Damage Control...Tuesday

Good Morning Girls. :)

Today's work out: PCC. OUCH. It hurts just thinking about it! :rolleyes:

So it occurred to me after yesterday's Insanity hybrid rotation post that I had *completely* forgotten that we are due to have the new Cathe's in our hot little hands very soon! I simply can NOT start a new rotation that soon that does not include them! What was I thinking?? :eek: I am seriously considering an Insanity Hybrid but it'll have to wait just a bit longer. I need my play time first. :p

Laura:: Yay for your team's win! Way to crush 'em! :D Cold temps comin? It's been mild and gonna even MILDER on Wednesday! Perhaps it will get cold after that? Re the UN DONE WORK OUT. Yeah I know! Crazy right!? :p Well I did the Kim Spreen one as mentioned yesterday but I must admit that I can think of atleast 3 work out dvds in my collection right now that I have NEVER done plus most of STS! :eek: I actually have a new plan in mind for tackling STS but I am not sure when I will put it into action yet. So did your class *hate* your shaping class last night? ;) Sorry to hear that things with SIL are not good. I would have thought by now that she would have come around a bit. :(


Notice...no good there. Well it's 2:50am and I'm awake. Hope I can fall back asleep soon.

Bootcamp was awesome last night. Walking lunges with a partner, stair running and upper body work-mostly shoulders. The walking lunges with a partner-using a barbell, person in front has the barbell over their right shoulder and person in back has the barbell over their left shoulder, walking lunges together down this long hallway.

If my knee isn't hurting, the plan is Max Interval Cardio or Max Cardio Circuit. If it sore, the it will be STS Back & Biceps.

Wendy-Glad you are liking the results of your rotation. My body was responding quite nicely to my summer rotation of heavy wt training mixed with Insanity. I was also working out 2 times per day most days. Now I'm only able to get 1 w/o in most days. P90X is sounding good to me...but one of my friends wants to borrow it. May have to start another round of STS in Jan.

Diana-I hope you were able to get back to sleep!

My work out is done...

Insanity PCC
Slow and Heavy Planks and Abs

Hi Ladies,

I did manage to sleep off an and on until about 6am. I was tossing and turning and had a terrible dream. Oh well. I'm dragging right now and hope the coffee kicks in soon.

Not sure what I will do now since I have no energy. On a good note, I have some serious DOMs in the legs and back side. DWP has been my stand by as of late so may give that a try this morning.

Wendy-Nice job missy! Insanity Rocks!!!

Jacque-remember, you have to take care of yourself if you want to be productive and help others too. Sounds like DS has a nice opportunity. It's not fun when the grandkids live far away though.

Laura-glad your team won!!!! Sorry you and SIL haven't been able to work things out. You just have to remember that this new medical condition is very stressful for her and she probably just wants to be left alone about it. Let her bring it up when she is ready. Hopefully things will work themselves out soon. No fun being in a tif during the holidays!

Lori-love your family pics, they are beautiful! I cannot believe how much Jayna looks like you.:) What are you up to today?

Diana:: Where are Lori's fam pix? FB I guess? I must take a peek tonight! :) Sorry your sleep was so interrupted. I've been restless and having lots of bad dreams too but thankfully nothing has kept me up long enough to have me dragging the next day. Get to bed a little earlier tonight. Do DWP? I have many ideas for my next rotation after I am done playin' with the new Cathes. TG I have time to decide! :p
Good morning ladies !

Well back to work for me, double UGH, but oh well . . .

I ended up doing CTX Step & Intervals, cardio only. Nice little sweaty 30 min workout with 20 min step and 3 IMax-style intervals. Was enough to tucker me out with my sporadic exercising lately. Thinking Drill Max, B&G or something similar tonight.

Wendy - nice job with the PCC ! LOL about your rotation "Plans". You are toooooo funny girl ! :p Will be interesting to see what you come up with when the "new w/o's" show up on your doorstep. I am so hoping that they come before TDay - I am trying to get next week off minus a few hours to do payroll. I asked for a couple comp days and now Bossman says we need to talk. :confused: Can't wait to hear since he give another of his managers "comp time" when she says she has made up half days.

