Deanies Rotation Check In TGIF!


Good morning everyone!!

Today is the big day! The Variety Show is tonight! The kids looked great and did a great job last night. I am so glad my son decided to be a part of this. Its a great experience and will be a wonderful memory for him:)!

Today was PUB for me. I did the abs section first, and I'm glad I remembered to, my arms were shakin' after the bicep section! I did the same weights as Cathe, except the biceps, I did 15# at the top of the pyramid, but only for 4 reps and dropped to 14# for the last 4!! Also, I noticed she said for shoulders its better to go from 5# to 7# if you have a 7# weight, and I do! So I used it:) I really like this workout, even though my arms are still shaking(just a little)

Gin- hope all goes well for you at the doctors today!

Tracee- PUB today? How is your son doing? And, did you all get tested for strep to see if one of you are the carrier?

Marcy- here is my "work in progress" faux Cathe P90X:

P90X with Cathe

weeks 1-3
GS chest, back, abs
Imax of choice
GS shoulders, bi, tri,abs
(one each week) B&G overall legs, Leaner Leg, Legs and Glutes

Recovery weeks 4,8, 13
coremax min. 2 segments
KM bootcamp

weeks 5-7
PS chest, back and abs
Imax of choice
PS shoulders, bi, tri, abs
yoga/ stretch
B&G overall legs, Leaner Legs, Legs & glutes

weeks 9 & 11
same as weeks 1-3

weeks 10 & 12
same as weeks 5-7

I included abs, and used lighter weights for the legs (I read thats what P90X does)

Jennifer- Whats on the workout schedule today? Hope you have a good one.

Have a good day all, and....
Keep on Truckin'

Good Morning, All ~ & TGIF :)

Leaner (Meaner) Legs is on the workout schedule for tonight....Oh Boy :p
Last night was a rest day, even though it really wasn't restful w/ all the other stuff that needs to be done around the house.
Would you think my kids or BF would get off their arse and help now and then?? Some days, I just want to sit and is one of them days....maybe it's the weather....:)

Deanie - I bet the Variety Show is going to be a big hit tonight, Have a great time. Please let us know how it goes.
PUB, is one of my faves also...I have a lot of favorites, don't I...:p
Do you have a system that alows you only to go up a pound or two? That sounds great. Sometimes I can meet Cathe's weight, but my biceps seem to be my weakest area right now. What is your favorite bodypart to train?

Eating didn't go so well this morning...The donuts & coffee were calling my name at Wawa. Plus, we have a luncheon here at work today, so my lunch is also down the tubes. Oh, well, tomorrow is another day.

Hope everyone has a great day.
Talk to you Later ~
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"

Good Morning!
Deanie--Good luck at the Variey Show. You'll have to give us the details. Thank you for posting the new rotation. It looks great. I have been curious about a faux P90X rotation.

I did PUB also and added on 1 section of Ab Hits, b/c my PUB is the FitTV version w/o abs. I think I was able to follow pretty closely the same weights as Cathe, except the biceps my heaviest was 12#.

Marcy, Tracee and Jennifer--Have a great workout today.

"No time for down time." (in today's workout);-)
Good morning ladies.

Sounds like you're all doing well with your workouts. I talked myself into sleeping in instead of getting up and doing PUB. I'm mad now too because I was really looking forward to PUB, it's also one of my favorites. I'll probably do it tomorrow instead of whatever cardio is on the schedule.

Deanie - Have fun tonight at the show, can't wait to hear how it all goes.

My son is feeling better now that he's on the new antibiotic. All of us got tested last night and it wasn't too bad. The tech at the lab suggested that it could be our cat that is the carrier. Ha! Never thought of that.

Jennifer - I sympathize with you about other family members not pulling their weight with the household chores. It is very frustrating at times.

I'll BBL.

Hi again,

Marcy- what did you end up doing today? Something fun?

