Damage Control on an Insane Tuesday!

Hey! Where are all my girls!?!? :confused:

Well, I got MIP done earlier this morning. Great work out! I was dripping with sweat again! I really need to pull out the window fan! I hoping it will help with that! I have the ceiling fan but it's just not enough! :eek:

Gotta be in work usual time today (noon). Hoping to get some housework knocked out in the meantime!

Ciao for now Bellas!

PS Scale dropped a pound despite the 2 drinks I had last night!:)
Hi Wendy and all who follow!

Just a quickie this morning to report that I did MIP this morning. I had a bit more energy for it today and it was a great workout, even though I think he might be trying to kill me :p

I'll bbl for personals...it's a court hearing day so there's always a buzz around here. Will get some work done and bbs~

Good Morning!:)

Its still morning! Feelings like I have been up for a while. To get up and workout is one thing but its another to get up and come to work! Blah! DS slept for 13 hours last night!:eek: He didn't budge until 8 today. I was so afraid that he was gonna wake up around 4'ish or something! When they got to bed early, anything is possible.

I am hoping to get another body part in tonight and a run. I would soooo love to run outside but it will be dark and its to cold! I think I am going to have a hard time adjusting to running inside. I think I may be cc'ed out!

Last night DH and I were texting back and forth (b/c he was at hockey) he wanted to know if we were gonna have snacks and he wanted me to order a PIZZA and WINGS!:confused: I was hungry but not for another meal. Anyway, he thought that I ordered it and I thought that he ordered it so when he came home, no one had actually ordered it! I was sooo releived! LOL We were also going to order cinna sticks, which is pizza dough folded over with cinnamon and butter in the middle , then of course you dip the sticks in icing! Thats what I would have choosen to eat of course! Anyway, went to bed hungry and proud of it!:D

Wendy** So you had 2 drinks last night:p Naughty girl! You know that this is gonna catch up to you and your a$$ is gonna turn into a big tub of goo, filled with dimples!:eek: haha! You soooo hate me right now don't you? LOL Speaking of...I need to get working on my butt and legs.I have been neglecting them b/c of the race and still haven't done anything with them b/c they are still sore from the race! If I didn't know better I would think I was in awful shape or something:rolleyes:

Jen** Hope your day isn't to crazy! Sounds like your week is gonna fly by though. I am looking forward to being off tomorrow.

So...I had a dream last night. I had another baby boy! He was soo sweet! Still don't want one though. My dream was so realistic b/c I was still skinny and didn't even call my mom to tell her I had another baby:D Then DS got mad and tried to tip the crib over...that part sounds about right though!

I will bbl to check in!

Hi ladies,

I'm heading downstairs for Power Hour and am so looking forward to it. Although I must admit that Wendy & Jen got me thinking about MIP... I'm sticking to weights today though.

Wendy-I always take a towel down with me. I sweat buckets during these insanity w/o's. It's pretty disgusting actually..I have to wipe my face off and clean up my puzzlemats.

Jen-I like the plyo w/o too, it's my favorite of the M2 w/o's. Nice job getting that done this morning!

Lori-your dream about having another baby made me laugh. DH thought we should have one more baby after Jerod since he's so much younger than his brothers. He thought he needed a playmate. Obviously we decided against that after further thought. I hope DS gets over his fear so he can go trick or treating in style! Enjoy your workout/s today.

Hi Laura & Jackie!!
hey girlies ..

omg INSANITY IS MY LIFE ... and I dont mean the workouts .. OMG .. I have been swamped ... long story .. have not had time to check on personals . ..

weekend was a good one .. worked out .. and cleaned .. then ystdy we are super shorthanded .. I had to cashier and was out of balance again (( stupid stupid eyes )).. I left PI$$ED :mad: did 60 min super step cardio class last night ..

Wendy .. I have several CABS last night too .. AND FRIED chkn livers, FRIED green tomatoes and boiled corn :eek: and it was soooooooo good and I felt NO guilt :p

Lori .. if Wendy is gonna be a dimply round bottom thing . hate to see what I am gonna look like .. picturing the good year blimp or Michilin tire guy :confused:

Jen .. hope your week has been less stressfull than me .. my sanity is in question at this point ..

DI .. I got REVABS and did the first one today .. it was a good workout .. was thinking it would be a 1/2 easy w/o for lunch ..well I left in a puddle .. :confused: .. it was tougher than I thought .. different than anything I have done but basic exercises w/a concentration on breathing and abs .. my shoulders are already getting sore .. and my butt is sore (mainly from heavy legs at lunch ystdy)

hello to Jacque ...

Anyway ... gotta jet .. just had to touch base w/my "peeps" as Wendy would say!! tonight is 1/2 plyo and 1/2 yoga/core :eek: dont think the body is up to full plyo class tonight .. not gonna make it .. have a great one!!:D

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