Damage Controlling w/Insanity...HUMP DAY


Good Morning!

Its beginning to look alot like Christmas...lalalalalala.......its snowing here. It finally stopped raining! But its also blowing a gale out there so I will be surprised if our siding stays on!

Yesterdays workoue was MIS UB and BM2 abs in the a.m. Last night I did a 4.5 mile run on the TM has well. I couldn't fit it all in yesterday morning with DS around. Yesterday afternoon we went out and did a few things. I picked up a nice pair of boots from Sears that I had ordered in. I really like them and they were only $40, can't go wrong there. Last night DD and I went out and did a few things and I picked up a few more Christmas presents, so I am getting there. I need to start doing things by "families" so I can clue up each family.

Im thinking about doing a circuit with the TM today, even though I did UB yesterday. I don't feel sore though and I use lighter weights with those circuits anyway.

Now...let me get this posted before Wendy blows in a ruins it on me....:D

I have to catch up on personals and then I will return!!

Wendy** Whats on the go for you today? Work and a workout?? Any parties to attend this weekend?? We have 2...one of them being our own!:eek: The guys have another hockey game here this weekend and DH wanted everyone to come back here again. This time we are having potluck...DH asked me last night what i was making and he suggested that I make Chili...I guess thats what he wants. The Sant Claus parade is also sat night so there is lots to do around here!

Jen** Sorry to hear things are crazy busy for you. Sounds like one of my friends, thats what she says all the time "crazy busy" Apparently she is giving up skating (she teaches) and won't be working at the store much longer. DH asked her what she was gonna do with her time and she said she didn't know, she certainly doesn't want to stay home with kids, I can tell ya that now. Im not sure what she has up her sleeve but the wheels are always turning with that girl!

Jacque** No workouts to report!??? Tut-tut!! Sounds like you are having a good time with all the family members around though. No word when the new owners are coming for a visit. My boss met with them in the city this weekend and they wanted to pass along the message that they are really busy right now but hoping to visit us as soon as possible and to tell us they want to keep us all. So there....no need to worry, I guess.

Laura** Another crazy busy one! Did you get a workout in yesterday at all? Anyone peeing on the floor lately?:p hehe!

O.k...I need to get this workout started, its almost 7:30!

Good Morning Ladies. :)

I have a 9:15 doc appointment this morning which means I HAVE to work out early this morning or it won't get done so I have about 20 mins before I have to get my azz in gear! I don't feel like following the X rotation exactly and doing the same work outs for 3 weeks in a row so I'm going to go back and forth between all of them. That being said today will be Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I should be in some good pain tmrw morning! :p

I had a good day eating wise yesterday. Now if I can do that every day for a week I'd be well on my way to being friends with the scale again. ;)

Lori:: November/December stinks for almost everyone on the planet as far as eating goes. Well, I should say, for almost everyone who normally watches what they eat. For those who don't I suppose it's like food heaven! :D So I guess we will never convince you to do an Insanity rotation as written??

Jen:: I like Insane Abs too. It's tough and long but keeps my interest. I've done it twice in 2 weeks by choice so you KNOW I must like it! LOL When I picked my work out combo y'day I forgot that some of the IA work is repeated in MIST. OH MY GOD I wanted to skip that part in MIST but I didn't. I'm surprised though....no ab DOMS this morning! :confused: Let me know what you think of PN. I am not really even sure what it is but know some folks on these forums have it and like it. So the cookbook drew you in? Funny, I have great intentions...I have purchased some cookbooks over the years intending to use them but I am such a lazy ass when it comes to cooking. I prefer to cook what I know so that I can bang it out as quickly as possible. I don't usually have the patience to follow a recipe so my cb's barely ever get used. I am also a creature of habit at the foodstore. Often times I don't even use a list cause I buy the same thing every time! Having to write down and shop for different ingredients for a new recipe would mess up everything for me! :p

Jacque:: Sorry about your lack of work outs. Hope you had fun y'day with your company and at the game!

Laura:: I will try to make sure I do a good cardio work out on days I KNOW I will eat bad but in the end...they say you can't out-exercise a bad diet and it's very true. The occassional normal bad meal or whatever is fine but times like this are not. I have been working out as hard as ever and still managed to gain a few pounds in short order! I can't wait for Jan 2 when life is back to normal again! :p

Okay I am officially out of time here, ladies....off to fry the upper body!

Have a great day!:)
Hi Ladies,

Well I've been super busy at work with those all day meetings. Needless to say, my best exercise intentions did not happen. I also missed bootcamp class Monday night...the Window guy took much longer than I anticipated. Monday night I didn't sleep much...so last night I actually took a unisom. I did sleep all night last night and feel pretty good right now.

Yesterday I forgot my work badge at home so I called Zach (DS2) to bring it to me. Well on his way to my work, he was hit by a big tractor trailer in one of the vehicles DH has listed to sell. Zach is okay, I'm so thankful-but the vehicle sustained $5500 worth of damage. I feel so bad.

After looking outside to the freezing cold and snowy weather, I've decided to work from home today. That means I should be able to get a workout in some time today. I'm leaning towards BM or BM2 to get in cardio and weights.

Lori-Santa comes to our neighborhood every year too. When Jerod was little it was a lot of fun. So what circuit do you have in mind. I shouldn't ask...it'll probably change my mind.

Wendy-I need to clean up my eating too. With these all day meeting they provide lunch and cookies. Wow, I thought Insane abs was super tough and I even had to modify some of the exercises because I couldn't even do them. btw, I haven't even stepped on the scale since TG. I know I should, but I'm afraid.

Jen-I'm going to check out precision nutrition. Have you seen the new GWF/Bodymedia site?? It's very cool and the upload process is much faster!

