Deanies Rotation Check in 3/8


Good Morning Girls:)

Today was GS BSB for me. I surprised myself and was able to stay the same or up my weights. After Tues. workout when I had to drop some weights I was mentally prepared not to lift the same as I had written down in my journal. So what a nice surprise for me:) I also woke up at 5:30 and was wide awake! So I started my workout early, and was able to shower without rushing today!- nice!

DB row...3 sets...20#
1 arm DB row....2 sets...25#
BB pullover....2 sets...25#
overhead press...3 sets....15# (up from the last set at 12#):)
lateral raise....2 sets...10#
rear DB flye....1 set...8#, 1 set...7# (usually go to 5#)
BB curl....2 sets...30#
DB partial curl...10#
concentration curl...1st set...12# 2nd set....15# (usually do both sets at 12#)
curl turn down...12#
hammer curl.....12#
wrist curl...both sets....12#

I was happy with my weights, but I also REALLY felt the band work!!!!

Gin- I'm glad your leg is healing!! Congrats on the new carpet. Will you still be checking in with us on your spring break? Hope so :)

Tracee/Jennifer- have a good workout. Whats on the schedule for today?

Marcy- How did you do today? I think we both were doing the GS BSB. Thanks for all the help with the faux rotation. My DH is picking up discs to burn today! I may look into a chin up bar, but I'm not sure where I would put it...

Have a good day all!

Good Morning!
I forgot to set my alarm and woke up at 6:15. Today is yoga, but Bryan Kest didn't come in the mail yesterday so maybe I'll have it this aft. to do. You guys have made me curious!! Tonight is also swim.

Deanie-- Sounds as if you had a good workout and good morning. I will not have access to a computer next week (Tues-Fri).

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning!

Today was GS Legs and LIC abs. I really enjoyed the floorwork, those band and ball exercises just push me to the limit.

I had a hard time waking up this morning because I stayed up late to watch Lost, one of my favorite shows. :) I wish they wouldn't have changed it to 10:00.

I don't have much to say today so I'll end now and check back in later.

Good morning!

I apologize. This is going to be a long post. Today was GS BS&B. I'm starting to have a problem because I'm running out of weights (I guess that's a good thing but it's frustrating trying to figure out what weights to put on.) Today was pretty good but fell apart with biceps:

Dbl row reverse grip - This is where I had the problem. I had 23.5 pounds in one hand and 25.5 in the other. Did this for first set, switched weights for the 2nd set. For 3rd set, did 6 reps then switched weights again for next 6 reps so I would be equal on both sides.
Dbbl 1 arm row - 25.5# both sets
Bbl pullover - 36 pounds both sets
Dbbl overhead press - 1st set 15#/10 reps, 2nd set 15#/8 reps, 3rd set 15#/7 reps
Dbbl lat raise - 13.5 pounds both sets
Dbbl Rear Fly - 12 pounds both sets
Barbell curls - 32# 1st set - 7 reps, 2nd set - 6 reps
Dbbl partial curls - 10 pounds first half, 8 pounds, 2nd half
Dbbl concentration curls - 1st set - 13.5 pounds/6 reps/12 pounds 2 reps/10 pounds 2 reps. My right arm totally fell apart on me. It felt like it turned to mush and I lost my muscle. It was the wierdest feeling.
Curl up/wrist down - 12#/10 reps
Hammer curls - 10# only 7 reps, but did bonus reps
Dbbl wrist curls - 10# both sets

Tracee - Good work on GS Legs and LIC Abs. I'm still feeling it from yesterday.

Gin - Hope you get your Bryan Kest tapes today.

Jennifer - Have fun with KPC.

Deanie - I watched Legs & Back last night. Here's the leg portion:

Balance lunge - balance one foot on chair, go down and up for 25 reps each side.

Calf Raise squats - you can use weights or not. Squat down, come up, go up on toes, come down - I don't remember how many reps. I'll get back to you on that.

Super Skaters - Place all weight on one leg and slide other leg behind body in skater motion with toe touch for balance. For more intensity: think go back in arabesque and on the way up lift your knee. 25 reps each side.