Gin- we are not doing the above rotation yet, thinking about starting next month (april). I read your post quickly, and I thought you did PUB (including abs) and ab hits!! LOL I had to reread it!:)

Tracee- funny, it may be your cat! I never heard of that! Don't worry about today, but definately do something tomorrow! If you don't work out for to many days, starting again is really hard! And you've been doing great:)

Jennifer-Have fun with leaner legs! I really like that workout! I also have a lot of favorites. It would probably be easier to list the workouts I don't like:) I don't really have a favorite body part to work out, but I also struggle with my biceps! Thats why I'm trying to match Cathe at least a little with the bicep weight. I can increase my weights, Marcy or Tracee gave my this tip- I use my 2# weights with my heavier weight to increase by a little. (today I used my 12# dumbell with the 2#weights to make 14#). Even though it was only 1 pound difference it made a diff. for me.

Thank you all for your good wishes tonight. I will definately keep you posted tomorrow!!

Have a great friday!!!!

Good morning ladies:

This morning I did Bryan Kest's Sweat. I was kind of tired so I didn't have as good a workout as I would have liked. It was just okay. I think the last time I did this I was able to do the poses better. I went dancing last night which was good but getting up Friday morning is real tough.

My eating is better today:

Breakfast - egg white omelet with green peppers and onions and 2 slices of whole wheat toast.
Snack - Fiber One Bar
Lunch - Lean Cuisine Salmon entree
Snack - Yogurt
Dinner - Probably pizza - can't eat meat tonight.

I took my measurements:

Weight: Went from 126 pounds to 123.6.
Waist - 25"
Hips - 35" - went down 1/2"
Chest 30" - went down 1"
Thighs - 18 1/2" Went down 1/4"
Biceps - 10 1/4" Went down 1/2"
Calves - 13"
Body Fat - 23.5%

I actually liked doing high rep/low weight this month but I'm looking forward to getting back to heavy weights. I probably could've gotten better results but I lost a lot of workouts when I was sick.

Deanie - Good luck with your show tonight. I'm sure everyone will be great. Just curious, in Sweat, can you do the headstand with your knees on elbows? I almost did it last time but this time was a lost cause. I go up to 15# also in PUB for biceps. Your P90X rotation is looking better and better. In weeks 5-7, Day 1 is listed as Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and Day 3 is listed as Back & Biceps. I see Pure Strength has a back, biceps and abs workout, and a chest, shoulders & triceps workout which should be good. Other than that, your rotation looks great. Legs & Glutes and B&G sound the best for legs. You might want to do some of the pushups from Drill Max and rear flys for when you do chest and back work. Chest & Back has 12 exercises which alternate chest and back. When you're done with the 12, you repeat them except alternate the sequence like 2,1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 10, 9, 12, 11. Back & Biceps has 24 exercises (12 each). It does 2 back, then 2 biceps.

Tracee - Glad your DS is feeling better.

Jennifer - Good luck with Leaner Legs tonight. I've never done this workout. I don't have many of Cathe's older workouts.

Gin - I also have a tough time with biceps, my least favorite bodypart. Let us know how your appointment goes.

Have a great day everyone. BBL.

Marcy- great results!!! especially since you missed some workouts. Okay, that description of the chest &back and back & bi, was very confusing (or my brain is fried:) ) Could you give some examples? Thanks. This writing a rotation without knowing P90X except thru the forums, is hard. I was just going to have my DH burn the GS series and make a new disc alternating a chest excerise from GS then a back, etc. all the way thru. Would that work? I am assuming for example,all three sets of bench press are done together, and then on to back. Do 3 sets of back, and then back to chest. I don't know x( <-- me thinking to hard!!!LOL And are you saying P90X has week 5-7 listed as day one as chest, shoulders and tri.? and day 3 is back and bi? If so, then I would change that on mine. At least PS is all on one disc and should be easier to mix and match. I will try and work on it after this weekend. I would be interested in anything you worked up too! :) :) }( I'm wondering if we asked Cathe in her ask Cathe forum to make up a P90X rotation for us, using her workouts, if she would.

