Deadlifts in Power Circuit ?


I just did Power Circuit for the first time (Very fun and doable -- I was able to catch on to all of the choreography! :)) But I have a question about the deadlifts at the end. I was using a 20 # barbell which seemed to challenge me for everything else, but when I got to the deadlifts, I wasn't feeling much of anything. Should I be increasing my weight there or am I doing something wrong? I tried to follow Cathe's form and put the barbell closer to my legs as I went on, but I couldn't see Cathe from the side to see if that was what was wrong. But she kept talking about how we should really feel it and I wasn't. Please help. Thanks! -- Renee
well of course make sure your form is correct, back straight etc. I too find that I need a bit more weight for this exercise. I just toss on 2.5 weight plates onto my barbell for this. I dont even secure the weight with a clip or whatever, I just put them on. They stay in place fine and it makes for a quick change. Also if you havent already done this, on the Cathe home page she has a link that takes you to her form-pointers section and another section if my memory serves me correctly that gives a detailed step-by-step description of her exercises. Hope that helps!

:) Stacy
Yes, it does help -- thanks! (I didn't know about that part of the website -- I'll go check it out). -- Renee (One other ? I thought of after writing the last was in reguard to the plank work. My feet kept slipping, especially if I lifted one up -- I do my workouts on carpet -- should I use a sticky mat for plank work?)
Although I dont have one it seems logical that a sticky mat would work. My feet slip too but it's usually just about the time I cant do the plank work any longer, funny how that works. Have you tried doing the plank work with your toes up against the wall or maybe that's not possible with your set-up. Just a thought.

:) Stacy
RE: Feet slipping on plank work...

I also had this problem. Then I started taking off my shoes and socks for the plank work. It really works!! Of couse, you won't have as good support as you would with your shoes, but after a couple of times it didn't bother me. Just a suggestion.....:)!


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