeeze with band
BB pullover
Curl turn down
Hammer curl

I'm wondering if instead of HSTA, use the 2 back excersises with no weights from GS, and the concentration curls and wrist curls from GS.
here is weeks 5-7 day 1:
Should I leave it as is? I like it, I'm just not sure there are enough excersises. (5 excersises for each muscle group)

Decline pushups
Arnold press
Close grip press

Two twitch speed pushup-perform 4 fast and 3 slow standard pushups. Fast are fast and slow are 4 counts up, 4 counts down
Clean and press
Dumbbell French press

Side to side pushup- wide feet, wide hand position; walk both hands to right, do pushup, then walk both hands to left and repeat. Each sequence equals 1 rep.
Standing side laterals
Cross body extensions

One arm pushup-On knees (separated as far as poss.) place push-up hand on floor below shoulder. Place other arm behind back. Go as low as you can go to where you can still get back up. Partial range of motion works with the exercise. Switch hands every other rep.
Reverse flyes

One arm balance pushup- Perform pushup, then twist up with one arm to perform one arm balance. Look at the thumb of your skyward arm. Hold on for a beat. Come back down and repeat on other side. Do one pushup between each balance.
Seated laterals
Dips with barbell in lap
Thanks again-

Okay, I now really appreciate that Cathe does these rotations every month :)
Deanie: You're going too fast for me.

I just looked over Day 3. I really like what you did. :) :) The only thing I would add is Supermans. Maybe instead of the 1 arm row from GS. So maybe you could do DB rows and then Supermans.

I have to go into a meeting so I'll have to look at Day 1 later. I won't get back to you until at least 3:00. Sorry to make you wait.;( ;(

Marcy- take your time!! I really appreciate your help :) I added in Supermans and took out the 1 arm row. As far as I'm concerned, day 3 is done. Yippee!

Good Afternoon All!
Tracee--Enjoy your rest day (rest from exercise, anyway!)

Marcy--I have 2 of Baron Baptiste yoga dvds and I like him. In fact, I like him better than Bryan Kest and I like him fine. But then Denise Austin dosn't grate on my nerves too bad like she does most people. I have his Power Yoga Level 2 and Unlocking Athletic Power. I think the last was a from a set of 3, but I found it at Half Price Books. The first is 60 min.+ and the 2nd is around 30 min. I don't think I have heard of the Crane Pose.

Deanie--I'm getting dizzy and quite confused with all of the faux rotation changes. I do appreciate your working so hard to get it right.

Everything turned out fine from my stress test and the doc said to exercise as usual...yeah!! They took pics of my heart, listened to it and had me walking on a treadmill while hooked up and kept increasing the incline and the speed until I was at 16% incline and 4 mph. The doc said the treadmill won't be under that much stress for a while. We are all so much healthier because of all the exercise that we do!!:7
Thank you for your kind words. I knew it would be fine.

Okay Deanie, here we go:

First, on pushups and dips, there is no specified rep count. There should be eight exercises per muscle group in this order: chest, shoulders, triceps.

1. Decline pushups - change to 3 in 1 pushups (4 wide pushups, 4 military (feet together), 4 standard (12 reps in all)
2. Arnold press - keep
3. Close grip press - change to dips

4. Divebomber pushups (Drill Max)
5. Clean and press - think about doing inverted shoulder press from Push Pull
6. Dumbbell French press - change to side pushups (HSC, cycle 1)

7. Side to side pushup- wide feet, wide hand position; walk both hands to right, do pushup, then walk both hands to left and repeat. Each sequence equals 1 rep. - Keep (these are in HSTA, cycle 5)
8. Standing side laterals - Keep
9. Cross body extensions - Keep

10. Two twitch speed pushup-perform 4 fast and 3 slow standard pushups. Fast are fast and slow are 4 counts up, 4 counts down change to divebomber pushups
11. Reverse flyes - change to "Y" or "Fonz" move (Push/Pull)
12. Kickbacks - change to lying tricep extension

13. Side to side pushup (from HSTA, cyle 5)
14. Seated laterals
15. Dips with barbell in lap

16. One arm balance pushup- Perform pushup, then twist up with one arm to perform one arm balance. Look at the thumb of your skyward arm. Hold on for a beat. Come back down and repeat on other side. Do one pushup between each balance.
17. Weighted circle - 40 reps slow circular motion with dbbls 10 forward, 10 back, 10 forward, 10 back
18. Throw the Bomb - alternate sides

19. Clap or Plyo pushup
20. Slow mo throw (shoulders)
21. Front to back tricep extension

22. One Arm Balance Pushup (again)
23. Upright row with overhead press from High Step Challenge
24. Double Cross Body Blows - throw punches across body

Let me know if this works for you.

Gin- I'm glad everything worked out great for you with the stress test! Enjoy seeing your DS tonight:)

Marcy- thanks so much again. I didn't want to do too much on my own, I mostly need to follow someone. If I don't I loose count and/or go to fast. I combined what I had with your recommendations and ended up with the following:

3 in 1 pushups (4 wide pushups, 4 military (feet together), 4 standard (12 reps in all)
Arnold press

Dive bomber pushups (Drill Max)
inverted shoulder press from Push Pull
Side pushups (HSC, cycle 1)

Side to side pushup- (these are in HSTA, cycle 5)
Standing side laterals
Cross body extensions

Dive bomber pushups
"Fonz" move (Push/Pull)
lying triceps extension

Side to side pushup (HSTA cycle 5).
Seated laterals
Dips with barbell in lap

Standard pushup
Reverse flyes

One arm balance pushup- Perform pushup, then twist up with one arm to perform one arm balance. Look at the thumb of your skyward arm. Hold on for a beat. Come back down and repeat on other side. Do one pushup between each balance
Clean and press
Dumbbell French press

Decline pushups
Arnold press
Close grip press

have a great evening!


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