David Kirsch Anyone?


Anyone had any experience with the David Kirsch wellness program diet? It's like a 2 week "eat protein and nothing processe"d kind of diet. He demands 45 min cardio daily plus weights 4 -5 times/week. He's been on GMA and in a couple magazines this month about his amazing results. His website is davidkirschwellness.com.

it's cheap to sign up for his program, and was toying with the idea. Would like to get a bit leaner.

just looking to see if anyone's tried it. Thanks.
yup i did his ultimate new york fitness plan. got great results...just eating clean and working your butt off for two weeks

felt foggy and weak the whole time
So was it worth it? How did you maintain it after the 2 week gruel? arghhhhh - it's so easy conceptually to eat clean and work our butts off, but then reality gets in the way!

But really interested in learning if the results lasted and how you maintained those results. Thanks!!
the plan was tough

totally weak cranky and foggy starving for 2 weeks....as the book says " the program yeilds magical results but takes magical will power." just keep saying to your self "I can do anything for 2 weeks"

the plan was pretty good. didnt lose much weight but dropped inches. when you come off you wont gain a ton over night, but you will need to readjust your diet and work out regime to maintain results. ssssssooo you'll need to eat cleaner and work out more.

but you will see a definate change.....i got "looks"

let me know if you end up doing it.
I tried and failed. Anything that doesn't allow fruit consumption is very hard for me. I kept listening to so many PMA tapes and nothing helped. I am sure Napoleon Hill must be very disappointed with me during this challenge!

But then, I convinced myself that any workout that doesn't preach a lifestyle is not for me. I follow diets that teach you how to eat right for the rest of your life.

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