Damage Control ***Wk of 9/4***


Hi ladies !

I thought I'd start the week off since I am trying to get back into a routine with both w/o's and posting.

Last night I hit the TM for a little walk/jog of 30+ min - did about 2 miles. Just finished Cardio Core Circuit with a few extra breaks and modifications. Feeling so out of shape, UGH !

Checked out FB last night too !

Diana - how was dinner last night? Margaritas sounded good . . . did ya have one? Perhaps a fruit laden one just to add some substance? :p

Wendy - shopping sounded like fun . . . what fragrance soap did you pick up?

Lori - saw you went for a run this AM . . . still feeling well enough - that is super !

Laura - Congrats on the win ! ! !

Hope you all are enjoying the weekend and some great weather !
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Hi Ladies,

I'm so thankful to have another day off. I cleaned out my dressers and have a ton of stuff for the Salvation Army. I still need to clean out the kitchen cabinets and all the bathroom vanities. It's a good feeling to clean out the clutter.

I didn't workout Sat or Sun, but since I took 4 classes on thurs and 1 on Friday I'm not fretting about it. Today is legs and KPC. I haven't decided on a leg routine yet but am considering Lower Body Blast or STS TB Lower Body premix.

By the way, I pre-ordered P90X2 and it should be delivered around Christmas! It looks really good. Is anyone else planning on ordering it?

Jacque-No margarita's for me. I did have a wonderful chicken enchilada that was delicious. Good job on treadmill, you gotta start somewhere. CCC is not an easy workout...you think it would be...but its not. I did the cardio only premix....oh my...a couple extra breaks were necessary.

bbl to see if anyone else pops in today!
Hey Ladies.

Got back this afternoon. Fun weekend for sure! Worked out both Sat and Sun while there. Haven't worked out yet today but maybe later I will fit something in. If not, definitely tmrw. I have decided to focus on my backside this month. Going to keep BR's in the mix with BBL and Tonique as well as extra u/b and cardio where I see fit. Joey starts school tmrw. I can hardly believe it! IDK where time has gone! He's going into 1st grade!!!!:eek:

Jacque:: I picked up honey & olive, cucumber, wild watermelon and pumpkin brown sugar scented soaps while away. They smell good enough to eat! :D

Diana:: I wanted P90X 2 forever but now I'm not so sure. Not going to pre-order. Will just buy it later on if I decide I want it. Time will tell. Glad you got so much accomplished around the house lately! I need to do that! I've let so much pile up! :rolleyes:
Evening ladies !

Just hopped off the TM - did a 30 min jog - kept my HR at 145-150, and then 15 min fast walk which kept it at 140. My legs are fried from these past few days' workouts !

Diana - good to hear you have been super productive and ITA that all the Thurs & Fri w/o's gave you a "free pass" for the weekend ! :p

Wendy - good job with w/o's over the weekend ! LOL at the soaps smelling good enough to eat - keep 'em away from Joey ! ;)

Off for a quickie hot tub and early dinner . . .

Woo Hoo - short workweek ahead ! :D
Morning Ladies,

Well it was back to my 5:40am workout today. It's not as bad as I was anticipating and it feels great to have it out of the way. I did KPC, and tomorrow is back to P90X...although I'm not really feeling it at all.

Jacque-good job getting back on the treadmill, every little bit helps!

Wendy-wow, can't believe you worked out while on vacation...you are amazing! I got some smelly soaps from my MIL, my favorite is called plumeria..yummy!

Laura-How did you spend your weekend?

Lori-what are you up to?

Hey Ladies.

I wrote back earlier but must've forgotten to actually hit SUBMIT REPLY coz it's not here! DUH! LOL

So today's work out was a mish mosh::

Jump rope warm up followed by...
Tonique Premier Squat segment
10 burpees/25 mountain climbers/10 burpees/75 mountain climbers
125 bicycle crunches

WIPED ME OUT! :eek: Tonique upper body work made the burpees and mc's extra tough! WOW!

Jacque:: Oooh love me a hot tub! Went "swimming" in the one at the house in FLA every night! Would love one of my own some day!!!!

Diana:: I always work out on my vacations/get aways. Only one time that I can remember not doing ANYTHING and that was this past Memorial Day weekend in AC I think. That's it! I started my work out around 5:40am today as well. A bit later then usual thus a shorter work out then I wanted but oh well. Tomorrow's another day! :) Plumeria reminds me of Bath and Bodyworks. I used to use and love their products!!!
TUE that is a MON . crap ...

