Damage Control gone Insane: Wednesday!


Hey Girls. Good Morning! :)

Well I am shocked. I thought I'd be riddled with DOMS this morning from C&B and I am not! I suppose the push ups shouldn't phase me after doing Insanity but I thought that the pull ups still would! Today calls for CP&R!

So everyone looking forward to Thanksgiving tmrw? I'm not. Sad but true. :( I am very BAHUMBUG this year about the holidays. I'd rather it be a normal day and just go to work. What is wrong with me!?!?! :eek: :rolleyes:

Diana:: I like Taylor Swift too. Always liked Jackson's music but his freakishness (is that even a word!?lol) turned me off big time. Sorry for the missed home work out but glad Bootcamp did it's job! Yes, being bored at work drives me nutty. Yesterday was a better day. Busy all afternoon w/o being frantic. It was perfect. :)

Jen:: You are an awesome friend! This gal is very lucky to have you! Too bad her family is so unsupportive. What's up with that!?!? Glad to hear I am not the only one who felt PCC didn't get all that much easier! I think the first round was a bit easier but the second one....not a chance! :eek:

So how was y'day's circuit work out? Hey, send the projects my way girl! I can use something to do at times! :D I can't play on the internet at work. My pc is out in plain view. No way to hide what I do there. Phooey. If I COULD play, I probably wouldn't complain about being bored! :p I was guilty of playing on th net alot at my other job. I posted on the Cathe boards like crazy back then and most of it was while I was at work! :eek:

Lori:: Why is this time of year busier for you?? Oh I hate when I get hungry for lunch too early. It messes up my whole day! :eek:

Laura:: Dirty Santa ornament party? What is that!?!? Sounds like fun!!! ;);) Yay for power shopping! Love a good, successful shopping trip! Were you Christmas shopping or shopping for you?
Good Morning!:)

Yesterday was a rest day for me. I had to go back to work at 7:45 and by the time I got home it was to late to workout. I probably would have if my dads room weren't right next to the TM. So once I get this coffee gone I may do my workout, we will see. I also want to get weights in todya but I have a feeling that my workout will be done at two seperate times today.

We had a very weird day at work yesterday. My boss called a meeting at 2 o'clock and it was only 1 when he did that. I managed to find everyone thankfully. I think most of us thought that he was going to tell us that we are closing down. We rely heavily on the Americans for our business and things in the States haven't been good. He said back in Jan he received a business proposal to buy a few businesses here...including the one he currently runs. And it was a package deal, you couldn't buy one without buying them all and your talking about millions and millions of dollars. All of it being related to the aviation business. I guess they felt like they should offer it to him even though they knew he wouldn't be able to come up with that kind of money. So of course he knew what was going to happen if he didn't buy it...someone else would. As of right now, he will no longer be running our operation come March 31st. The people who have bought the business made it clear that they want to run it as a business so we should be fine. It would be pointless for them to try and hire new people to do the job when they already have a staff who runs the place without a boss with them 24/7. In the meantime a million things could happen. They may even end up trying to sell it to my boss b/c they only bought it has a package deal, or they may even pay him a good salary to run it. Who knows? Everytime I woke up last night I thought about him and his FIL, who started up the business over 50 yrs ago. He shows up every morning around 9'ish for a coffee and a cookie. Anyway...I guess we will probably know more in the next couple of weeks. I have a feeling it will probably workout better for us in the long run. We will probably be busier b/c these people can set the price for their own fuel. My bosses hands were kinda tied when it came to selling fuel and couldn't compete with our competitors prices.

Wendy** Im not sure whats wrong with you....i always thought you were a little different:p Its Christmas my dear...get in the mood!!!! Its the time of receiving! hehe! Oh yeah...giving is in there to, isn't it? Sorry to hear you aren't a hurting unit today! Maybe it will kick in later. My sister wants my P90X series so I will send it to her when I send her christmas gifts.

I am hoping to catch up on personals but DS is dragging me from one room to the next. I decorated the tree last night so right now, thats the room he wants to be in!

