Deanies Rotation Check in 4/19


Good Morning All

Today was David Swenson Primary series yoga. It was 90 min. but I woke up a little late, so I ff thru the parts I couldn't do even when I was doing yoga on a daily basis :) so I ended up doing an hour and 10 min. practice. Not bad!:)

Hope you all had a great workout! Have a great day!

Off to a long day at school 8:15-2 whew!
Good Morning!

Today was L&G. This was the first time I had done the entire thing since I just bought it. The only thing missing from the fitTV version was the warm up and drop squats on the high step. I didn't have the ouch factor as with B&G Leg Blast from last week with all of those lunges! But I don't like the outer thigh and glute sweeps. They make my calf cramp up. Anyone else have that problem?

Deanie--Hope you enjoy your day of teaching. 3 year olds?

Tracee--Is it a yoga day for you also? How is you son?

Marcy--Enjoy your workout.

I have a dinner to go to tonight and tomorrow night. I know tomorrow is barbeque. Not sure about tonight. I hate it when people comment on what I choose not to eat. I just don't want to be forced to eat high fat food when I don't want to!!

Hve a great day !
Good morning girls! Today was supposed to be yoga for me but I stayed up too late watching tv and couldn't drag myself out of bed. I may get a chance to fit it in tonight but it's doubtful. I was going to try this 50 minute yoga program on my On Demand too. I previewed some of it last night and it looked okay. Some parts made me laugh though because they were doing it outside on this red rocky/sandy ground and when the people would switch poses they would occassionaly have to brush their hands off. Ha!

The doctor didn't even hesitate to recommend removing my son's tonsils. He looked in his mouth and when I told him he had 5 bouts with strep this winter he said that is too much. So we're going to schedule it for after the school year because I don't want him to miss any more days of school. My son is a little freaked out about it but it sounds like it's a pretty easy surgery these days.

Have fun at your dinners, Gin. Just ignore the comments and enjoy yourself, even though it is frustrating. Why can't people just keep those types of comments to themselves?

Gotta run, BBL.

Hi girls!

Got up with my alarm so I could do Yoga X, but went back to bed for what I thought was 5 minutes which turned out to be 40. Needless to say, I didn't do Yoga X but subbed Baron Baptiste's Ultimate Challenge. I actually found his Next Challenge more challenging. There weren't as many balance poses (which I like) but it did flow very quickly. I guess hardest for me was boat pose and then what Cathe calls "levitation holds" in Core Max 1. These are always difficult for me. It didn't have near as many warrior poses as Yoga X which was fine with me although I'm feeling better with Warrior and am able to go a lot deeper now.

In case you're interested, here was the breakdown:

Vinyasa with sun salutation into chaturanga, downward dog
Same as above starting in fierce pose (knees bent pressing together)
Big Toe/Gorilla Pose (hamstring stretch)
Extended Triangle Pose
Twisting Triangle Pose
Side Angle Pose
Spread Foot Poses A, B, C (hands behind back), D (holding big toes)
Side Stretch Pose (with hands behind back in prayer position)
Extended hand to Big Toe pose (front and side - balancing pose)
Intense Stretch Pose (knee down resting on thigh lifting opposite hand up in the air)
Fierce Pose
Warriors 1 and 2
Staff Pose
Forward Bend Pose
Intense Backward Stretch Pose
Single Leg Forward Bending Pose
Seated Spinal Spinning Pose
Boat Pose with Levitation Hold
Lying down big toe pose (front and side) (love this one)
Bridge, wheel, shoulder, plow, press the ear, fish, extended leg pose in fish pose

I'm holding backbends longer now and held lotus for about a minute.

Deanie: Is the Primary Series an advanced workout? Hope you have a great day at work.

Tracee: I think it's good your DS is having the surgery even though he's not looking forward to it. I think it will be better in the long run. Hope you get to workout later.

Gin: L&G is one of my favorite leg workouts. I like the variety of exercises and the music. I do think B&G is a little tougher though. Eat what you want and don't pay attention to what everyone says. If they can feel comfortable with what they're eating, you should too. My calves usually cramp up on all the calf raises. Also, I don't have a high step so I do them on 6" instead of the 4" Cathe uses. I've never counted the reps but my calves are always on fire with her calf raises and I usually have to stop early. I'll be doing them tomorrow in Legs & Back. In one exercise, Tony does them 75 times (3 directions, 15 slow, 10 fast).