Hey Ladies .. we are swamped ..

always have to pay when we get a holiday offf :mad: but it was AN EXCELLENT holiday .. WET .. WINDY thanks to TS Lee .. but excellent ... had girls over for ball game SAT .. YES we pulled it off .. A WIN!!!! YESSS .. but man .. we lost 24 SRs .. and it sure shows!!! Was impressed w/our QB .. but man we need some major work or we are gonna get clobbered this year ... gonna be a long year of listening to our rivals CRAP :mad::mad::mad: then we went to a part SAT night - the rest of the weekend I nursed large head and got some much needed rest and house work done .. EXCELLENT long weekend!!!

Wendy - you focusing on your rear - I am going to have to REfocus on UB and my legs .. thinking need to get back on track w/the eats .. and get back to the gym heavy weights for my legs

Di - I waited on P90X 2 - but the previews looks awesome .. I really was on fence for long time about it .. dang it .. looks like new moves and new angles .. but I waited!! since I have my LiiT workouts very near in the future coming!!!

Jacque - thnx - yes we won - BARELY - bout had heart attack during the game .. YIKES .. we got a long year ahead of us I am afraid!!! But I will still be pulling for my Tigers!!!

Lori - it is only 67 degrees today .. misty rain .. would hav LOVED to get a run in at lunch .. but would have been wet .. but man what a welcome change in our temps .. wish it would stay this way for a while!

I looked on calendar gotta go this week for yearly bloodwork .. YIKES .. OK .. think I KILLED my liver SAT w/the ballgame and party back to back .. :eek:.. not to mention the fattening ball game and party food .. :eek:.. my blood work is gonna be CRAP .. ugh!!! :(

OK .. gotta jet .. busy busy .. ahhhh .. where do these people come from?????? tonight is circuit class ....
Happy Hump day on a short week ! :p

Last night was HIS & LIS for a sweaty mess in our 100' weather. Too warm for weights. Up and at 'em this AM (hey Diana & Wendy) as I finally got my ar$e outta bed early and did MM UB only. Hard lifting the arms to type at this time . . .

Wendy - understand shaky burpees after Tonique (tho I don't know those w/o's). Sounds like the house you stayed in was a good one !

Diana - yes . . . plumeria reminds me of B&B too ! I like that scent also . . . my fav these days is lavendar. Can ya tell I am looking for calm :rolleyes:? ? ? KPC sounds like one that I need to throw in for may cardio soon . . . perhaps this weekend.

Laura - Woot Woot - nail biters are tough but so sweet when it is your team that triumphs ! ;) At least you had a super fun weekend until you got back to your peeps who are coming outta the woodwork. Hope your circuit class burned some of the CABS outta your kidneys ! ! ! :p

Lori - hope all is well . . . hoping you kept some food down ?

Have a great day ladies !
Good Morning Ladies,

I feel so accomplished getting my w/o done so early. I did P90X C&B and dropped DS off at school...all before 7am! Since I'm working from home today I plan to get in a cardio w/o around lunch time.

My girls started pre-school yesterday! My non-DIL tagged the pic of the girls first day of school picture so you can check it out on FB.

I have to share....I found jeans...Levi's which I haven't worn in years. They have the new curve fit and the bold fit jeans don't gap in the back on me. Finally a pair of jeans that don't gap! I also found another pair of lucky's that work great.

Jacque-Way to go Girl!!! We are glad to have you back here....good job with UB this morning. OMG, your temps are ssssooo hot. We've dropped into the 70's this week and we are loving it!

Laura-It sounds like you had a fabulous long weekend! I only pre-ordered P90X2, it won't be delivered until around xmas time. I ordered the deluxe package which comes with a stability ball and 2 8# medicine balls plus 2 additional dvd's.

Wendy-Sylwia really sneaks up on you....many times I have to put the hand weight down or just use my 1# lifting glove. I want to sneak in a few BR w/o's but am not sure where to put them in my rotation. What was your w/o today?


I started a post before but never finished it and then wiped it out before I could...DUH! :rolleyes: I am having some major posting issues lately huh? :p

Today's work out was KCM Split Sessions Upper Body with jump rope between lifting sections to give it a circuit feel. Worked well but took longer then I anticipated so had to tighten it up and skip the jump rope towards the end. Still a great muscle burner and sweat though! :D

Diana:: Yay for good fitting jeans! I lurve Luckys. Unfortunately though only ONE pair of mine currently fit and even that pair start to bag out a bit after a while. :mad: Can't keep buying $50 pairs of jeans that I can only wear for a year before my weight changes (down or up-either way!) and they don't work anymore. :rolleyes: I'm surprised DH hasn't officially banned me from purchasing them already! :p Good job getting the w/o done so early! Feels great to have it behind you, doesn't it? Getting up at 4:30 during the week isn't something I love to do but it beats having to find the energy/time to work out after work/dinner/etc. :eek: Hmmmm not sure where to put BR's in X rotation...maybe during recovery weeks is best!