Wall squats - for 90 seconds, hold squat just above 90 degrees and then just below 90 degrees alternating every 15 seconds.

Step back lunges - 15 reps. Step back, hold for a second, come back up. You can use weights if you want. You can also do a bicep curl or overhead press on the way up.

Alternating side lunges - 24 reps, holding weights. Lunge to side, come up. Repeat on other side.
Single Leg Wall Squats - squat and put one leg out at 90 degrees, hold for 10 seconds and change legs. Do this for 60 seconds.

Deadlift squats - no weights. Lift right leg off floor, with bent left leg touch floor with hands 20 times without putting back leg down - you can also add a knee raise on the way up.

3 way lunge with kick - lunge in 3 different directions - to the side, at a 45 degree angle and to the front. After each lunge, raise/kick lunging (front) leg in either a straight on ball kick. Do in 3 sequences of 5 per leg.

Sneaky lunge - 20 reps each side. R leg lunge onto toes, keep heels up. While in lunge, bring lower rib cage to upper thighs so that upper body is lined up with back leg, extend arms upward, creating a straight line with body and straight leg and then reach back. Once exercise begins, heels never touch floor. To modify, keep arms behind and in line with straight leg.

Chair salutations - (2 reps) with weight on heels and arms at sides, inhale arms up to ceiling, exhale and bend at waist with straight legs and swan dive to floor. When fingers make contact with floor, bend knees into deep squat position and raise hands over head as high as possible and hold for 30 seconds.

Toe Roll Iso Lunge (20 reps each side) - exaggerate lunge position, push off ball of foot rolling onto toe of straight back leg.

Groucho walk - wide squat (think duck walk), walk forward for 4, back for 4. Do this for 45 seconds.

Calf raises - 15 slow, 10 fast (2 sets) (do 1st set in first position and 2nd set with feet parallel).

80/20 Cyber-speed squat (30 reps per leg) (airborne or not) 80% of bodyweight on heel of one leg and 20% of bodyweight on tiptoe of the other foot. Squat at high speed, to intensify, go airborne.


Okay, guys. That's it for now. BBL and have a good day.

Hi again :)

Tracee- I hear you about Lost! We tape it and watch it after the office on Thursdays. (except tonight because I'm going out) Was it a good episode? The last 2 have not been so good.

Jennifer- Love KPC!! Hope you have fun.

Gin- I hope you get your Bryan today :)

Marcy- Great job with the weights! No wonder you were wiped out by the time you got to biceps!! P90X should be a great challenge for you. And, WOW! Thanks so much for writing that all up! It looks like a really good leg workout. And no weights!! I am copying it all, but without seeing the video, some are hard to figure out.I think I need to see the instructor also to know how fast or slow to do the excersise. It seems alot of the leg work (and chest and back) is using no weights, or your own body weight. Is that right? I tried the deadlift squat- a lot of balance is needed!:)I'm looking over B&G leg blast premix, and if I do the 2 excercises on there that use weights, using 5#, it could be a good substitute.

Deanie - Yes, a lot of it is unweighted leg work but you can use weights if you want (refer back to my earlier post.)

Re the deadlift squat - maybe try like in Low Max where you squat side off step and pull knee in and lunge back and pull knee in to give you an idea. Jari Love also does the bent leg deadlifts so I was somewhat familar with it. A lot of her exercises use the core throughout the workout (maybe that's why she doesn't do much core work at the end.) I think the lunge/squat combos from B&G might work.

Re GS BS&B - It seems like Cathe does a lot more bicep work than back and shoulders. I wish she would do more back work. Even in the new workouts, it seems like there's lots of shoulder work but not enough back work. I HATE working biceps!

Hi Deanie. Yes, Lost was good one. I felt like it answered some questions but of course it makes you think of other ones. Ha! It is more about Sayid this week. We love the office too and tape that one and watch it several times. I have been feeling like it was better last season though.

I'll talk to you all tomorrow. It's almost quitting time.

