Deanies Rotation Check In * * * Happy Monday!


Good Morning Everyone!

Today was BC for me. I did lower my weights, and I'm glad. I woke up this morning thinking- ugh! terminators!- I did DM on Sat. MIC on Sun and BC on Monday and that is alot of cardio for me- 3 days in a row! Thank goodness I have GS C&T tomorrow. I can't believe I just said that!!:) I have GS this week and PS next and boy will I be ready for the "rest week"!!

Gin- I found an article from one of the forums and posted it last night on our thread, about lifting and women.

I was going to add more but can't remember now.....

Hope everyone has a great day and happy workouts!

I remembered what I wanted to say-LOL :)!!!

How could I forget?!!! I put my size 4 jeans on today (actual womens jeans) and they were so loose I need to wear a belt to keep them up!! :D :D :D Then my DH says to me, those pants are really baggy on you, why are you wearing them? Even with my belt on, I can still fit my fist between my jeans and my abs! So, needless to say, this rotation has produced really great results for me. I actually wasn't looking to lose weight, I am happy where I am, but the inches, and definition are great. I'm actually bummed I didn't do my measurements before I started. There is not extra cardio in this rotation, but its intervals twice a week and I think that makes a difference!

Good Morning!
Today is a rest day for me which always seems strange since I am so used to getting up and exercising right away!! I will go to yoga tonight.

Deanie---Yeah on the loose pants. That would make ME very happy, but I'm not sure you needed it!!:) I was not able to look at the article you posted last night, but I will try again after school.

Marcy, Tracee and Jennnifer--Have a great day and great workout!

Hello all!

Last night I did S&H Chest & Back. My weights were:

Dbbl Bench Press - 19.5 all 3 sets
Dbbl Chest Flys - 15# all 3 sets (went up on 3rd set from last time)
Dbbl Incline Press - 15# (only did 1 set)
Dbbl Incline Chest Fly - 15# (only did one set)
Dbbl Row - 15# all 3 sets (went up 1.5# from last time). Next time I think I will go up to 16.5).
Dbbl Pullovers - 19.5 all 3 sets (went up 4.5# on 1st set and 1.5# on 2nd & 3rd sets). Will try 21# next time.
Dbbl deadlifts - 21# all 3 sets. Will try 22.5# next time. (I find when doing deadlifts with dbbls, I feel it myself tightening up much more in my core and feel it more in my back than with dbbls.)
Planks - did well for the most part but had to modify on my knees a little.

This morning was Step Blast which I did on an 8" step. Burned 488 calories. My heart rate really soars when I'm on 8". I love this workout. It's so much fun. I just realized after this rotation is over, I won't be doing step for 90 days. That's going to be a big change for me. Step is my favorite cardio.

Deanie - Congrats on your shrinking waist. I haven't bought new jeans in a while but I'm probably going to have to go down to a size 4 as well. I can't believe you did MIC, DM and BC three days in a row! That's awesome! Those are probably her 3 toughest. Enjoy Chest & Triceps. }( }( }( I can't believe I said that. Does anybody enjoy C&T? I tried to look at the article you posted yesterday but nothing came up. Can you try and paste the article in? I'd really like to read it.

Gin - Enjoy your rest day.

Tracee and Jennifer - Hope you have a nice day and great workouts.


Good morning ladies.

It seems like forever since I've benn on here to check in. I just don't get to browse through Cathe's site like I used to.

Today I did Step Blast. I was supposed to do it yesterday and take today as a rest day but I chose to sleep in yesterday and exercise today. I prefer it that way since I have to get up early on the weekdays anyway. It's been a while since I did SB straight through. I usually only have time for a premix. I had forgotten how many times she does all three routines at the end. Ha! Saturday was S&H chest and back for me. I went heavier on the chest press and flys but then couldn't do all the reps when it came to doing them on the incline. So I don't know if it was good that I increased in one area or not.

