Deanie's Rotation Check-In 5/4


Good Morning!

Today I did B.Baptiste's The Next Challenge Level 2 Yoga. 70 min. of yoga is a little too long for me!:eek:

Deanie--I am also curious about a pre-sale. Did Cathe say that filming would begin at the end of June for the first set of dvds?
Are you working today?

Marcy--I did buy HSTA and not HSC. I already have that one. Can't seem to keep all of the names straight.:p

Tracee--I saw where you made a bid on the Core Synergistics on ebay. I didn't want to bid against you or Deanie. So I'll make a bid on another one. My ebay name is runnerneedlepoint. (My 2 big hobbies at the time.):D

Have a great day all!
Good Morning :)

Today I waited till the kids were on the bus to workout. Then I couldn't decide if I wanted to do yoga or core max 2 segments. I like it when every thing is written out in black and white and I don't have to make decisions:) I ended up doing 20 min. pilates and segment 2 of coremax. It turned out to be a good workout.

I am bidding on core synergistics too on ebay:) Boy Marcy you are missing your calling! You should be in sales:) My ebay name is deanie4565 (I'm so creative-me and my birthday-LOL) I have a day and 4 hours(?)I really hope I get it!!

Gin- I think Cathe said she would be filming the first series of workouts at the end of June and its already the first week of May and no presale. I got an Amex gift card for my bday and I'm saving it to buy Cathes new workouts, but I'm itching to spend it!!

Tracee- good luck on your bid with c. synergisics! what is your name on ebay so we don't bid against each other?

Marcy- Hope you had a good workout today. Yoga?

Have a good day all and I'll be back later!
I am off today and I am going shopping!!! I have a lot of pants for spring and no tops so I'm off to look for tops!

I was wrong- I have 11 hours and 4 minutes! Exciting! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!
Good morning.

Deanie - I saw your name on ebay so I chose a different C. Syn. to bid on. My name over there is Tracee220. The number has no significance to me it was just what they suggested.

Today I couldn't decide what I wanted to do either. I like it written in stone too, Deanie. Since I still haven't received my Baptiste dvd in the mail I found a yoga routine on On Demand. It was the same guy I made fun of the last time but he was better this time. His name is Mark Blanchard. Anyway, it had a lot of ab work in it and it was tough. It was supposed to be 50 mins but after 30 mins it turned into more of a meditation thing so I stopped.

I'm also anxious to here about the presale. I keep checking the front page for news but nothing. I love getting the deal on the presale.

Good luck Deanie with your e-bay bid and good luck Gin on the one you are going to bid on. What are we going to do with Marcy making us spend money like this? Ha!

Marcy - hope you have a good workout today.

I only have to work until noon and then I'm running errands and shopping.
Hi Girls!

I'm very impressed with all your bidding! Good luck to all of you! I hope I'm not sending you all to the poorhouse! I'm off today and was a little lazy getting up this morning. Stayed in bed an extra 2 hours. I have to get started cleaning and doing laundry now.:-(

Today was my 2nd round of Core Syn this week. It felt better today. The banana/superman and bow to boats weren't quite as hard and I didn't have to use my hands to push off (well, maybe a few at the end!) I'm up to 8 prison cell pushups. These are really testing my endurance. My heart rate really got up there on these. Went up to 8# on the lunge/kickback/curl/press. Towel hops were also tough, kind of did more hopping from side to side than jumping but did them at a fast pace. Side hip raises were a little better - got my hips up more off the ground. The killer for me is still that plank to chaturanga run. It's hard to imagine this getting better for me. I guess I'll have to wait till next month to find out! I really like this workout but actually won't mind waiting another month to do it.

Gin: I also love needlepoint. I've made stockings for my husband and kids and have it all around my house. I've laid off for a couple of years. I have a huge box downstairs with a whole bunch of projects. I guess I stopped doing it when I got the fitness bug. I sure have plenty to keep my busy in retirement!

Tracee - I was actually trying to get Mark Blanchard off ebay but the price got too high. I've heard he does the toughest yoga workouts. I was looking to get his Progressive Power Yoga Trilogy.

Deanie: I didn't think Next Challenge was that long. I thought it was only 60 minutes. Other than the length, did you like it?

Hi Again!
Deanie--I thought your e-bay name was your birthday. My class has given me Visa Gift cards before at the end of the year or for it!!

Tracee--Enjoy your aft. off!

Marcy--Stop talking about workouts that you like!!;-) :eek: I have needlepoint all over the house. I must have an additive personality. When I find something that I enjoy, I go nuts with it! All healthy addictions, though. About 15 years ago, I started doing a Christmas ornament each year for my boys and my DH and then when my nephews were born, I started making some for them. I would choose one pertaining to what they were interests were that year. Then when they have homes of their own, they can decorate their own trees. Did you mean to ask ME about BB's Next Challenge Yoga? I have had it a long time and have done it too many times...tired of it.

Marcy- Okay, I think I am going to be out bid for core sinergistics. I was thinking of just doing the "buy it now" and paying 19.99 and 4.99 shipping. I looked at the dvd and the seller says if I buy another P90X dvd I get free shipping with it. So my question is... If I lose the bid tonight, and I go with the buy it now, which other dvd is the best for me to get? The seller doesn't have chest and back which would have been my first choice.

I think I am going to post in Open Forum and ask just in case you are off the boards this weekend.


Hi Deanie. I noticed that you are still the high bidder on the core synergistics. I hope you get it. Mine still has a day or two to go. I did receive my BB dvd today though so I'll be trying that out tomorrow.

Have a good weekend.

Hi Deanie,

I probably missed you but hopefully you'll see this tomorrow.

I would try for Plyo X. Maybe not as intense as Cathe's IMAXes but different in that it's a hi/lo workout without step. Some parts still are challenging for me and it's different enough from Cathe to make a difference. You might want to try Chest, Shoulders & Triceps or Back & Biceps. It might make it easier than having to switch through all your DVDs. I don't know if you want to bother with Yoga X. It's 90 minutes and has a lot of sun salutation vinyasas with lots of warrior poses. You might want to stick with what you have for yoga. Legs & Back is also good. It's non-weighted work so it's probably different than what you're used to. The wall squats are killers! Tony holds them longer than Cathe. All of the back workouts have pullups and chinups in them. Chest & Back is just pushups and pullups.

I know I missed you all, but not sure if I'll be on tomorrow(hope to....) anyway....

I won!!!! Very exciting!!! I got it for 12.50 and 3.99 shipping. I am very excited (as if you can't tell:)) Now I've got to hold on till Cathes presale and not buy any more dvds!!

Marcy- Thanks for your above post and pm!!! I really thought I was not going to win. I guess I should have thought positive thoughts!!

I hope all goes well for you Tracee!!! And Gin if you bid, good luck!

Deanie:7 :7 :7

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