Good Afternoon!
Mail still hasn't come so I have not done the Bryan Kest yoga and I am not feeling well anyway.:-( Hope I am not getting sick, but just feel completely worn out AND SORE from GS Legs. Sore glutes...ouch!!
I better rest up for GS BSB tomorrow.

Okay, I probably missed everyone,

Here is what I have for weeks 5-7 using the PS series:
Day 1 PS chest, shoulders and bi and abs
Decline pushups (3 sets)
Arnold press (2 sets)
Close grip press (3 sets)
Bench press (1 set light, 2 sets heavy)
Clean and press (2 sets)
Dumbbell French press
Flye (2 sets)
Standing side laterals
Cross body extensions
Incline chest press
Reverse flyes
Incline chest flyes
Seated laterals
Dips with barbell in lap
15 min ab work of choice
Day 2 Imax 1, 2, 3
Day 3 PS back and bi and abs
T bar rows (3 sets)
Bent over rows (3 sets)
Barbell curls (2 sets)
Seated dumbbell curls
Shrugs (2 sets)
One arm rows (3 sets)
Negative curls (2 sets)
Concentration curls (2 sets)
Coremax alternate 1, 2 and tough abs
Day 4 Yoga
Day 5 B&G leg blast premix- w/o heavy weights, L&G, LM blasts only & KM leg drills
Day 6 KPC or CK
Day 7 Off

for chest, shoulders, triceps I alternated with one exercise for each body part, i.e. chest, shoulder, tricep, then started again with chest. For back and bicep, there weren't 12 excercises each, but I put them in as 2 back, 2 bicep, 2 back, 2 bicep, etc. How does it look?

PS I tried those diamond push ups- they are HARD!! I definately felt it in my chest!

Deanie - Day 1 should only be chest shoulders, TRIS and abs but from the exercises it looks like that's what you have. The kickbacks are done with two arms. The seated laterals should be done seated straight up and leaning over so rib cage comes into contact with upper thigh.

For abs, this is a breakdown of Ab Ripper X (comes in at 16 mins.):

In & Out

Seated bicycle (50 reps)

Seated Crunchy frog (same position as in & out only hands should be off floor and wrapped around knees (without touching knees). When legs are extended out, arms should be stretched out at sides parallel to ground.

Crossed leg/wide leg sit-up (legs can be crossed or wide). Place one hand behind head and bring torse up for standard sit-up, reach out arm to opposite foot. alternate arm positions for each rep.

Fifer Scissor - lying flat on back, extend one leg skyward while lifting opposite leg off floor a few inches; alternate legs in scissor motion for 3-count hold for every rep. Keep both feet flexed throughout.

Hip Rock n Raise - lie on back, open hips and bend legs so bottoms of feet touch. With arms at sides, rock your hips, lift pelvis and drive feet directly up to ceiling (toes straight up, not over face). When lowering legs, don't let them touch the ground.

Pulse up (heels to heaven) - extend legs up with arms at sides. When raising hips, imaging touching ceiling with balls of feet. Be sure to lift legs up straight at 90 degrees and not at an angle towards head. Focus on maintaining straight legs.

Roll-up/V-up combo - lie flat on back with legs straight out and arms extended straight up towards ceiling; bring body up as like doing sit-up, touching hands to toes, slightly lower torso towards floor, while simultaneously bringing up legs off floor at 45 degrees. Bring torso back up and reach for toes while legs are in the air (imaging creating jacknife with body); lower entire body to starting position and repeat sequence.

Oblique V-up - lie on R side with legs at 30 degree angle and R arm straight along torse. Place L arm behind head and lift legs and torso simultaneously, driving elbow to knee. Keep legs and shoulders off ground once you begin. Switch sides and repeat.

Leg Climb - lie on back with 1 leg bent, foot flat on floor. Other leg should be extended straight out at 45 degree angle. Climb leg with alternating hands. Don't bend extended leg while climbing leg. Repeat on other leg.

Mason Twist - Seated, clasp hands together and raise feet 4-6 inches off mat. Twist upper torso from side to side, touching knuckles on each side of floor.

Gotta go. Have a good night everyone.


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