Deanie - congrats on the loose jeans. Things don't work that way for me. My pants can be loose one day and tight the next just depends on the day. I agree with Gin, you probably didn't need to lose any but I know it's a good feeling when it happens.

I need to go back and read the threads from the weekend when I get the chance. Have a great day!

Okay ladies, I clicked on the link and it worked for me, so I copied the article, hope it fits the whole post! LOL:)

Too often and much to my dismay, I hear women protest against using any appreciable weight in their weight training program. Moreover, many young women completely refrain from resistance training; instead spending countless hours on the cardio deck in a fruitless effort to attain an ideal physique. What is the ideal physique and why are women so afraid of lifting a dumbbell that isn’t pink or red? The answer to the first question lies in a complex paradox of social and cultural influences. In answer to the second question, many women believe lifting weights will make them explode with bulging muscles. Another reason is women believe they cannot lift anything heavier than their makeup case. These are unfortunate idiosyncratic fallacies amongst women. Generally speaking, women fear muscles. A sociological and cultural discourse on women and self-perception would entail much more time and space than allowed here. However, several recent books and articles address those issues and will thoroughly engage those interested in pursuing them. Nonetheless, I will address physical issues of why women should embrace developing muscle.

Women who fear resembling the Hulk should immediately put that anxiety to rest. It just won’t happen. For a simple reason: hormones. Women are from the planet Estrogen; men are from Testosterone. Although both genders produce both hormones, the relative ratios are significantly different. Men normally produce higher levels (approximately 10 times that of women) of testosterone and lower levels of estrogen. Women produce the opposite. The professional female bodybuilders that, until recently graced the pages of muscle magazines gained their extreme muscle mass with the aid of supplemental anabolic/androgenic steroids. Federally classified as Schedule II drugs their usage carries legal ramifications as well as potential physiological side effects.

Although both testosterone and estrogen are anabolic (promoting the process where smaller units build bigger units in the body), testosterone is primarily responsible for increases in muscle tissue hypertrophy. Granted, some women have higher levels of androgens than normal and therefore have a propensity to increase muscle mass beyond the average woman. This attribute is genetically determined, and many of these women are competitive athletes. But a woman does not have to be an athlete to increase muscle mass. Any woman can increase strength and gain muscle.


Let’s talk about why women should partake in resistance training.

Life and weight loss: In our society, women are obsessed with weight control. Unfortunately, that obsession normally centers on the bathroom scale and does not consider changes in body composition (ratio of body fat to lean body mass). Most fad diets result in a loss of muscle tissue as well as body fat. A person can lose half of their body fat and remain alive; but if you lose half of your muscle mass, you will most likely die. Because muscle is denser than body fat, a person who is weight training may show slower changes on the scale but faster changes in body composition.

Muscles burn fuel: Muscle burns more calories than body fat. Muscle cells have organelles called mitochondria, often referred to by physiologists as a cell’s ‘power plant’. They provide the energy for nearly all of the metabolic processes that take place within the cell. Muscle cells are very busy and the mitochondria constantly transform chemical energy into mechanical energy. Reactions within the mitochondria break the bonds of fuel molecules and release energy for cells to use. During endurance exercise most of the energy for muscle activity is provided by mitochondria. This is used as the primary argument for the performance of copious amounts of endurance exercise. While it is true that calories are burned during endurance exercise, only resistance training can increase muscle mass. More muscle = more mitochondria = more fuel burned.

Weight training can increase basal metabolic rate: Basal metabolic rate refers to the number of calories used by the body at rest, and makes up 60-75% of the body’s total energy expenditure. While aerobic exercise burns calories during activity (and a small amount afterwards), it has minimal effect on basal metabolic rate. Additionally, extensive periods of aerobic activity can decrease basal metabolic rate by causing muscle loss. In contrast, a proper resistance-training program can increase muscle mass, and hence the metabolic rate. For general overall health and weight control, weight training is a necessary component of a woman’s exercise program.

