Daughter has seafood allergy...


and we can't get into see an allergist until Oct. 30- I have alot of unanswered questions. I am wondering if anyone out there deals with this on a regular basis and what I should watch out for and if there helpful websites out there. thanks in advance-deb
Food Allergies

I am allergic to seafood, mushrooms, and MSG. I am sensitive to soy as well and can only tolerate it in moderation. There is no “cure” for food allergies. Your daughter will need to avoid the offending foods. It is possible that she is only allergic to certain types of seafood such as shellfish. An allergist can help you determine this. You need to read labels very carefully for food and vitamin supplements. Ask questions at restaurants. Fish products are often hidden in sauces and broths. If her allergy is severe, eating food that is fried in the same oil as fish can cause a reaction. Even touching the stuff or breathing the fumes in the air can be a problem. Super clean eating is her best defense. I avoid eating out and eating at other people’s homes as much as possible. One bite of a dish with mushrooms or MSG in it can cause me to swell up, gain 15 pounds overnight, have an asthma-like reaction, and itch all over for days. Here is a website with a lot of information on food allergies:


If her throat swells when she eats seafood, be sure to ask her doctor about an EpiPen for emergencies. It is a shot of adrenaline that can save her life in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

There is a difference between a food sensitivity and a true food allergy. A doctor can help you discern the difference.

I hope this helps.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Food Allergies

Thank you so much for your response Heather - the other night she just had a few bites of an imperial rice dish that had shrimp in it and an hour ot two later she felt really sick and was having a hard time breathing and her eyes were all swollen and she has asthma on top of this- she took a hit of her emergency inhaler which seemed to help. I will look at that website- she's going to Applebees tonite with a friend- I told her to talk to the waiter but I'm not certain she realizes how serious this is or am I overreacting. I also don't want to scare her needlessly--thanks again-deb
RE: Food Allergies

As Heather said, your daughter will just have to avoid seafood. It's not hard to do, many of us don't eat it. But there are some less obvious things to be careful of: like eating out in restaurants and not knowing if a broth or sauce is 'flavored' with a bit of seafood (especially in asian restaurants). Or some supplements (like most glucosamine) that are made from shellfish). I'm sure the allergist has a list that s/he will provide you with.
RE: Food Allergies

At the age 2, we found out that my youngest son was allergic to peanut butter/related products and seafood. We first visited with the pediatrician who referred us to the allergist. The allergist did not do an "official test" because he was so young and felt that obviously he was allergic due to the reaction that my child had to exposure to these items. You just have to remind people constantly of the allergies. I don't recall seeing how old your child is. My allergic child is now 4 and he has a little better understanding. The allergist gave us a lot of material to read also. My son is so allergic to seafood until we can't even touch him if we have had seafood. We have to totally scrub down before we can kiss or hold him after when we eat seafood. One day my husband use his hands to break a piece of food for my son and he even had a reaction. You just have to be very careful. We have 4 Epipens so we could have one at daycare, etc.

By the way, my son was also diagnosed with asthma at 3 which is also common in kids with seafood/nut food allergies.
Hi, at the age of 15, while at Red Lobster, I discovered that I am allergic to shrimp, crab and lobster!!! And, like your daughter I have asthma. I must have developed this allergy because I used to eat crab every summer. My brother has the exact same problem.

I can eat and love other fish; I can even eat clams and mussels. I've never gotten tested for exact allergens, I simply avoid crab, shrimp and lobster and have had no problems. I get the same effects as your daughter if I do eat them---swollen eyes and throat...I ate lobster once (I knew I should not have) and my throat started to hurt. Turns out my throat was swelling to the point of covering my windpipe. The dr. gave me a shot of Benedryl and told me not to eat it again (He hasn't had any trouble out of me since!).


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