DaMaGe CoNtRoL TooToo Cool Tuesday


Hola chiquitas !

So thought I'd Motivate Ms Wendy by posting my workout from this evening for her to hurry up with her foffee and get her workout done !

Watched one of our "semi-local" baseball teams, the San Francisco Giants, win the World Series tonight. It has been pretty cool - lots of friends and co-workers are big fans so they are happy happy happy the way it has gone. They kicked some major behind - great pitching and great hitting. We never watch baseball but this has been fun and we are crossing our fingers that our Sharkies get the idea. ;) :p A few of them went to the World Series games that were here in SF - I know they are hoping they can follow suit !

So my workout tonight was 4DS Bootcamp. Made it through and will be waiting for tomorrow night when I am guessing my bi's and tri's will be a wee bit sore. Workout for tomorrow is supposed to be IMax 2 - hockey starts at 5PM so will attempt to get up early or do it at lunch time ? ? ?

Wendy - good to hear Joey had fun . . . LOL about candy tomorrow !Wow have you been buying up the workouts lately . . . when oh when will you find time to do all of them ? ? ?

Lori - whoa you have picked up lots of clients already ! You go girl ! Good to hear it is all going well for you. Sounds like you are having fun too! Hope work slows down a little bit for you and then you can focus. We had a Grandma's 90th bday party to go to on Sat nite so no Halloween celebration for us either. Last night I bailed on the kids and DH and I went out to eat, and, of course, this lil' ol' gal chose a margarita too! Yummy . . .

Diana - sorry DH had a sore foot but good for you. Have you tried a hot compress on your knee? Soak a towel in warm water, microwave a bit and then wrap in another lighter weight towel and put it on your knee. It will work similar to the hot tub without the jets. Good for you finding other cardio to do. Nice it hasn't caused you to stop working out.

Laura - doggone SIL anyway. I sure hope she is just bummed for herself and, unfortunately, taking it out on you. I'm not sure I'd act much different if I were younger. I guess my wisdom has helped me realize when I need to take a break, TG the way things have gone lately ! LOL at your description of the haunted house y'all decorated. Sounds like a blast for sure ! Woo Hoo, DH not working long hours - perfect for the nice cool winter nights ! ;)

Well ladies - time to hit the hay . . . toodles until later, probably much later ! :p
Well Good Morning!

What a pleasant surprise to see that Jacque started the thread for us!:)

Jacque:: Good job on your 4DS w/o y'day! Way to go! So happy to see you getting back into your work out routine these days. Yup, I've been on a roll with new work outs and keep adding more to my "wish list" at Collage. ;) If nothing else they are good Christmas Gift Ideas for those who will shop via internet (my inlaws do not unfortunately). Congrats to the SF Giants. I don't watch baseball but I can definitely appreciate a WS win by a team that hasn't had one in roughly 60 years! That's awesome! :D

Laura:: Sorry SIL is being resistant and putting up a fight but I am sure she probably feels like everyone is "attacking" her now. It's for her own good ofcourse but I can understand why "the claws" might come out. As much as everyone is right in what they are saying it probably gets tiring hearing it over and over...even if it's deserved b/c she is not exactly listening. Tough situation. ((HUGS))

Okay today's work out is a toss up between BM (or BM2-not sure yet) Leg Circuits and Upper Body or cardio of choice. I'm leaning towards BM. I enjoyed the DOMS (it's just barely gone, btw) so much that I want it back! :p

Well time flew by so I gotta jet....BBL to report my w/o!:)
Hi ladies,

There are a lot people in my class. It's normally kept smaller with around 8-12 people. There were at least 15 or more last night and we were missing one of our regulars. We did the 3 min step test, 1 min max pushups, 1 min max situps, and flexibility test. We got a late start so all we did were all the tests, and weigh in. My bf% is way too high. Hopefully with weight watchers/clean eating, and exercising the bf% will go down.