Diana - hope you can recoup some energy from your workout. Nothing like a little shot of endorphins to make the day better. Perhaps an extra shot of caffeine too? ;)

Laura - Woo Hoo for the team girl. The Sharkies won last night pretty big - or so they said on the RADIO ! ! ! :mad: Still not able to see it on TV yet! Sorry about SIL . . . somehow y'all need to get through to her but like Diana said, she has to do it on her own.

Lori - pics says Diana? Guess I'll have to check out FB at lunch today.
How'd your weekend turn out chickie?

Off to doom and gloom - well it feels like it but I WILL GET THROUGH IT ! :eek:
Jacque:: If another mgr got comp time and you don't that's BS! :mad: Let us know what happens when you have your "talk". I'm way ahead of you girly! I already have a rotation idea written out for the new work outs. :D Good job gettin' in a w/o. 30 mins is all it takes! Just like HAWT HORTON would say..."Do your best and forget the rest"! :)
Hey Girls!

Quick check in for me........

Another busy day. Hopefully tonight I will get to catch up on what's been happening around here. I'm not training anyone tomorrow so I will def be checking in in the a.m.

I did a 7k run last night and 12 mins on the bike. I think that equaled 45 mins of cardio. I weighed today and was surprised to see that I was 121.8:) Probably b/c I ran last night.

Not having a real good day. DS had his speech apt and it went really well. She then tells me that he is first on the list to see the developmental team but it probably won't be until after christmas. She then said " I think there is more to it than a language issue" My stomach just sunk!:( In my eyes he is almost 4 but acts more like a 3 yr old, minus his agility. He was up yesterday morning at 5:53 and didn't stop until 9 last night and that was only b/c he was forced to stop. I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't hyperactive....anyway...it was just a tough blow. He is making great progress in the meantime and I shouldn't get to stressed out about it.

Yes....if you haven't checked out my pics do so! Love them all! I have 86 to choose from. I decided to buy the disc from her so I have copyrights to my photos.

I will bbl to catch up on personals!!

Lori:: Listen to the speech therapist cautiously. Take her seriously but don't allow yourself to get all worked up just yet. I say this because when my DS got really sick and had those seizures at 18 months old, the neurologist insisted he go on meds for a year so we did it but the entire time I NEVER believed he needed them. I was convinced that he was fine and his body just reacted to a severe illness by way of the seizures. I knew in my heart it was not some "condition" he had that would be on going. I was convinced that it was a one time thing and dagnamit I was right! I don't want to fill you with false hope or whatever but I also don't want you to put too much weight into the therapist's opinnion just yet and let her get you all upset. Doctors are not ALWAYS right and it CAN work out to the patient's advantage! My son is proof! :D
Hello Ladies ..

Last night .. triple set circuit class .. YOWZA .. decided cardio and weights .. and DOMS reporting in the TRIS (ouch) - and legs and butt :eek: ... it was a hellavu workout!!!! and yes class was MOANING and GROANING .. lOL!!! Today we had our company Thanksgiving lunch - :confused: - the diet is non existant today for sure - GEESh now I am MISERABLE .. the food was AWESOME .. cardio tonight for sure!!!!! LOL :eek: ...

Wendy .. I am canceling class next week .. I am hoping we will have the workouts by then and I can do them after work .. woot woot!!!

Di ... terrible dreams .. UGH .. MAN I had some doozies this morning ... horrible nightmares .. about nuclear waste - chemical experiments - dead animals and people - storms - it was horrible!!! Hope tonight is better!!!

Lori .. wow .. I know that was a blow for you ... but he is progressing so that is positive .. what about the high fever and seizure he had what a year or better ago?? was there ever anything detected that caused?? I know i suffered from a high fever (105 degrees) once .. it is what ultimately caused my blind spot in my eye to develop .. not to upset you .. just thinking ...and there is ALWAYS the option of a second opinion!!!. but if he is progressing that is VERY positive news!!! Sending some prayers your way!! dont jump to worst case scenerio ..

Jacque .. my DH STRUGGLES to get his comp time .. funny they dont hesitate in making you work extra hours for no extra pay .. but when it comes to paying back in some comp time they dont want to do that ..

OK .. soooooooooo ... after I feel like a STUFFED PIGLET .. I plan on doing plyo cardio tonight .. :eek: .. hope my fat @$$ can move better by then .. LOL!!! have a great one!:D

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