Damage Control...Week of April 25th

Diana:: Have you tried giving up the chocolate? I had picked up a chocolate habit for several months (1-2 squares of dark chocolate every day) and decided to give it up for Lent. At first it was kinda tough but Easter is here and gone and I have no desire to go back to it. Sure I still love chocolate and will eat it on occasion but the HABIT is broken and I couldn't be happier. :) I only bring it up b/c you say you are struggling with getting down past a certain weight and if you could break the chocolate habit it could shake things up just enough to get that scale moving again for you. JMHO though. Take it or leave it. ;) Another thought is to do with chocolate what I do with wine as far as WW is concerned...I log my wine intake as part of my Daily Points so I can't eat as much if I want some. I have been using 3 points per day on a half a glass of wine and doing ok with it. Perhaps that's an idea so that you don't have to give the chocolate up completely? I refused to give up the wine completely after all and am still able to lose so it would probably work for you too! :D So I can't check out the bodyrock website here at work b/c the instructor is far too scantily clad for that :eek: but I am going to look when I get home. ;)

LauraT:: What a great set up---get your sweat on in the pool room and then roll right into the refreshingly cool water when you are through! :cool: I'm jealous!:eek:

Lori:: I must be getting better at the sleep deprivation thing cause I am definitely tired but not nearly as comatose as I've been in the past on this little bit of sleep!
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Hi Ladies,

I'm finally starting to feel better. The head cold is still dragging me down a bit but I think I'm on the mend.

I did MM this morning and went heavier on all exercises. For some reason I was feeling strong this morning. I also made it to the rec ctr at lunch for 30 min interval on the elliptical. Tomorrow morning will be Game Day....a few moves are very intimidating but I will do my best.

Wendy-you have a good and valid point. Unfortunately giving up chocolate eventually causes a chocolate binge. When I measure my chocolate...its fine. It's taking handful(s) of chocolate chips out of the bag..not measuring and not counting the points that hurt me. I've been doing good lately though with keeping my chocolate intake to a minimum. I will weigh tomorrow morning. I've been weighing every few days just to get away from the day to day ups/downs. I'm feeling like its going to be a loss. I keep reminding myself that you can exercise away a poor diet.

Lori-sounds like you are getting back into the groove again. Like Laura said, residual effects from traveling and being on vacation. It was kind of nice to get on the elliptical today...a nice change of pace.

LauraT-What kind of padded floor did they put in your gym? Are they like the puzzle mats? I have the puzzle mats and love them. I have to be careful on turning moves so I don't torque my knees, but other than that it is much better than the cement floor. Your class sounds great.
Good Morning:)

Another night with DS sleeping with us. I seem to sleep ok but I really don't think I do.

Anyway...today is going to be more hectic then yesterday. I have training at 10:30, 12 , 6 and 7. Plus my own workout which would have normally of been this morning. Not sure when I will do it. I may start soon.

Wendy** I think the quality of sleep is what makes the difference. Sometimes I feel better after 5 good hours, then 8 broken hours. Maybe you had a good sleep:) And I think our bodies def get use to less sleep after a while. I know I have...but now I am getting use to sleeping in again:eek:

Diana** Nice workout yesterday. I enjoyed the stair climber while I was away, I tried it a couple of times. I wouldn't mind investing in one actually.

My workout today will probably be UB and cardio. Maybe 4DSUB. Still haven't come up with a rotation. I will probably do that this weekend at work.

Morning Glories.

TTOM has arrived so I'm NOT feeling glorious over here but atleast the cramps waited until AFTER my work out!

Thank goodness I atleast got a decent night's sleep last night though.

So I did Booty Barre lower body up to but not including the cardio drills (about 30 minutes), BBC Butt and Legs Cardio Only (20 minutes) and finished it off with Abs and Flexibility from Booty Barre (20 minutes).

With the weather having gotten so warm so suddenly, our house is warm. Opening windows and using fans is okay except for when you are really moving around. I was dripping with sweat by the time the Booty Barre warm up was done! :eek:

Diana:: Great work out y'day!!! Yeah-if ya don't track everything it'll mess ya up cause you don't realize what you are putting in your mouth. I've tried getting away from daily weighing but TBH it works the best for me so I'm done fighting it. I weigh daily and record it in the WM here but will only record my weight with my weekly friday weigh in's on the WW site. Dangit, I forgot to check out that link! Tonight though! :)

Lori:: Yes, quality trumps quantity at times for sure where sleep is concerned. The first hour or two last night was iffy for me but after that I slept like a log so I felt pretty good this morning. Lots of training clients today! Wow! They all like to come on Thursdays huh? I figured M/W/F would be more popular but what do I know? :p I don't know how you manage to sleep at all with DS in your bed. My son would drive me NUTS! :eek:
I haven't heard any crickets outside yet this season but I'm sure hearing them here in the check-in today! :eek:

With all of the horrid news of the killer tornadoes that hit the southern states, I sure hope LauraT is ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey - yes I am fine - just REALLY BUSY - it is crazy here - as you can imagine - we have skeleton crew - everyone on storm teams and will be for a while :( just HORRIBLE HORRIBLE devestation in North AL - we were LUCKY - we had high winds (30 -40+ mph winds) and caught the tail end of the storms but luckily no tornados - we were at the bottom of all the bad stuff THANK GOD - I live at North Barbour county just south of Russell county line - (Russell is the East county that has the "bump" in it - so I am right there) for once it was a blessing to be in the SE area of AL - God be with all the people devestated by the storms!! They are saying the damage is WORSE than Katrina damage in some areas - SO SAD and scary!

