Good Morning!
Up to get a workout in before work! Yippee!!! A time slot of ME and Im not in a hurry to get to work, never am on the weekends. I need to do legs but I think my SIL is joining me and I need to do UB with her. Maybe I will do legs after she leaves.
I have major DOMS in my abs from core max! Holy! I could feel it last night before I went to bed and while I was doing the workout yesterday it wasnt even hurting. Its one of those that sneaks up on ya! Love it! Hoping my new workouts will be here tomorrow.
Jacque** You are good at bringing payments down, maybe I should give you some of my bills! For some reason my question mark is a É again! I dont know how this happens all the time. I think I pressed a button the other day because it was working one min and a stupid É the next! Ugh!
Diana** Any luck on installing windows 7 (question mark) My friends will pay me...they always do, just not in a timely matter. The last time she paid me it was $300 worth of sessions and it was pretty close to when our sessions were over, before she went on her trip. She asked me the other day how I wanted to be paid and she decided once a week was easiest. I didnt see her yesterday,maybe she had intentions of paying me then...who knows. My other friend hasnt mentioned paying me for last week yet And again...I know she will. The money I get for the next 2 weeks are to pay for U2 tickets for DH for christmas. Mine and his tickets will be over $500.
Alright...I should get moving. I will check in when I get to work!
Up to get a workout in before work! Yippee!!! A time slot of ME and Im not in a hurry to get to work, never am on the weekends. I need to do legs but I think my SIL is joining me and I need to do UB with her. Maybe I will do legs after she leaves.
I have major DOMS in my abs from core max! Holy! I could feel it last night before I went to bed and while I was doing the workout yesterday it wasnt even hurting. Its one of those that sneaks up on ya! Love it! Hoping my new workouts will be here tomorrow.
Jacque** You are good at bringing payments down, maybe I should give you some of my bills! For some reason my question mark is a É again! I dont know how this happens all the time. I think I pressed a button the other day because it was working one min and a stupid É the next! Ugh!
Diana** Any luck on installing windows 7 (question mark) My friends will pay me...they always do, just not in a timely matter. The last time she paid me it was $300 worth of sessions and it was pretty close to when our sessions were over, before she went on her trip. She asked me the other day how I wanted to be paid and she decided once a week was easiest. I didnt see her yesterday,maybe she had intentions of paying me then...who knows. My other friend hasnt mentioned paying me for last week yet And again...I know she will. The money I get for the next 2 weeks are to pay for U2 tickets for DH for christmas. Mine and his tickets will be over $500.
Alright...I should get moving. I will check in when I get to work!