Dana Reeves just died

at 44 years of age from lung cancer, and she didn't even smoke! This is just really sad and I didn't know if you all knew this so I posted.

Yes, I heard that on the news this morning. It is soooo sad especially since her son is still quite young. I think he's 13 and now has lost both of his parents.

How incredibly sad...my heart goes out to her family and children, they will be in my prayers...Carole
Oh, no!! How terrible. My brother is paralyzed, so we followed Christopher Reeve's progress, and sadly his death, closely. And now for their son to lose a second parent...
I was so hoping she was going to beat it. My dad died from the same cancer last year (non-smoking kind), so I knew the odds were against her, I just hoped that someone would beat it. It's an awful way to go, many prayers to her family.

Sad memories.

So sad. I feel so bad for her son, to have lost two parents at such a young age.

From what I heard (on an interview she did), she was a singer, and performed in many smoke-filled rooms, so the cancer could have been second-hand-smoke related.


I thought she was just diagnosed!! I did not even think she had small cell lung cancer! I can't believe how fast she and that newscaster guy (can't remember his name) went. Wow. Guess my father is doing better than expected. I should tell him that. He has been circling the drain lately. :(

So sad for those kids.
its sad b/c of all she went through losing her own parents to cancer, her husband and what they went through. i bet her and chris are enjoying a dance in heaven,together again.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Wow, I knew she was sick but hadn't heard a thing about her since she announced it....thanks for posting this.

So sad...so young...such a shame...;(
This story brings back memories of my MIL. She was a non-smoker, dx one September w/lung cancer and died the following February. She worked her entire adult life in offices filled w/smokers (days before non-smoking laws). One has to wonder if secondhand smoke is the culprit in some cases.
Dana Reeves was such an inspiration, one who stood behind her husband even knowing he would be paralyzed. He was sick for nine years before he died of an infection. I felt really bad for her when he died. She truly loved her husband in sickness and in health (something that one rarely sees from Hollywood people).

When she announced last August about her lung cancer, I felt terrible - I wondered didn't she endure enough in this life - we all know she was one strong woman - life does seem so unfair at times.

Of course, she leaves behind a 13 year old boy - during this hard time for him we need to pray for him. My gosh he has lost both of his parents in the last year and a half. I cannot imagine what he is going through. What a lesson of life and death he must learn at that young age.

I wondered didn't she endure enough in this life -
>we all know she was one strong woman - life does seem so
>unfair at times.

I just saw this. It's terribly sad. My heart goes out to them.
Reading the Thread title made my heart sink like a stone:( What she has suffered is my greatest fear. My Kids lost their beautiful Dad all too soon and the weight of the value of my health sometimes overwhelms me.

I remember seeing her and her son on Oprah talking about grief and healing (we never really do heal do we? It's more about how the scar tissue is laid down), I remember being struck and so impressed at the poise and assuredness he displayed that day. God Bless him, it's so heart breaking.

Take Care
I was saddened by this news this morning from one of my students. I wanted to cry! I just admired her so much because of all that she took on with Christopher and never complained! It almost made me feel a bit relieved when he died (I know that sounds terrible!) but was thinking...Now, she can get on and live her life. It IS so hard to understand and doesn't seem fair. All things do work for good. I also heard that they thought her cancer was due to her singing in nite clubs for years. (2nd-hand smoke) My thoughts and prayers go out to Will and the rest of her family.
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And Dana's mom just passed away in February - I think it was from complications from cervical cancer.

What an awful, awful thing for this family to have to go through and I feel so bad for their son. He is so young to have lost so many people close to him. It is tragic. I'm sure his mom's loss is going to be great as it was fast and I'm sure she was his rock just like Christopher's. Yuck.

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