Wendy - thanks for thinking of me - think the weather is heading your way but has dissapated in strength - thank God!

Di - the matts are like tumbling mats - like gymnastic mats! If I get out of here I am going to teach plyo - should be great on the padded floor!

Lori -hope today is not as hectic as you think ..

OK .. It has taken forever to write this - keep the families devestated by these storms in your thoughts and prayers - as well as the medical, law enforcement, our utility guys and their families too!! have a great one!
Good Morning:)

Gonna try a quick check in. I would like to have my workout started in the next 15 mins.

Yesterday was a busier day, glad Im back into it now. I finally feel like myself again:eek: I also had to drive DD to meet my mom which took another hour out of my day. Yesterday's workout was PH UB, 30 mins on the TM, 4DSKB and abs. Im not sure what I am doing today but I am leaning towards a circuit.

Wendy** DS isn't to bad to sleep with actually and he rarely moves! We had the bed to ourselves last night though. I don't think I moved until my alarm went off!

Laura** I heard about the terrible storms. We get grief b/c we live in the cold...but I think I would rather the cold. It doesn't destroy homes or lives:( Its so sad!

I will bbl to report my workout!

Hi Ladies,

I was superbusy and also had 2 dentist appts. yesterday, one for me and one for DS. No workout to report for yesterday.

I feel like stepping today so will pick something out when I get downstairs.

This morning I have a meeting with my boss and HR to discuss the comments I put on my yearly review. I basically said I do similar work as others on my team, yet I'm a lower grade level. I feel like I'm begging for a promotion, but if I don't stand up for myself-no one else is going to. I don't know if anything will come from this meeting but I figure it can't hurt.

Wendy-I'm down 3#...again. You should definitely check out the link. I'm actually thinking of trying to add in her WOD's 3 to 4 times per week. They are only 15-20 min long...but super tough.

Laura-glad you were kept out of harms way. I saw the tornado's and devastation on the news.

Lori-You were a busy girl yesterday! Did you get a lot of reading done on your trip? Will you be finishing up your certification soon? You already have a headstart on building your business with all the clients you have.

gotta run...TGIF ladies.:D
Hi Girls

Had the intentions of doing a circuit with B&G's this morning but the royal wedding royally f'ed me up:p I did 20 mins on the TM, 3 seg of B&G's, then got on the bike (suppose to be for 5 mins,) stayed on for 15 b/c Kate made her appearance and I wanted to see her walk down the aisle. The I did the remaining B&G's standing work.

Pleasant surprise...my manager isn't here again today! How lucky am I? The two shifts I have worked lately he isn't here:D

Diana** You reminded me that I need to reschedule my dentist appts for DD and I. DS hasn't even been to the dentist yet. That would be a complete circus. Its a chose just to get his teeth brushed b/c everything is a game. We are routing for you and your promotion! I know where you are coming from. Ive been o.k since my last raise. I will leave it at that for a while. I don't even have half of my book read yet. You should see the size of this thing!!!!!!! I read 3 chapters while I was away on vaca though.

Good Morning. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Gonna be a gorgeous weekend here! Just getting better and better starting today! We leave for our overnight in NYC tmrw morning and the weather is supposed to hit the high 60's and then into the 70's on Sunday! WOOT!:D

So this morning's work out was going to be KPC with weighted gloves but in my exercise ADD style, I changed my mind and opted for something tougher. Cardio Core Circuit. What was I thinking!? :eek::eek::eek: LOL

The scale has held steady again and given me that 1/2 pound loss I predicted. Technically the scale says it's a .4# loss b/c it counts in .2 increments but *I* am saying it's a 1/2 a pound! :p

Diana:: Congrats on the 3# loss! Now take whatever it is you ate, etc and repeat it this coming week and you will probably see a loss again! :) Fingers crossed for you with the meeting at work today! Keep us posted!

Lori:: IDK how still my son is when he's actually sleeping but man before he falls asleep he moves around CONSTANTLY! The only way I could even attempt to sleep with him is if he was in bed and sleeping before I even laid down. LOL about the RW messing up your work out. It's not like you stopped exercising to watch it though so good for you! ;)

LauraT:: So thankful that you and yours are okay!!!! (((HUGS)))
Good Morning,

I couldn't check in from home this morning cause DS was in our bed and the only computer in the house is in our room. Love my check in time with coffee. The keyboard is to noisey and I didn't want to wake him.

