Damage Control Week of June 6th

Lori:: Girl, I haven't run in like 2 freakin' years!!!!:eek::eek::mad: I gave it up when I lost my gym membership and never got another one because I got my current job and new getting to the gym was going to be a losing battle. I will pick running back up when we move and I have room for a treadmill in my house! At the rate we are going it may not be for another 5 years but I'll get there at some point! :rolleyes: You may not be able to do Body Rock right now but some day you will! ;) Yeah, you are probably starving in the morning cause your appetite wanes so much later in the day. Just eat when you are hungry. Who cares. Bottom line is that you eat enough. I think that's more important then the timing of it all....
Hi Ladies,

No workout for me this morning....I just wasn't feeling it at all. I took it as meaning I needed a rest morning. I just got home from bootcamp and it was goodie...with running hills, and walking lunges!

Tomorrow morning will be the next STS disc, CSB. I'm leaving work early so we can get to Jerod's football game which is about an hour away.

Wendy-Count me in. I can do it either Saturday or Sunday. I think her other 600 rep w/o took me about 35-40 mins. I only did 540 reps though. I too was hoping to get back into running but I'm not motivated to run. I'm doing other activities so its all good!

LauraT-Nice, another morning workout...maybe we have a convert on our hands! I'll have to look into the Dash Diet and see what it's all about. What a drag about the restaurant. Have fun on your day off...deep sea fishing!

Lori-I'm usually pretty hungry in the morning too which is why I have high fiber breakfast after my workout. Sometimes I'll have a few almonds before my workout. Since you are expecting, you need to be eating an additional 300 calories per day and probably not exercising on empty tummy. Have you tried eating, weights...then cardio? I'm growing tired of this eating challenge....It's only for a few more days but is not something I could do on a long term basis.

LauraR-hugs to you and your family. Please let us know how you and the family are doing.
Good Morning Girls,

Back to work this morning. 3 days, then off for another week:D Next week is filled with appts for myself and DS.

I felt pretty good yesterday. If this is as bad as it gets, I can handle it. I am surprised it hasn't gotten worse so that makes me hopeful!

I think I am going to run outside this morning. I'm not going to bother with weights today, just cardio.

Wendy** I am guessing you don't miss the running to much then b/c I am sure you would find away. I'm the opposite of you and I rarely pull out a workout dvd. Before I got pregnant all I did was HIIT and 4DSBC.

Diana** I haven't been working out on a empty stomach but its impossible for me to eat more before I workout in the morning. I just had a special K bar but like yesterday morning I didn't feel hungry when I woke up....it was after I started running that it kicked in. I wouldn't worry to much about blowing off yesterday's morning workout. You still got your evening workout in!

Hopefully it won't be to crazy at work and I will get to check back in!

Good Morning.:)


YEOWCH U/B DOMS has set in from all of those push ups that biotch Zuzanna had me do! :eek:;) Today is my rest day and I am thrilled! How often do I ever say that? :p

Hopped on the scale this morning to do the official weigh in for WW. Scale went back up a bit from y'day's sudden drop but no worries cause I still made my goal and am down an additional .2 so I've lost 6.4 pounds in 8 weeks! Slow and steady baby! Makes me happy! :D WW automatically switched me to maintenance when I recorded my weight but I quickly switched it back to losing. ;) I set it for about another 5 pound loss. I may decide to stop sooner but for now I'd like to stay on the losing path and see where it takes me cause I'm liking the results so wish me luck! :)

Diana:: I have the other 600 rep BR work out scheduled for Thursday. I am starting M3 this weekend so I have to be careful where I put these now unless they are strictly cardio because I don't want to go into an M3 work out w/DOMS from BR or vice versa. I am going to seriously consider a BR rotation once I am done with M3 though! :D Glad your BC class was a goodie and enjoy your rest day today. Will you have nice weather for you son's game later today? We just had 2 days of crazy heat but it broke last night thank goodness. It will be hot today but nothing like it had been. Ofcourse it's going to cool way down for sat/sun when I (for the 2nd weekend in a row!) wanted to go buy DS a pool and hang out in the yard for some sun time! :rolleyes::mad:

Lori:: I missed running a lot when I first stopped doing it but now I'm used to not doing it and probably would be horrible at it again if I tried it anyway! LOL I still miss it but it doesn't bother me. I spent about 2 years running out of several years of exercising so for me it, it's only been a small part of my fitness experience. It was an extremely rewarding part though! I still regret not going for a marathon when I had the chance. Oh well, it wasn't meant to be. Maybe the next time around though! So you have a week off coming up? Enjoy it despite the appointments you have scheduled. Hope you left some time for Lori! ;)
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About to head out to sea..shld b a gorgeous day...hope we catch them up...class was sweatfest again...

Wendy..lol..ya Zuzana does resemble Lori...ya those pushups r killer..I cldnt do them all

Lori..glad u r not too sick...

Di..I may be a temp mrng convert...at least thru sts..but hardcore cardio still reaerved for waking energy hours..

Ok ladies workout for me...I see sun...sea...fish and cabs n my future today..lol..have a great on..
Good Morning Ladies,

I slept great last night. It must've been all those hills! Sometimes I have a hard time getting to sleep after bootcamp. Both Monday and Thursday I slept great though.