My knee ended up hurting pretty bad last night, my own fault. I shouldn't have done step yesterday. Then in my wisdom, I decided to leg weights at the gym using the machines. I figured that would be easier and more stable(since my knee is unstable). Well I started off with hamstring curls, dropped the weight considerably to 50#, only did 2 reps as this was painful. Moved on to leg press, this one wasn't too bad so did 4x12 at 185#. Next I moved on to leg extensions, again I dropped the weight considerably but these also hurt my knee. I ended up doing my standard squats, 4x12 at 85#, a decrease in weight from 115. Then the 3 min step test is done with 3 risers on each side and simply stepping up and down from that high of a step really hurt my knee. I took a ton of ibuprofen yesterday and even iced my knee last night. I'm going to give it a few more days, if it doesnt' get better I'm heading to the dr.

I'm going to start doing STS meso 2, my favorite. I'll give it a try for a week or so and see how it goes. I will be using the rec ctr for cardio, either elliptical or bike. Today is CST, disc 13.

Jacque-what a pleasant surprise this morning.:p Way to go SF Giants!!! Nice job getting back to your workouts! Glad you were able to go out with DH and enjoy a margarita!!!

Wendy-Love BM2, the hour long cardio premix is my favorite. Thanks to you i've learned to mix and match my w/o's. I've started doing weighted ab work 3-5 times per week and it's becoming noticeable!

Laura-I'm sure DSIL will come around. She's been diagnosed with a disease in which she will have to take medication and change her familiar activities for the rest of her life. Once she has time to digest all this, and also realize many people live with this everyday her attitude may change. It sounds like you had a wonderful Halloween.

Lori-What's on your agenda today?

Off to start Chest, Shoulders and Triceps!
So this rotation is good for me. I got on the scale and it's going down...slowly but down none the less! My pants are looser and my abs are showing increased definition. YAY! :D

Diana:: Sorry about your knee. I think you definitely pushed it too hard y'day. Rest it and when it feels better DON'T do heavy legs on the same day as Melt Down Class again, okay? :p Mish-moshing keeps it interesting and motivating for me. Lots of people do all of the work outs straight thru from beginning to end w/no change at all ever. IDK how they do that w/o getting bored or even just needing to do a shorter premix for time! :eek: Also remember...change it good so mix it up girly! ;) Yay for your abs. I am aiming to work abs atleast 5 out of 6 days a week right now and I am getting it done for the most part and it's making a difference for me too! :D Have fun w/meso 2!
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Hello Ladies ..

another crazy day .. and tmrw gonna be worse .. man I was drained from yesterday ... but took it out on the weights and step .. taught triple set circuit class .. good muscle burnout and sweat fest .. that helped my feelings a bit ..

Jacque ... I dont watch baseball .. can only take one sport to go psycho about .. LOl .. but congrats on the Giants win .. woot woot!!

Di .. man if the hamstring machine hurt .. then I would say it is going to be a hamstring tendon that is pulled or maybe even torn .. hate to say you may have to break down and go to DR .. I know none of us want that .. but doesnt sound like it is getting any better at all ..

Wendy .. see you are getting some cold temps huh?? Man it is still hot here .. we are expecting a front to start moving thru today and tmrw .. and dare I say it is supposed to get cooler .. even in the 30's at night :eek: .. going from 90 degrees to 30's .. gonna be some sick people round these parts!!

Lori .. hope you have a good day and sure you have an evil workout planned@! :p ;)

OK .. soooo today got errands at lunch .. brought a sandwich to eat .. then tonight is gonna be my mish mosh plyo class ... I have laid off pushups and my shoulder is MUCH better .. but if I push it again have a feeling same thing is gonna happen .. hasnt had time to heal for sure .. sooooo gonna stay away from side planks and pushup for this week and next week for sure!! have a great one .. gotta jet!:D
Laura:: It was chilly here y'day and cold this morning but today it's supposed to climb into the 50's which shouldn't be too bad! Cold last night tho. We took our a/c's out of all the windows except for the room I exercise in (hottest room in the house!:mad:) and just in the knick of time too! My son's room was in the low 60's by the time he got up this morning! :eek: His room is funny...he is upstairs right next to the furnace. Heat has no where to go so his room can get really hot so we normally only allow a little bit of heat to come up thru the baseboard and then keep his door cracked open. Right now tho, the baseboard is still closed since up until recently it was still warm up there. We have to play with it all winter long to make sure it's not too hot or too cold. VERY annoying! :confused:

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