Hi girls!
Got up with my alarm so I could do Yoga X, but went back to bed for what I thought was 5 minutes which turned out to be 40. Needless to say, I didn't do Yoga X but subbed Baron Baptiste's Ultimate Challenge. I actually found his Next Challenge more challenging. There weren't as many balance poses (which I like) but it did flow very quickly. I guess hardest for me was boat pose and then what Cathe calls "levitation holds" in Core Max 1. These are always difficult for me. It didn't have near as many warrior poses as Yoga X which was fine with me although I'm feeling better with Warrior and am able to go a lot deeper now.
In case you're interested, here was the breakdown:
Vinyasa with sun salutation into chaturanga, downward dog
Same as above starting in fierce pose (knees bent pressing together)
Big Toe/Gorilla Pose (hamstring stretch)
Extended Triangle Pose
Twisting Triangle Pose
Side Angle Pose
Spread Foot Poses A, B, C (hands behind back), D (holding big toes)
Side Stretch Pose (with hands behind back in prayer position)
Extended hand to Big Toe pose (front and side - balancing pose)
Intense Stretch Pose (knee down resting on thigh lifting opposite hand up in the air)
Fierce Pose
Warriors 1 and 2
Staff Pose
Forward Bend Pose
Intense Backward Stretch Pose
Single Leg Forward Bending Pose
Seated Spinal Spinning Pose
Boat Pose with Levitation Hold
Lying down big toe pose (front and side) (love this one)
Bridge, wheel, shoulder, plow, press the ear, fish, extended leg pose in fish pose
I'm holding backbends longer now and held lotus for about a minute.
Deanie: Is the Primary Series an advanced workout? Hope you have a great day at work.
Tracee: I think it's good your DS is having the surgery even though he's not looking forward to it. I think it will be better in the long run. Hope you get to workout later.
Gin: L&G is one of my favorite leg workouts. I like the variety of exercises and the music. I do think B&G is a little tougher though. Eat what you want and don't pay attention to what everyone says. If they can feel comfortable with what they're eating, you should too. My calves usually cramp up on all the calf raises. Also, I don't have a high step so I do them on 6" instead of the 4" Cathe uses. I've never counted the reps but my calves are always on fire with her calf raises and I usually have to stop early. I'll be doing them tomorrow in Legs & Back. In one exercise, Tony does them 75 times (3 directions, 15 slow, 10 fast).
Have a great day. BBL.