Jacque:: IDK how you work out in a hot house. EEK. But I guess it comes down to what you are used to. I've always had a/c. Jersey summers are unbearable without it. :eek: Yes the vacation home was fabulous and we got it for a steal bc it was off season for FLA!!!!

Laura:: You had a hang over over the weekend? I escaped one that I SHOULD have had on Sunday. No idea how I got away from it after all I drank on Saturday night!!!!!:eek:

Guess that's all for now...BBL or tmrw. :cool:
hey ladies

OK >>> so PMS monster is killing me - I went thru a series of PMS moments over the last 24 hours - including brining in dog bowls unknowingly covered in ANTS and have them crawling all over my counters and cabinets and having kill and to clean that mess up, then dropping a jar of sweet pickles after a very good try of juggling to catch it - pickles, juice, seasoning all over the floor - at least it didnt break - THEN this mrng - I get up early .. FAST (not eat).. get to dr office early to get bloodword done .. WAITED 40 min only to have nurse tell me that it would be another HOUR .. I could wait and STILL FAST or come back trmw :mad: .. so I waited .. THEN I went to get my fav salad at Wendys berry chkn - and they dont carry anymore - got another one only to get to work and find out that it had blue cheese crumbles on it (which make me puke) ... soooooo this one isnt having a good day!!! :mad:

Jacque - I had started my extra early mrng workouts - and need to start them back .. wow high temps for you .. we are loving our cooler temps i was actually DARE I SAY cold after class last night .. it was 64 degrees .. and I was sweaty and cold!

Di - yes my long weekend was FAB-U-LUSH!!!!!:p

Wendy - yes that would be a hangover SUN for sure .. not too bad thanks to my bud55 being weaker than my coors light .. but guess when you drink as many as I did it dont matter :p :eek: :p

Hello Lori ..

OK .. last night circuit was great - tonight is ALL SHAPING - have not done that in a while .. and it is TIME!!! OK .. better run .. ahve a great one!;)
Happy Friday Eve girls !

Is morning posting taboo these days? The ol' gal from CA is posting first now? :p :D :rolleyes: :eek:

Up and at 'em s l o w l y today but did OK once I got started. Intensity w/o and I did Step + HiIT low version. That step is hard - reminds me of IMax or something . . . Nice calorie burn and definitely tired. Bummer is the scale is up .5 lb and I been good eats and tracking calories? Guess I'll just keep at it and see how it goes . . . At least I feel more energetic even though I am sluggish.

Diana - I'll have to check out the girls pic - hard to believe they are getting so old. I just asked DS if my oldest, he's now 4, will be going to preschool before he starts Kinder. Apparently in the spring. Great job getting the w/o done in the AM. I was kinda wandering around last night trying to figure out what to do since I didn't need to w/o. Picked our Sharks games so the kids can pick theirs. Woo Hoo - hockey season around the corner ! Woot Woot ! And goody about the jeans ! Just heard they have a 7 outlet here . . . must check it out if I can drop a few lbs.

Wendy - Nice job on the circuit like w/o. It amazes me what you come up with. My brain just does not work like that. You should be an instructor ! Yes, warm but it cools at night. No need for AC as we only see it a few weeks here and there during the year.

Laura - <<< H U G S >>> for a much better day today ! Man you had a goodie yesterday. Did you take it out on your class ! :eek:

Gotta scoot and hit the shower . . . co-worker commute day. Toodles . . .
Afternoon Ladies -

OK .. soooooo .. after the day I had - got to class the stupid stereo system was acting up .. GGGRRRRR ... ystdy was crap!!! .. today is a bit better than ystdy .. THANK GOODNESS!!! I DID indeed take it out on my class - did triple set shaping UB and LB :eek: it was a goodie .. woot woot! Tonight will be plyo cardio and yoga cool down! (if stereo cooperates)TGIF tmrw!! YIKES what a week!!!

Jacque - you are beating our early birds to the computer .. WOW .. :eek: .. girlies where are you???? :rolleyes:

Hello to all that follow - we had a lunch meeting - great food - grilled grouper over a bed of veggie mmm mm mmm ... enough for supper too!! :D I am at my desk trying to catch up some - so gotta run ..

come on 5 o'clock!!!!! have a great one!;)
Good Afternoon.

Today's work out was my jump rope warm up plus blasts only 1-5 of IMAX2, ankle weight work from BBL High and Tight and a 2:40 plank hold. I have some nice DOMS in my chest from KCM upper body y'day.

