Deanies Rotation Check in 3/20


Good Morning everyone!

Today was GS C&T. I had a great workout, though washing my hair this morning was hard!LOL :) I can't believe I'm on the last week of the rotation! I really enjoyed this and it flew by. Next week I am tacking on PS series so I will end up with you all.

My DS got his baseball assignment yesterday and not 1 friend to car pool with is on his team. He and 2 friends have played together the last 3 seasons and they always honored carpool requests. He is really bummed about it, but still playing, which I am happy about.

GS chest and triceps
2sets of 16 pushups feet on bench
bench press- 3 sets- 25# (really surprised myself!!:), last time did 2 sets)
bench flyes- 1 set 20#, 2 sets 17# (last time did 2 sets 20#, but I increased with the press so....)
incline press- 1 set 25#, 1 set 20#
incline flye- 2 sets 17#
close grip press- 40# and bonus (last time only did 1/2 the bonus)
dips with 40# bb on lap
lying extension 10# both sets
over head press 1 set 25#, 1set 20# (hoping to do both at 25#, but could barely finish the first set:) )
cross body extension all sets 10#, but only 10 reps each set
kickbacks all sets 10#

I didn't increase with tri, except the close grip press and dips, but thats okay. It was great to finish and say to myself, whew don't have to do that workout agaiin for a while!!:) Happy happy happy to be doing coremax and stretch tomorrow!!

Gin- I'll let you know about the firm dvd. It looks better than the dance one. I'll prob. try them during the "rest" week. I think MM and/or MIS or BM/BM2 could work for you for the next rotation. I will try to look at them today or tomorrow. and get back to you

Have a great day all!!

Good Morning!
Today was S&H Tri's, Bi's & Abs. Swim class tonight.

Deanie--You are incredibly strong. I am so amazed at the amt. of weight you can lift!!:p ithought I was ding pretty well staying just close to what Cathe was doing on T&B!!
Sorry about your DS. Hopefully he will make some new friends! Does this mean more driving to practices for you?
Thanks for working on the rotation for me.

Marcy, Tracee and Jennifer (is she still with us?)--Have a great day and good workout!

Off to school.....
Good morning! Can you believe I am here in the morning? Things have slowed down this week at work so I should have more time to come on here.

Today was S&H Tri's and Bi's and abs for me. I increased on a few of the tricep exercises which made me happy because triceps always are hard for me. I also used 12#'s for all of the bicep curls and hammer curls. I noticed on the last set of hammer curls that Brenda was using 10#'s so I was happy to be using heavier than her. Especially after Cathe jokes with her about having a great reputation for her biceps. :D

Deanie - Thanks for posting that article yesterday, that was really informative and I loved reading it. It just reinforces what we are all doing here.

Sorry to hear that you don't have the same carpool buddies as last season. I know that we struggle with the same thing with my sons. My sons are into baseball too and I can't wait for it to be warm enough to start playing outdoors.

I hope everyone has a great day. I'll try to check back later.

Good morning all!

Today was Reach for me. I really love this workout. The only problem I had was balancing in arabesque lifting leg up and down. I feel like I'm getting much better with my plank work.

Deanie: Great work on C&T! It seems like you're better with chest and I'm better with tris. If we could only combine our talents, just think how strong we'd be! Thanks again for the article. I really enjoyed it. The only FIRM I have is Super Cardio Mix. I use it very rarely now but don't want to get rid of it. It's the programmable DVD. Not as intense as Cathe but still a good workout. I haven't heard of the two workouts you mentioned but I found a review in Video Fitness about the Firm DVD:

Ultimate Fat Burning is not quite the “ultimate” in cardio, but does deliver a solid intermediate workout.

The workout is led by Alison Davis. The set is sterile, with four background exercisers. The music is non-intrusive and forgettable. Alison cues pretty well, and I had no trouble following along. There’s no fancy footwork, no plyos, no step bench, and no heavy weights used.

The workout itself starts off kind of boring and repetitive, and through the first two-thirds I was thinking that I wouldn’t be doing this workout very often. But then we got to the kickboxing segment, and I started to have fun. I never felt like I was getting a particularly intense workout, but I was sweating and my heartrate was somewhat elevated. But as soon as I started to get into it, we were cooling down. Another fifteen minutes of cardio would have been great.

We cooled down with some interesting ab work, done standing, and some stretches that felt really good (but were too short). I don’t have any complaints with this workout, other than it should be longer. I didn’t care for the first couple of segments, but I think after doing it a couple more times I could warm up to it. It is not an advanced workout by any means. In fact, it would be difficult to “heavy up” to make it advanced. But still, if you want a short (40 minutes) cardio routine that uses light weights, this is the one for you.
Instructor comments: Straightforward, cues well, and very fit. I liked her.