Yesterday was a pretty boring day at work and I am pretty sure that today will be the same. I brought my books to do some reading but I know it will make me sleepy. I also think that DH is coming for lunch...I am hungry already. Starving lately!

My workout today was 4DS shoulders, bics and tris, 10k run outside and then LIC abs. I am really going to watch my sugar intake starting today. I haven't been good with that lately with all the sweets that are in the house.

Its been quiet around here. I have a feeling it will be quiet here today as well.

Wendy** Happy BIrthday!! And I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!!!!!

I will bbl to see if anyone checked in:(

Happy Birthday Wendy!!!
Good Morning Ladies,

I finally got to workout yesterday....BM2 Cardio Blast premix. I've been feeling really strong lately and getting in some good workouts. I think its because I've been taking more rest days due to illness or work. Now when I workout I can give it my all.

By the time I got to work yesterday, my meeting with HR had been rescheduled for May 9th. Now I get to fret about it for another week.:mad:

Today I may give S90 legs a try, some kind of cardio, and then a bodyrocktv w/o. What the heck...I'm goin' for it today.

Wendy-have fun in the city! Are you seeing a show?

Lori-what are you up to today? Let me guess...running 25 miles, 30 min bike, PUB/PLB, Weights & Plates abs!!! How'd I do?

LauraT-hope everything is getting back to normal after the storms. The news has been showing the devastation. We had a tornado come down our street when I was in High School. All the cars were moved around, roofs torn off....so random like.

Hi LauraR and Jacque! Pop in and let us know how your doing.​
Diana** You were pretty close:p Its good when you feel strong! I finally feel like I am back at it. My weight workouts have been better then last week. I am going to go buy heavier weights tomorrow. DS also needs some new jeans. I think he is having a growth spurt. So I will do that tomorrow as well. I don't have to work tomorrow and it will be nice to sleep in! Sorry your meeting was canceled ...that really bites. Gives you more time to think about what you wanna say;)

Lori-well I'm giving you a run for your money. I did S90 Legs, GS C&T and HIIT 40/20! I still have some errands to run today. I still need to go to the recycle center, grocery store, and take care of more laundry.

Hope all our other DC'rs are having a good weekend.
Good Morning,

Not sure if i should have started a new thread or not.....

I am off the next three days b/c I have to work six in a row when I go back on Wed. But then I am off for a while, so that's good.

My running partner is going to Ottawa for the marathon we did last year and I am so tempted to join her. Not for the marathon cause I haven't trained at all but they just opened the half marathon b/c more spot came open. I would love to go but I don't think DH would be supportive. Not b/c of all the other things I have going on but b/c of the $. We just got back from a trip that cost us about $4G's...then add in the amount of lulu I have spent lately.....A trip would cost me airfare, hotel, food, the race and not to mention I would be on the hunt for a lulu store:eek: I would still like to go though...I wouldn't even have to train for it, I would just go do it.

My plan this weekend was to come up with a rotation, which I still haven't done. I kinda think its gonna be hard to follow a rotation with next weeks work sched cause you know the workouts won't be short ones. I may create something shortly. Stupid scale still isn't budging and I have been home for over a week! AND I was good yesterday!:mad: Thing is when I get up in the morning I feel good...its just a number that's all.

Diana** You did give me a run for my money! I don't like it one little bit;) Its been a quiet weekend...its a good thing we have each other!

I will bbl!

Good Morning,

Lori-No worries, you or Wendy can start the new thread tomorrow.;)
When is the Ottawa Marathon/HM? Did you see Cathe's new series has a cycle w/o? I didn't pre-order that one. Unless I can use on the elliptical it's just not worth it.

My only real plans for today are to continue working on my resume and updating my LinkedIn profile when my resume is complete.

On the workout front, GS BSB and Asylum's Game Day are on tap. I too need to come up with a rotation to follow. I've been lifting heavier and am starting to notice a difference, mainly in the UB. I need to make it a prioriity to get the rec ctr for hvy leg training at least once a week. DOM's report in the legs from S90...and the lats too. The heaviest weight I used was 30# for inner thigh work. The rest of the w/o was 15's or 25's.

Wonder if Cathe posted a May rotation yet. I preordered the new series yesterday. Did anyone else preorder???

Hi Ladies,

GS BSB and Asylum Game Day complete! I pd Jerod $5 to do the w/o with me. Yes...I bribed him. When we came upstairs, he said to his dad "that workout was easily worth $15!" He does have football workouts 3 times per week, but they focus on weight training. I'm trying to explain to him that increasing his cardio endurance will really help him during football games, and other workouts.

I really enjoyed Game Day although there are some moves that were pretty hard for me. You do different sport related exercises like sprinting, soccer, swimming, surfing, rock climbing, tennis etc. So far, Agility and Speed is still the most difficult w/o in this series. I still have weights, and core that I haven't tried yet...oh and another one called Relief.


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