My weight is up a tad, .2....but I'm starting to grow tired of the deprivation. I'm good during the day since I plan and prepare for my food at work, it's when I get home at night I'm usually starving and DH is making foods that aren't on my plan. I've been having boca burgers for dinner, 200 cals....no wonder I'm still hungry.

Laura-have a great time!

Wendy-I really like the BR workouts. Not sure I'm ready to jump ship with my other routines, but would like to start adding these in 1 to 2...maybe even 3 times per week. Zuzanna does kind of resemble Lori.:) I think the temps will be in the mid 70's today which is perfect for football. I'm hoping it doesn't rain though. My grass is loving all the moisture!

Lori-enjoy your run. I wish I could get myself back into it. I loved running and letting my mind go or just thinking about the day etc. Hopefully it will be nice and quiet at work for you.

Off to start CSB..Disc 10
Laura:: Enjoy your fishing trip/vacation! I would say have a CAB for me but I'll be indulging myself tonight so I don't need the help! LOL

Diana:: Oh yeah definitely sounds like great weather! I don't think I could COMPLETELY ditch everything and do only BR work outs either but I could incorporate one every day that I work out and then add to it as I see fit with my other work outs. That's probably how I'll work it when the time comes IF I haven't changed my mind again by then! LOL :p:rolleyes: Mitch's ladder is very strict. I commend you for sticking with it as long as you have! Would it help if you allowed yourself one small treat that's NOT on the allowed food list every day? It might help to curb your cravings but not be enough to hinder the weight loss. For example, if it's sweets you are craving, try using one of the lower point Skinny Cow or WW desserts. I have tried several and they are delicious! I eat one every night after dinner and it keeps my sweet tooth under control nicely. You may also want to try adding the WW zero point fruits and veggies to your meals to help fill you up a bit. I load up on that stuff since doing WW and am still losing weight just fine. Just some food for thought. :)
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Good Morning Ladies,

DH and I went out to dinner last night sans children...wonderful!!! I had salmon, veggies and a baked sweet potato. I also enjoyed 2 adult beverages.

I was planning on getting my workout out of the way earlier this morning. DH and I stayed up and watched a couple movies last night. We got up a little later than normal then DH's aunt and uncle from Boston called me this morning. Now I don't have time for my workout before my laser appt. Later today I will be doing disc 12-legs and the 600 rep w/o Wendy wants to do.

Wendy-Meso 3 is amazing. You will not believe how heavy you can lift during this meso! I was doing barbell curls with 52.5lbs! I never even would have tried lifting that much before doing STS. Michi's Ladder Tiers 1 and 2 are restrictive to me. You can find it on beachbody.com. It doesn't allow for any sweets, processed foods or alcohol. I already eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, it's the other types of protein that I want, and an occasional snack/sweet would help curb any binges. It's just a two week challenge and I've already cheated a couple of times. I love all the skinny cow stuff and some of the WW stuff is pretty good too.

Lori-are you working today? One of my coworker just found out her 40yr old sister is expecting. Her kids are 13 and 16 and now she's having a baby. I guess her DH had a vasectomy years ago. When my DH had a vasectomy they said it's not a 100% effective and you are not considered sterile. Obviously this girl is going through all kinds of emotions.

Happy Saturday Ladies...bbl
Hi Girls

Can't believe I haven't been here since yesterday morning:eek: I was to busy eating yesterday to check in. If I told you what I ate yesterday, you would throw up. It was gross but as soon as I got hungry, I got sick...so I just kept eating:D My friend promises me that there is a end in sight. She said that she felt the same way when she was first pregnant. Today I am not as bad, I haven't eaten nearly as much....but its only 2:30.

I ran for 40 mins yesterday and I probably won't bother doing anything today. My coworker called me at 6:50 to tell me I had a flight at 8. Thank goodness I went to bed at 10. I was sooo tired last night! Could barely keep my eyes open. When I leave work I have to go home and make some things for DH's supper tonight. We are having friends over for a bbq. I warned him that I may not be up for it so he will just have to host.

Wendy** Who is this person I remind you of? LOL Is she hot?? That's the most important...even though I don't feel the hottest these days, I would like to think that in my past at some point, I was hot;) Even the color of my skin isn't as nice....I told you I was going to be whiny! How was your STS workout!?

Diana** Are you trying to tell me that someone has it worse then me?;) I think you are! LOL I can only imagine what that women feels like. I remember the same thing happening to a lady I knew when I was pregnant with DD but her kids were in College. Must be a hard pill to swallow!

Laura** Hope your having a good weekend!

I will bb tomorrow sometime! Have a good one!

Good Afternoon? Really? Already!? Where did time go!?!?! :rolleyes:

I slept until 9:30 this morning! I couldn't believe it and now bc of that my day is almost over. DISLIKE! :mad:

Work out is behind me...M3 D25 and MMA K/B omitting combo 3 cause I'm too spastic to get the leg work down but I did the rest of it including the core/ab work! Good stuff!:D

Gotta jet for now...Chuck E Cheese, Joey's pool shopping and food shopping are on the agenda plus cooking dinner tonight-I HOPE!!! Time is the big factor here so we'll see!

Off and running! Sorry no personals but you know I'm good for it!;)

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