Jacque-Did you see Cathe's next Egglands best promo will be in San Diego at the end of March??? If you are interested in going, I'm going to talk to DH about it. Would love to meet you "in person".

Laura-You've been super busy too it sounds. At now it's the first week of the month again so the asylum will be crazier than normal.

Have a great day ladies and I will check back later.
Hey Girls!

I changed my mind on my workout. Most times I like doing a circuit when my legs don't want to move! hehe! But I knew when I got on the TM I was good for a run so I did CC #6 and travelled 5.5 miles. DS woke up just before I got on the TM and he was NOT happy! I got him a situated with a movie and some food and he didn't bother me until the last min of my run.

Wendy** Nope, I will never be following a Insanity rotation. I actually thought about that the other day. I was thinking the only way I would follow and insanity rotation was if I were part of a testing group of some sort. Hope you get that workout done!

Diana** Glad to hear DS is o.k! Good grief! Was he hurt at all? Hopefully you will get your workout in today!

I may bbl! Im gonna decorate this joint I think!

Hello chickadees!

Got up and did MCC this morning, and man was it tough for me today. I don't know what is up, but I was struggling so bad this morning that I actually started to wonder if maybe I needed a break from Shaun :eek: I don't think that's the case though...I feel the beginnings of a cold coming on and am chalking it up to that ;)

Lori: Dare I say it? I'm actually a bit jealous of your snow! I need something to get me into the Christmas spirit and FAST! The days are ticking by and I just can't seem to get in the mood.

Wendy: I love to cook and am frustrated that I don't have the time like I used to! But I'm hoping that PN will have some good, quick meals. There's been a lot of hype over this program the past few years and not too many negative reviews. Hoping it inspires and motivates me a bit. I'll definitely let you know what I think. Insane Abs did give me some mild DOMS for a few days.

Diana: So sorry to hear about Zach's car accident! That must have been scary for him. Thank god he's okay though. I've been wearing my GWF again and I do like the new website. I've had a few little problems with the automatic synch feature but they're easily worked around. You mentioned the other day that Jerod wants a Nook for Christmas? My DD wants a Kindle. What is it about the Nook that your son likes?

Hi Jacque and Laura! Hope your days aren't too crazy!

Well I'm quickly running out of prep time for my meetings on Friday. I'm off to get my azz in gear. I'll bbl though~

Everyone must be busy...found us on pg.2. I just finished BM orginal all the way the through and threw in some additional ab work with the wheel.

Lori-DS seems to be fine. He's a little disappointed as he was going to make money on the sale of this car. He did all the detailing, took the pictures and posted in on Craigs list. Now we'll probably just get the scrap value of the car which should at least cover the cost of the car and if we are lucky, a couple hundred more dollars.

Jen-I think he likes that its touch screen, mp3 player etc. They do have a comparison between the kindle and the nook on the barnes & noble website. I had him look at the comparison and tell me which one he wanted. You should also know this-I don't think you can download ebooks from amazon to the nook. That functionality should be available soon...but it isn't now and I'm not sure when it will be. Just a gotcha you might want to be aware of.

...time for me to get out of these wet, stinky clothes and shower.
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Hey ladies .. another drive by for me today .. no one has bothered digging me out from under this freaking pile of paperwork yet :mad: .. jk ... last night I taught class .. 4 step w/heavy weights .. figured I would be heavily doming today .. but I am not .. but man were my muscles ever on fire did circuits of plyo on step, heavy legs, heavy UB, then core .. I was spent when done.

We have had severe storms today at 5:45 this morning I was awakened by a HUGE POP of lightning .. it must have hit our shop or cabin or something nearby .. it was SO FREAKIN LOUD ..scared the crap outta me .. the thunder immediately followed was so loud it shook my bed and rattled the windows .. so it was close .. it was raining too hard to check out DH shop .. so gonna hav to do that when I get home .. OMG .. I hope it didnt hit it .. b/c all of his deer heads he mounts are in there .. anwya .. was ruff drive in .. they had a tornado in the town that I was working in MON .. :eek: :confused: .. took out the Sherrif Dept radio tower .. ripped it to shreds I am told .. :confused: .. anyway .. looks like it is clearning now .. and it is to turn cold at night .. in the low 30's .. bing change from 65 huh?

Lori .. I dont have class tonight so I am heading home to try to get my pool room Christmas tree up and decorated .. gonna try to join you in the Christmas spirit!! ;)

Wendy .. well after the day I said I wasnt gonna miss a workout .. I am missing today .. had to work some thru lunch .. and gotta take SIL home .. then check out DH shop .. then start supper .. then try to get my tree up .. :eek: I need you ladies dedication badly!! but supper is gonna be light .. shish-ka-bobs grilled w/a salad ..

Di .. OMG .. how scary for your son .. I know it scared you too .. wow sounds like a close call .. that is also bad about having to scrap it after doing work on it .. poor kid!! Just glad he wasnt hurt!!!

Jen.. Need a break from SeanT? Ok SOMEONE TAKE JEN'S TEMPERATURE .. I think she is sick!!!!! :rolleyes: Ok .. I know you just didnt say that ... ??????? LOLOLOLOLOL

Jacque .. hoping the sharks won for ya last night!

OK .. better run .. more reports and a bankruptcy re-affirmation I have been putting off :( .. have a great one!:D
Di: Thanks for that info regarding the ereaders! I'll be looking into that for sure :)

Laura: Sorry to hear about your nasty weather :( That doesn't sound at all Christmas-y :p Yeah, I couldn't believe I even thought about giving Shaun a break! Ain't gonna happen...but I do feel a bit icky tonight like I have something coming on. It might be a forced break if it gets worse.

Dinner is ready, yay!


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