Have a great day. BBL.

Hi Again!
I had trouble getting out of bed this morning also. Waited until the last possible minute. But L&G is only 51 min.

Tracee--Hopefully your son will find some relief after he has his tonsils out. I know you will be glad to have that behind you.

Marcy--Thanks for posting BB's yoga Ultimate Challenge routine. I would like to get that one. It seems there are always several on ebay and with low prices as compared to Cathe. I just bought Kristen McGee's Power Yoga at Half Price Books for 6.98. Hope it's a good one. I think my problem is from years of running my calves are stronger than my hamstrings and they tend to take over. That's my theory anyway!

Deanie--Hope you had a good day at school!

Good Afternoon

Gin- I'm with Marcy- My calves usually cramp up in the calf raises. I like L&G- haven't done it in a while. I taught the 4's today. There are 2 4 year old classes and I like this one a little better- the kids are happier/easy going. I am still waiting for the director to let me know if I am working perminately yet- every one is. She has not let on what is going to be going on next year. There are 3 teachers leaving so there may be some teacher switching going on. I'm there tomorrow same times, its a long day!!You were smart to cut your hours. Yes!!! I hate when people say-"your so good!" if they see what I'm eating. Its annoying and in a way condesending. Then I always feel I have to make an excuse about it, saying "its just what I like" or "well...." or "trying to be healthy" I don't know why I need to justify it. My favorite is when someone heavy says to me "no wonder your so thin, you eat so good" and their plate is piled to the max!!(its my and my DH's pet peeve)

Tracee- Hopefully the tonsilectomy will help out your son. He must be so tired of getting strep! Sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual procedure. Were you up watching Lost? We taped it, I hope to watch tonight after the office.

Marcy- The beginging of the yoga you did was similar to the Primary series. I don't think its advanced- maybe a high level of intermediate. You do sun salutation A 5 times and then B 5 times as a warm up then the standing poses like yours above. Then only 2 balancing poses - tree - where your right foot is placed on your left leg at the hip and the right arm goes around your back and hold the foot and your left arm reaches up and then out in front and down by your left foot and you hold that for 5 breaths. Then you do it again with the left foot. And the pose where you stand on one leg and hold the other out in front of you then move your leg to the side and your head to the opp. side then bring your leg back in front, hold with 2 hands and bring toward your head then just hold your leg out in front of you. Then seated poses (about 30 min.), doing a vinyasa inbetween each side, back bends, and the shoulder stand,plow,knee to ear and fish poses. Headstand, lotus and levitation holds and corpse. There were a few seated poses I could nnot do (i.e.- sitting with hands in front on mat and legs behind head) crane pose (which I can do- but then he extends it) to wrapping legs behind neck!!! and turtle pose he also extends and I can't do it. He does do a teaser(pilates term) like pose 3 different ways: legs together holding toes, legs together holding outsidee of feet and legs in a V. and he does a boat pose (more like a seated V) 5 times and inbetween he does a headstand (I do levitation pose, which is the modification) anyway, now I'm rambling, but I love the practice, I just never have the time. 90 min. is to long for me.

Gin - Isn't it nice that Cathe has some shorter workouts? It's great you can still get the whole thing done.

Deanie - Yes, Ultimate Challenge definitely sounds a lot like Primary Series. I have trouble with crane too, can only hold it for a few seconds - Bryan Kest does it in Sweat and Tony does it in Yoga X. 90 minutes is a little too long. You should really consider Baron's Next Challenge. It's real cheap on ebay and a good 60 minute practice. Like I said, I found this one actually a little tougher than today's but that one's only supposed to be Level 2. Keep rambling. I like to hear what other practices are like.

What is turtle pose? I don't think I've done that before.

I think I can get it at Target. Its Next Challenge that you described above?

turtle pose is in sitting position, and legs in a V and chest on mat and arms under legs and around to hold your outside of your feet. I can't get my chest down far enough to hold the pose comfortably.

Yes, it's Baron Baptiste's Next Challenge, Level Two. I've done Turtle before. I like that one.


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