Muscle inactivity leads to muscle weakness and wasting: Muscle fibers must be physically active if they are to remain in good health. Otherwise, they will degenerate and lose mass. We have all seen (or known) older individuals who lacked the strength to walk without aid, or get out of a chair under their own power. This represents an extreme of muscle and strength loss. Less muscle mass also means the body burns less fuel. Most importantly, less muscle mass means a decline in strength. Consequently, sedentary people have an increased need to incorporate exercise into their weekly activities to maintain muscle mass, strength and aid in weight control.

Connective tissue and joints: Resistance training also stresses and strengthens connective tissue. This is the tissue that binds bones together and attaches muscles to the skeleton. Sensible training with weights will increase the cell activity of connective tissue in the muscle and those which attach the muscles to the bones. Mechanical compression of the joints stimulates healthy metabolism of cartilage within the joints. Inactive joints have decreased macromolecule turnover in the tissue and may be more susceptible to osteoarthritis and injury.

Helps prevent osteoporosis: Muscle wasting in the elderly contributes greatly to osteoporosis, a major debilitating disease in women after they reach menopause. Women have less muscle mass than men and also have less bone density. Both men and women undergo hormonal and metabolic changes as they age. Muscles start to deteriorate, fat accumulates more readily, and bones begin to lose their density. This process can be slowed, especially with forethought. Load bearing activities enhance bone mass. Studies have shown that women who are active throughout their lives have greater bone density and retard bone loss in later years. Recent research has demonstrated that weight training can reduce, and possibly reverse, bone loss in pre- and postmenopausal women. However, women should start and maintain some type of weight training activity as early as their twenty’s for optimum prevention of osteoporosis. Regardless, it is never too late to start, no matter what age.

Muscles and mass give women power over their own lives: When was the last time you refused with a smile the bag boy’s offer to take out your groceries? When was the last time you changed the tire on your car by yourself? How soon did you huff and puff the last time you climbed those three flights of stairs? How young will you be when you are forced to enter a nursing home because your wasted muscle mass can no longer support your frail bones? Muscles are required in order for women to take charge of their own physical life. They are necessary to provide for a woman’s welfare and ability to fend for herself. As well, muscle mass contributes to weight control, especially in later life. Moreover, it makes women feel good about themselves.


By now you may have noticed that I use the two terms ‘weight training’ and ‘resistance training’ interchangeably. In the context of this article, ‘resistance training’ is more applicable: to build muscle mass by increasing the resistance the muscle must move. Exercise physiologists call this ‘progressive overload.’ Muscles are amazing pieces of metabolic machinery. They adapt quickly. If you can curl a 10-pound dumbbell with 12 controlled repetitions (reps), it is time to increase the weight: not ‘tone’.

Toning is not resistance training. Nor will it build muscle mass. Use the word ‘toning’ in a gym and watch the hardcore weightlifters cringe and sneer. The term ‘toning’ is erroneously applied to doing countless reps with small amounts of weight that don’t incrementally challenge the muscle. That muscle adapts quickly to moving a weight for a given number of reps and is no longer stimulated. The weight must be progressively increased in small increments for muscles to grow.

For generations women have been perceived as being the weaker sex. Not true. Strength and speed are not a monopoly of the male gender. Women and men have the same capability to develop strength and speed. Relative to fat free body mass, women have nearly the same strength as men. If one were to take the same muscle unit from a woman and a man and put it in an identical artificial environment with the same growth media and the same stimulation, the muscles would grow at the same rate. However, in the body’s environment, the hormonal and metabolic environment varies between men and women. Women have smaller muscle fibers and ordinarily have less muscle mass. Nevertheless, women are gaining in rate of competitive performance on a par with men in both speed and strength. Women are realizing they can perform daily activities that require strength that they previously thought they could not do. Physical strength will increase a woman’s independence in everyday life.

A sensible program of combining resistance and aerobic exercise will increase strength and stamina. Resistance training will stimulate the muscles to remain strong and robust. A moderate amount of aerobic activity will contribute to greater endurance and overall increases in efficient body metabolism.

