Damage Control with Insanity....HUMP DAY!


Good Morning Gals!!

I probably won't be around much today....not like i was around much yesterday...or that day before that...or the day before that:p We have our yearly visitor at work today and tomorrow ( I think) some head guy...for something or another so I have to make myself look busy. Not only that I am working with the grumpy refueler today:mad:

So yesterdays workout was 4DS FB and for some reason bic/tris started skipping AND had no sound when it stopped skipping. How weird is that? I was hoping it was the tv but that doesn't make any sense. I just realized how funny that sounded...i would rather the tv be broke then my dvd! LOL

No time for personals cause I want to get my run started! I will try and sneak in some computer time at work!!!

Good Morning Girls. :)

Well, I ended feeling fine in short time y'day but before I had decided if I wanted to do my work out I started cleaning and ran out of time. Ended up with a nice clean house and got a work out in last night believe it or not! I ended up doing Plyometric Cardio Circuit at 7:30! I musta' been outta my gourd! LOL Glad I did it though. In ways it felt easier to me then it used too but in other ways it soooooo did not! The warm up was easier in that I wasn't as winded and didn't break a sweat the same way. The warm up was hard in that my mucles didn't like it. They were fighting me on it the entire way! LOL The first interval wasn't bad. It was always the easier of the 2 and I pretty good at it by the time month 1 was over. The 2nd interval though? OMG! Still tough as nails!!!!! :eek::eek::eek: My shoulders just can not handle all of the plank work in that one and that is the problem! YEOWCH!!!!

So I've kinda decided (despite what I said before, LOL), that I am going to try and go through the Insanity rotation again BUT I am going to put more weight work in so I will not be doing as many back to back cardios this time. I will do a lot of cardio day/weight day alternating this time around. That being said, today is a weight lifting day. I've also decided not to commit myself to any one type of lifting or program right now. I know I said I wasn't feeling heavy lifting (and I'm not) but I want to try Shaun's u/b work out so that's what I will do today. I have to atleast TRY it and then I will take it from there. At some point I will also try Sports Interval Circuit. I will add it on to the rotation as an "extra work out" rather then replace something with it. If I feel the intensity of Shaun's cardio is becoming too much for me then I will switch gears temporarily and then go back. So yeah, I'm going for round 2 of Insanity but it could take me a while to get through it! LOL

Gonna go refill the coffee cup and come back for personals in a bit!:)
Okay. Shaun's UB work out is done and despite my non-enthusiasm for heavy lifting right now, I really enjoyed it! I went a bit too light on a lot of the exercises I think so I'll have to heavy up next time but yeah, it gets 2 thumbs up from me! :D
Lori:: LoL no my sickness is not booze withdrawal thank you very much! :p Although my best friend kept calling me the resident lush of the group over the weekend. I was at the bar ordering a beer while she was checking in on friday night! :D Your day at work today sounds like it will be less then thrilling. You just might need a drink when you get home later! ;)

Jacque:: Me worry about missing a work out!? NEVER! lololol :p Yeah, I can be pretty bad with that, huh? Great job on the run! OMG I haven't run in WEEKS and the thing is....I don't miss it!:confused: In my head, I want to get back into it but in my heart, I am just not motivated. *sigh* I thought I'd want to get back to it after my Insanity rotation but no...here I am wanting to do ANOTHER rotation and fitting running in to it is just too difficult. Oh well. I am not going to force it but I WILL give it a shot at some point before I totally give up on it. We'll see what happens. :( I *heart* Kohls and even more so when I have a 30% off coupon!!!!!! GOOD FOR YOU! :D So do you still think you'll be able to swing an early day at work today so you can get your work out in before din din? So what's up with hubby? Why the sudden urge to eat "early"? :eek:

Jen:: OMG you are STILL doing M2 work outs!? Girl, you are sick in the head...or just so damn in love with Shaun that you have no idea what you are doing!!!! :D PREGNANT!? BITE YOUR TONGUE! I am soooooo over wanting that!!!! I hope that's not the case! The thing that scares me about it though is that what I feel happens in the morning and then goes away. It seems to be triggered by...get this....COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite thing in the entire freaking world seems to be causing me to feel ill! It's soooooooo not right! :mad: At any rate, I hope it's just some passing thing. I can't tell you how many times I swore I was pg (when I wanted to be!) and wasn't so I had better not be this time!!!!!:eek:

I took airborne a couple of times. Haven't kept up with it though. Maybe I should. :confused: So how was plyo class last night?

Diana:: Morning work outs can be hard to get started, I know but once I am 5 minutes into it, I am fine. I just am so used to being lazy early in the AM that it's hard to get my arse moving alot of times. Wow that was alot of leg work you had goin' on there y'day! I don't think I'd be able to walk after all that! LOL
Good Morning Ladies!

Yes, it is a good morning since I'm working from home today! I don't have to rush to get my w/o. This morning I plan on doing BM2 Cardio only and maybe even giving Shaun's Max Sport Intervals a try at lunch. I'm just waiting for Jerod to head to school so my w/o doesn't get interrupted...he calls me up every day to close the garage door for him.:D

My upper body is all DOMing this morning. I did GS C&T yesterday a.m. and then got a wild hair last night and GS BSB. I have lost a lot of strength during Insanity and I was really struggling on the shoulders and biceps last night.