Hi Deanie,

Yes, weeks 5-7 has chest, shoulders & tris on day 1 and back and biceps on day 3.

I think I will be able to use most of P90X as is except for the back exercises where he does pullups, chinups, etc.

The workout for Chest & Back is as follows:

1. Standard Pushup
2. Wide front pullup
3. Military pushup
4. Reverse grip chin-up
5. Wide Fly Pushup
6. Closed Grip Overhand Pull-up
7. Decline Pushup (Cathe does these in a couple of workouts. I have to check which ones.)
8. Heavy pants - 1 foot forward and bent knees, bend at waist, keeping back flat. Lift weights from forward foot up to waist, keeping elbows close to sides. You can also do this with the band.
9. Diamond pushups - from pushup position, bring hands together so thumbs and index fingers touch. Align hands directly below heart. Elbows will flare out during push-up.
10. Lawnmower - like lat rows. side lunge rest elbow on knee, pull weight from floor to waist. Can also be done with the band.
11. Dive-bomber pushup - Cathe does these in Drill Max.
12. Rear flys - Also done in Drill Max and plenty of others.
This sequence is repeated like I said before.
Cool down and stretch.

Back & Biceps is as follows:
1. Wide front pullup
2. Lawnmower
3. Twenty-One (3 part bicep exercise) - part one, stand with weights at sides, perform 7 half curls (from final position, lower arms parallel to floor), Part 2: The final position of part 1 now becomes start position. Perform 7 half curls from this position to shoulders. Part 3: Perform 7 full bicep curls. Band move: Straddle band with both feet and perform same as above.
4. 1 arm cross-body curl
5. Switch grip pullup
6. Elbows-out lawnmower - use maximum elbow flare and palms facing back. Repeat on opposite side. Band move: step on band with front foot and do same.
7. Standing bicep curl.
8. 1 arm concentration curl (in lawnmower stance)
9. Corn-cob pullup
10. Reverse grip bent-over row
11. Open arm curl
12. Static arm curl - hold 1 arms static at 90 degrees while your other arm does 4 reps. Switch arms and repeat. Repeat again on each side. Band move: straddle band with both feet and perform same as above.
Ballistic stretch
13. Towel pull-up
14. Congdon locomotive: with one foot forward and knees bent, bend at waist, keeping back flat. Alternating arms, lift light to moderate weight from forward foot up to waist.
15. Crouched Cohen Curl - squat against wall with elbows just below knees. Extend arm fully at bottom and squeeze at the top. Make sure feet are shoulder-distance apart. Band move: shorten band by twisting in loop. Then step on it with front foot and perform same as above.
16. 1 arm corkscrew curl - start with arms at sides, palms back. Curl up one arm at a time and twist wrist inward. Band move: straddle band with both feet and perform as above.
17. Chin-up
18. Seated bent-over back fly
19. Curl up, hammer down
20. Hammer curl
21. Max rep pull-up
22. Superman
23. In-out hammer curls - perform standard hammer curl, bring weights back down and turn forearms out to side for side hammer curl. Rotate back and forth. Band move: straddle band with both feet and perform as above. Use a palms-down grip to perform reverse curls instead of hammer curls.
24. Strip-set curl - perform 8 standard bicep curls with heaviest possible weight. After a 10 second break, lower weight by 5 pounds and repeat. Continue for a total of 4 rounds. Band move: straddle band with both feet and perform as above.
Cool down and stretch.

I don't know if Cathe would do this. I think between the two of us, we can figure it out.

HI Ladies -

Seems like everyone had a great day!

Did Leaner Legs tonight, I think I was %$!*& Cathe by the middle of the workout (sorry Cathe). I used a 35pd barbell through-out the work-out, I think the sit & stands did me in :0
Tomorrow is Drill Max :)

Eating was not that clean today. We had a luncheon at work, so dessert was brownies & cookies, YUM :p I was hurting afterwards. Went out to eat tonight to LongHorn. I had Ribs & Chicken, at least I skipped on the fries & had veggies & a salad instead!

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


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