Tracee - Great work on Tris & Bis. Doesn't it feel great when you go higher than Cathe or the crew? I have Tris & Bis tomorrow. I was supposed to do it today but felt I needed to give my upper body a bit more of a rest. After reading more about being ecto, the more rest between body parts the better.

Gin - You're still doing pretty well just staying close to Cathe. Have a good swim tonight.

Jennifer - If you're here, hope you're doing well.

BBL. Have a great day.

Good Afternoon :)

Gin- I looked at the mix&match menus, and with your dvds, I would use either MM or MIS. I think MIS is better, but the mix and match menu is on 2 different screens and will be alot of playing around with the remote. MM is not as good, but more straight forward. Let me know what you pick. For day 1 you need to alternate chest, shoulders and tri. and on day 3 back and bi, doing 2 excersises of back and then 2 excersises of bi, for a total of 4 times, or 16 total excersises. Good job with your weights. Anytime you increase is great. I hope my DS makes friends on the team too, he's not as social as my other son.

Tracee- happy to see you here this morning! It always surprises me that people wait till last min. with their taxes. We do ours in Feb, so we get the refund by March. Isn't it a great feeling to lift more than one of the "video" girls!? And yes, baseball for my DS is going to be hard with no one to carpool with. My other son only requested (we hope, haven't heard from a coach) one friend on the team. The diff. is, he wanted to meet new friends. I may find myself having to take both boys to their games at diff. fields, so someone will be late!

Marcy- thanks so much for the review!! It saved me from having to preview it tonight:) I am okay with it being intermediate, now I have some cardio to do on a rest week, or if Cathes rotation says to take a walk, I can do this instead. And new ab work is always a plus. My DH tried, so he gets points for that:)

Also, I have a ? about the next rotation. Do we pick the # of pushups we want to do and shoot for that? or do we just do 16 each time we do pushups (if we can- those diamond ones maybe 2:) )?

Hello again!

Deanie - From the manual: "When doing pushups, do as many reps as possible while maintaining good form throughout. Try to set a rep goal prior to starting your set. It is imperative to master the proper push-up form; you can avoid swayback, butt-rise and improper head position by flexing glute muscles, gently tightening abs, and keeping the head and neck aligned with the spine."

When using weights or bands for any exercise, you pick number of reps: 8-10 for muscle mass and 12-15 for longer, leaner muscles. I will be doing 8-10.

I haven't even tried the diamond pushups yet. I still haven't previewed all the DVDs yet. I really want to before I start and I also want to do the fit test to see how far I've come at the end.

Good Afternoon!
Am I really the only one on this thread that is interested in the Cathe Road Trip?? I wish you guys would consider it. You are all a lot closer than I am. It would be fun to get to meet each other. I have 2 friends that I thought might consider it and one already told me she couldn't. The other said she was interested, but she really doesn't do Cathe workouts!

Marcy--Did you watch Dancing with the Stars last night? Do you have a fav? I also have Super Cardio Mix and it is one of the better Firms, but haven't done it in ages.

Deanie--I think your DH gets lots of points for even thinking of bringing home workout dvds for you!! Thanks for suggesting MIS & MM. I will look at them when I am able and come up with a schedule.

Tracee--Glad work has slowed down a little for you. WTG on increasing #s on triceps!!


Gin - If I could, I'd go on the road trip for sure and I would've loved to room with you. Sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun. I know you're bummed about your friends not going but maybe you could ask on OD if there's anyone from your area going. It's great to make new friends and at least you'll have something in common. Yes, I watched DWTS last night. I really liked Joey Fatone, Laila Ali, Apolo Anton Ohno and Ian Ziering. John Ratzenberger wasn't bad. I didn't like the basketball star at all and Leeza Gibbons and Paulina Porizkova weren't as good as I thought they'd be. Heather Mills was actually pretty good -- a little tense but I guess that's to be expected if you're worried about your leg flying off. Billy Ray Cyrus was the worst. How about you? Did you watch and do you have favorites?

Deanie - I think it was my DH who bought me FIRM Cardio Mix. I think he had also gotten me NYC Ballet Workout 1.

Hi back again,

Marcy- thanks! I think I will try the first time to do 16 of every push up and see how that goes from there. I will do 8-10 reps with weights also. :) Can you tell I'm excited to start!!:+

Gin-I'd love to meet you all too! But I'm just not interested in the road trip. You should go if you can though, maybe your friend who doesn't do Cathe, will by the end of the road trip! I would like to buy the Cathe gear though!!}(

have a good evening,


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