I broke down and ordered another GWF strap, the shipping is more than the strap..it figures. I do feel naked without it though.

Lori-hope the weather is nice for your run today. We are finally get up into the 50's today so hopefully the rest of this snow will melt. I'm sure you will "make yourself look busy" to impress the big guy!

Wendy-I don't have any problem working out in the morning, its my favorite time. I just hate feeling rushed because of these darned early meetings. Okay-they are not early, but since I work at 9am, I like to have time to go through emails, vm's etc before spending 2 hours in a meeting. I thought you mentioned you were ttc. I had trouble gauging what weights to use for Insanity UB. Shaun doesn't mention before he starts that he's doing a pyramid and to try to go heavier each set, that would've made a difference for me. I did like it though. Great job doing PCC at night!

Morning Ladies ..

Well ysty was INSANE again . . I am at MY desk today with PILES of reports I have to muddle thru :confused: .. Plyo class was EXCELLENT .. I added some balancing moves in between the plyos .. and added some low hold leg burners in between too {insert evil grin} ..it was good!!! Class said SIL taught a good 4 step weighted class .. they complimented her that she is learning to be more comfortable and not move at warp speed .. and working w/weights is something she does not really like .. so that was some good news .. YAYAYAYAYAAYA!!!! :D oh . and better news . . I forgot my knee strap .. did the plyo class anyway .. and the knee did EXCELLENT :D:D:D double YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYA .. the shoulder?? eh ... not as good but it did "ok" :)

Wendy .. if I ever get to meet you in A/C you wont have to worry about being the "lush" of the bunch .. I think that title would firmly go to the wild child from the South!!:eek: glad you are feeling better .. why would coffee make you feel like you are getting sick?? that is odd?? I am not a coffee drinker .. so cant give much input there!!!

Lori .. sorry things at work will be tense today .. on the skipping maybe your DVD player just needs cleaning???

Di .. working from home .. aahhhhh .. must be nice .. no stinky smells .. no rude customers ... :) WOW I wouldnt know how to act!!!

Jen ... aaaahhhh .. you Wendy and Di talking about the delux workouts w/Sean .. dang you girls .. NOW I WANT THEM!!! :( and on the BB video forums there was some talk about SeanT doing a one on one series of workouts .. think lots of people are pushing for it .. you may just get your dream guy on a one to one session ;)

Jacque .. how are the aches and pains coming?? I was so happy my knee did well last night .. and it was even rainy .. and it didnt ache :D:D:D

OK .. better run .. meeting SIL for REVABS strength at lunch .. although she says she is still sore so we might do the other one ???? tonight SIL is teaching kickboxing .. so I am gonna go home and have another date night w/DH .. one of our BF couples .. they are splitting up :( (really makes you thankful for your marriage) ... they are the ones that go on vacations w/us .. he can be a real jerk .. and he was the one that lost his job .. he still has not found work .. but he is spending the same .. she is working 2 jobs and paying bills and it has just reached a boiling point :(:( I feel so bad for them .. she has just really had a ROUGH year .. supporting her DH (and that D doesnt stand for darling) .. she lost her 15 year old dog .. her dad is getting divorced for a second time .. the brother got in trble w/the law .. BLESS HER HEART .. I feel for her .. say a prayer for them .. they need it!!! .. OK .. better run .. have a great one!:D
Good morning girls!

I thought I'd get to check in a lot earlier because my DD is home sick today, so I'm home with her. But she has not had a very good morning and needed some attention. I finally got some Advil into her and it brought her fever down and allowed her to sleep for a while. Know what that meant? I slept too! I woke up at 3 a.m. this morning and didn't go back to sleep. I wasn't feeling too great myself by 9:00, so I laid down when she did and zonked out for two hours :eek: Feeling like a million bucks now though :D

This morning's workout was the lower body premix from Muscle Max. It was short, to the point, and a burner. Perfect. Afterward I popped in Insane Abs to give that a shot, but when I saw that it was 33 minutes long I decided to scrap that idea and save it for a day when I'd had more sleep.

Diana: Sorry to hear about the GWF strap! But glad to hear you can get a replacement. I actually haven't worn mine lately because I was worried that if I saw that the calorie burn in the month one Insanity workouts wasn't high enough it might "de-motivate" me :p. So I got used to not wearing it during the rotation, but I'm actually planning on setting it back up today to wear it again. I miss it. I've definitely let myself get lazy without it, too! Now that I've gotten past the "official" rotation I don't have to worry about losing my love for Shaun. Cuz it just ain't gonna happen!!

Laura: Just buy them, you know you wanna ;):p:D I like everything about them (take that for what it's worth as I've made my bias very clear, methinks :rolleyes:). I really enjoy the format of the UB workout and I found MIST to be FUN, FUN, FUN! Haven't looked at Insane abs yet, but it's 33 minutes long. Jury is still out on that, but I have a feeling that's right up your alley!