Sadly, women generally don’t realize how strong they are or how strong they can be. Many women don’t know their own power and feel safe within their imposed boundaries. They are afraid to exert themselves. It is time to break that mold. Use as much weight as you can and move that weight with intensity. Challenge yourself. Set goals and work hard to achieve them. Be strong and feel strong. When you can curl that 10-pound dumbbell for 12 reps, grab the next heavier dumbbell and do it again. Go for that extra rep. Embrace the feeling of contracting muscle. Push yourself and rejoice in your accomplishments.


"Women need muscle, as much as they can muster. They need muscle to shield their light bones, and they need muscle to weather illness… And being strong in a blunt way, a muscleheaded way, is easier than being skilled at a sport. It is a democratic option, open to the klutzes and the latecomers, and women should seize the chance to become cheaply, fowzily strong, because the chance exists, and let’s be honest, we don’t have many. Being strong won’t make you happy or fulfilled, but it’s better to be sullen and strong than sullen and weak."

Good Afternoon all:)

Marcy- I thought of doing SB on 8". Is it really hard?!!! Good for you for doing it!! Its fun on 6" but last time I did it I was wondering if I could do 8". I only bump up the step on CTX to 8", everything else, I follow Cathe.

Gin- enjoy your yoga. I'm sure you see the article above. Hope it answered some of your questions.

Tracee- we'll take you when we can get you!;-) Hope your not to busy this week! Good for you for sticking with the workouts when you can! And it is good you increased, next time you'll be able to do more. I think the "thought" is: its better to do less reps heavy than more reps light for building muscle.

Hi again,

Deanie - Thanks for the article. Step Blast isn't really hard on 8" but your heart rate definitely stays up there. My average heart rate was 82% and by the end of the combos and blasts was between 89-96%.

Tracee - I agree with Deanie. Any increase is good and for building muscle, less reps heavier weight is best. Keep working with that weight until desired number of reps and when last 2 reps get easy, go up in weight.

Deanie--Thanks for posting the very informative article. I think I need to go buy some 15#ers now!!:D
Okay....I guess I have not ever used the Mix & Match feature on the dvds and I tried to this morning and it did not work. What could I be doing wrong or could it be my player?? I also do not have the PS Series. Could I sub something else during our next rotation??

Off to yoga.
Okay, I'm sure I missed you all but...I'd never remember tomorrow:)

Gin- I think you can sub S&H for PS, but again you'd need the mix and match feature. You need to go to the screen with: intro to workout, chapters, mix and match and credits (forget what else it says) scroll to mix and match and press play, then the list of all the excersises come up and you scroll to what you want and press play. It should play that one excersise and then take you back to the mix and match screen. HSTA may also work, maybe BM2 or DM, with mix and match. What dvds do you have?

Marcy- My DH picked up 2 dvds from the convention he went to. The Firm Ultimate fat Burning, and Gaiam's Dancer's Body. Have you ever heard of or done either? The Dancers Body one looks good and I may do it during the "rest" week before the X. I'm not sure about the Firm. I had their original 6 and a few other ones and they were great, but once Anna Benson left I did too.

Deanie--I'm sure I have missed you, but I have more time to post tonight and then you can look at this tomorrow.
My S&H is unfortunately on VHS tapes from FitTV.
The dvds I have :pP/SS, PH,MM, MIS, GS Series, B&G, RS, CK/CM, KM, MIC, HSC, BM, BM2, LIC, DM, LM, IMAX,Ab Hits, Timesaver and Hardcore Extreme.
Taped from FitTV I have: ME,Core Max, S&H Series, PUB, PLB, L&G, SB, KPC, C&W SJP, BC, IMAX2 and Stretch Max.
That is what I was doing with the Mix&Match. I didn't realize that you wuold go back and forth to the mix & match screen. Thanks.
I was a Firm Believer for a long time before I found Cathe. I had and still have several Firm tapes (don't do them anymore though). Let us know what you think about your new dvds. That was very thoughtful of your DH!! :)


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