OMG poor Laura, what a day you had!!!!!:eek::( HUGS!!!!!!

Jacque:: Nice work out for someone who got goin' so slowly!!;) I considered group instruction when I went for my PT cert but it was waaay too intimidating for me. :eek: Yup weight gain could be anything. Especially a measely half of a pound. That's nothing. Shake it off girl!:)

Diana, where are you?
Hi ladies,

This morning was DWP and Abs from a Jackie Warner circuit dvd I have...but have never used. Yesterday I ended up taking the Ultimate Fitness class at the rec ctr. It was circuits of cardio and weights. Tonight I have bootcamp class. I have to say I'm falling asleep between 9-9:30 now.

Jacque-thanks for starting the day off for us. Although I'm up early, I also had to be to work early and just didn't have time to check in. Intensity is a toughie and one of my new favorites for sure! Good Job!!! I do have to pause for water during this w/o.

Laura-sorry you had such a bad day yesterday...hopefully today is going much better. My trainer is trying to get me to take her bodystep class, but I don't want to pay for stepping when I have so many step options at home.

Wendy-Nice w/o today....MS. MISHMOSH Queen. You are great with mixing and matching.:)

gotta run....bbl
Good Morning.

I did BR Bad Girl Work Out dated 9/5 this morning:

Hi Knees with Jump Rope (I didn't use a rope here)
Sandbag Squats (I used 2 fifteen pound kb's instead)
Knee Raises on Dip Station (hello kitchen chairs!)

It was an 18 minute work out. 18 rounds of 10 rest/50 work. Each exercise gets done 6x. Good stuff.

Off to make lunch and get to work.

Good Morning Ladies,

This morning was P90X Shoulder and Arms...let me just say my arms are fried!!! I'm kind of bored with this rotation and am not quite sure what to do about it. It's very hard doing the same 6 w/o's each week. I'm not motivated to do C&B at all. Next week is the recovery week but I may throw in some Cathe cardio while I decide how I want to continue this rotation. There is new w/o's for the next 3 weeks, but again it's the same 6 w/o's for the next 3 weeks...boring.

Wendy-I'll have to check out that w/o. I only have single kettlebells in weights ranging from 12-30#'s. The KB's seem to work great for BR w/o's. What are you using instead of the UGI ball? I have some medicine balls that might work but haven't tried them.

Morning Laura, Lori and Jacque! bbl
Diana:: I used to 15 pound kb's but you can also use a single heavier kb and just alternate the hand you hold it in with each set of squats. IKWYM about the X but it's an effective program. Hard decision to make. This is why I keep saying I am interested in another rotation of it but not sure if I can handle the repitition. :confused: I do lurve Tony though!:D
TGIF ... woot woot!

Hello my ladies ...

TGIF!!!! this has been one helluva week - crap!!! Last night I got to class and it seems everyone had had JUST as bad a day as I had .. and they wanted an EASIER class .. so we did a BALL class .. thinking .. "easier" ... right? well it may have been EASY on the JOINTS .. and heart .. but CRAP .. it kicked my muscles in the arse!!! DOMS: hammies, inner thigh, abs and shoulders :eek: :D OK .. note to self .. do ball class every now and then for shock value alone!! :p today is REST day .. too busy .. gotta rush home .. going to Auburn to Sams and then out to eat for my uncles birthday ... :D

Jacque - you are knocking out some workouts .. you jumped right back into your routine .. woot woot!!

Di - I am starting STS weights back again SUN .. I just love the way it makes my UB look!!! I love the name "ultimate fitness class" ... PRICELESS.

Wendy - I gotta get to the BR site and check out her latest workouts ..

hello Lori ..

OK . taking me forever to write this .. better run .. but before I do .. we play MS State tmrw .. so send some "get your act together and pull out a win" vibes for my Tigers!!!! WAAAARRRRRR EAGLE!!!!!!!

have a great one!;)
Hi Ladies,

I have a busy day planned. This morning I'm going to brunch with some girls from work, and one gal who left the company over a year ago. We try to get together with her at least quarterly. It's always a fun time. Tonight we are going to dinner for MIL's bday. I'm also shopping for MIL's requested parfum, but it appears to have been discontinued so I may be ordering it online.:mad:

If I can squeeze it in somewhere, I'll be doing legs/back or just legs since the X is pretty skimpy on Legs. I would really like to focus on lower body while maintaining my upper body. I'm going to look through some Cathe rotations and see if I can come up with something. I do like the X UB...well except for pushup/pullup torture and this is the recovery week. I plan on doing Cathe or other Non Insanity cardio instead of the w/o's on the rotation.

What's everyone else up to this weekend?

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