Wendy: LOL about being the resident lush! Well, you didn't have that to worry about with me around, did you ;) I'm tellin' ya, you're starting to make me wonder if you might actually be pg with that talk of coffee making you feel icky. I had a couple miscarriages after I had my son and I remember wanting to get pregnant (successfully) again so bad that it was making it difficult, and then I finally gave in to the thought that it just wasn't going to happen and WHAM! Pregnant within two weeks :rolleyes: Just sayin'...:) I like your rotation idea and I've designed a very similar one for myself that has a split focus on cardio and weights, alternating each day. But yeah, I'm sticking in M2 workouts for a lot of the cardio! :) However, I'm certainly not ruling out the M1 workouts, just aiming high and adjusting as necessary. The plan is to do two UB days, probably Shaun because I like the cardio factor invloved, and one LB day, likely something leaning toward endurance rather than heavy lifting. I just don't want heavy lifting for the legs right now because I believe they get enough action with all the Insanity power moves. Then on the cardio days I'm planning on two Insanities and one long steady state, probably a run. I have it all written out for the next six weeks and I'm pretty proud of myself!

Lori: LOL about hoping it was your tv and not your dvd. I think we'd all feel the same way! I know how it feels to have a head guy and a grumpy coworker around. You're going to be walking on eggshells today. We have auditors coming in soon and for a whole week we have to be like that. Blech!

Jacque: How did all your running around and dinner go yesterday? Did everything go off without a hitch?

Well I better check in on my girlie again, and take advantage of this day at home to get my laundry done. Will bbl to see if anyone made it back! Have a great day everyone!

Afternoon Girls,

I am spent! This morning I got my azz kicked by BM2 Cardio, actually had to take a couple of breather breaks-no worries, I paused the dvd so I didn't miss anything. ARX was next. I'm ashamed to say a couple of the moves were quite difficult. I remember doing ARX all the time. My abs were a little worked anyway since I did Core Max 3 last night. At lunch time I gave MIST a try...great w/o I must say. It's not the crazy insane cardio, but it's not easy either. It also doesn't have the long stretch at the beginning so it's cardio all the way through!

Laura-well I did 2 w/o's and I was the stinky one today. I'm all cleaned and showered now! Are you doing M2 RevAbs w/o's? Are they harder than M1?? Glad your knee is doing better. Sad news about your friends splitting up, you always hate hear that.

Jen-hope DD feels better soon. Another short but good lower body w/o is Super Sets -lower body blast premix. It's only about 30 mins but you'll definitely feel it. I tried Insane abs once, some of the exercised were too hard for me..I couldn't do them so I had to substitute my own ab work in several places. I was planning on doing legs/cardio tomorrow morning, but after all the plyo jumping in MIST, I'll probably just stick to cardio only. My laundry is getting done today too!;)

Jacque-i read that your day was going to be packed today. Hope you had a great day!
Hi Girls!

Work wasn't has bad has I thought today. I didn't have to work with the grumpy refueler...just the "not so bright one" The other day our fax machine broke so I had to plug in the old one and the paper is really thin that comes out of that one. Everyday we get a sheet from another company at the airport telling us what big planes are coming in. So when he picks up the paper to read it he says "man,they are getting cheap sending over paper like this" Well...I thought i was gonna die!

So long story short, DH has started up a new hockey league in town and b/c of it he was on a radio station yesterday morning. Then he had to be on another one today...of course he didn't tell me b/c it feels like I haven't seen him in forever. I had to go back into our room b/c I couldn't find my socks, I take a peak in at DS and he is starting to move. So I tell DH that DS is sturing. DH THEN informs me that he has to get a shower b/c he has to be at another radio station in 30 mins! My blood was boling! Of course I have been pmsing all week but he could have told me this earlier, I would have either slept in or woke up earlier. He knew I was ticked but I got on the TM anyway and figured he would call me when he needed me to get off. While Im running Im trying to figure out how I am going to get ready for work, tidy the house, get DS ready, feed him and still get to work on time. When I get off the TM, he has the beds made, DS fed and dressed and house cleaned. I think he knew he was steping on thin ice! LOL Poor guy...he tries!

So...my workout wasn't has long as I would have liked. I wanted to get a hour of cardio in b/c I didn't do any yesterday but it was only 45 mins long, and 5 miles. Im also not one bit sore from 4DS yesterday:mad:

Wendy** So another rotation with Insanity involved?? When will the madness end?;) When are you going to start this rotation?

Laura** Sorry to hear about your friends, that must be tough. There are alot of unhappy people around here so nothing surprises me anymore. How is your SIL doing? Are you still considered about her weight?

Diana** Good job with BM2. I remember having to stop during the orignal BM. It was my first Cathe workout and I thought I had to do the whole workout everytime, which was every day cause it was the only workout I had! LOL My next one was MIC!

Jen** Hope DD feels better soon. I have another day with people under my feet then I am off for the weekend! Woo Hoo!

Jacque** Where are you!?

I will see you all in the morning!!


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