Good morning, girls!

Today I had legs on tap, so I did a short run on the treadmill before the lower body premix of MM. My legs are sufficiently spent now.

Jacque: Don't go tossing in any Insanity workouts before your arm/shoulder has fully recovered! I don't think these would be friendly for you at all with that nagging problem. I find them to be very upper body intensive and that he moves very quickly on the pushups and stuff. I'm sure there are plenty of other things to keep you busy while you recover ;)

Laura: Yes, do tell what a dirty Christmas ornament party is! That sounds like fun. I have to give you props for getting your Insanity workout done during your lunch without an immediate shower available afterward :D You have proven that not only are the workouts insane, but so are its followers ;):p I think you'd make Shaun proud. I have Friday off, too!! How great is that??

Lori: You don't sound too worried about this transition. Have they reassured you all that you'll likely keep your jobs? I hope it all goes as hassle free as it can. And I think you need to send a bit of your holiday spirit my way, as well.

Wendy: I totally agree that the first round of PCC was a bit easier, but holy crap did that second round KILL me!! It's just too much time on the floor or something. Thanks for your kind words. Don't know why her family has to be so crappy, because she is such a wonderful person (in spite of her family!). Her mother literally abandoned her and her brother and sister when my gf was 17. Her sibs are younger than her and she was left caring for them :( How crappy is that? The mother has since returned, but she's a piece of work. Makes me very thankful for all that I have, and so I'm happy to help as much as possible. She'll be at our table tomorrow :D

Hi Diana! What's up for you today?

K, work. BBL~

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Morning ladies ..

I really didnt know if I would be slow are swamped today .. so far SLOW ... so gonna post early in case it gets busy .. Today hoping to tackle REVABS strength at lunch .. brought my hand weights .. then tonight DH and are going gambling .. I know AGAIN.. and I have so much to do .. but it is his night off and he will be working all weekend and that money is burning a hole in his pocket .. LOl .. I will prbly do more watching than anything .. but it will be a good little date night PRE-turkey day event!!!

Wendy .. GIRL .. snap out of it .. I LOVE turkey day .. I was kinda like you though b/c my plans got all changed up and things got mixed up .. then I said WHATEVER .. and now looking forward to it .. I just hate I have to have the supper meal .. :( .. all those calories and no time to burn it off .. but cant work it to where we are all togehter any other way .. ??? WTG on the workouts .. ooohhh pull ups I would prbly not be able to move .. ugh .. I remember the pushup torture too ... my shoulder wouldnt make it .. OK .. get your act together and get ready to have a wonderful Thanskgiving .. that is an order ;)

Lori .. scary news about your job ... I hate when things are IFFY .. sounds like you are taking the news ok .. but sad for the boss???? sorry .. what a time for this to happen .. at the holidays .. is he gonna get some $$$ to be ok for it??? so the Christmas tree is up and decorated?? has DS been asking "how long b-4 Santa comes" yet..lol

Jen .. yes I think anyone that does Insanity .. catches a bit of the Insanity bug .. LOL ... we are all warped that way anyway .. and SeanT feeds to that .. LOL :p .. OH .. for you and Wendy .. DIRTY SANTA .. everyone trys to find the most unique ornament and wraps it up .. brings it to the party .. then everyone draws a number (# is how many ornaments are there) .. then in order one by one we pick a package and open it .. show it off .. then the next person can either get a new package or steal the ornament .. and so on .. once an ornament is stolen 3 times then it is retired and that person keeps it .. it is fun and it is DIRTY ... VBF is THE worste at stealing the best ornaments .. It is hillarious!!! :p

Hello to Jacque and Di ..

So what is everyones plans for Thanksgiving .. mine are to sleep late - exercise (w/SeanT).. then start making a FEAST ... we will eat a light lunch then the family is to come over at 5;30 or 6 .. to eat .. :D .. the menu I cook: roasted turkey - hash brown casserole - fresh squash - early peas- home made mac and cheese - My aunt will make deviled eggs and bring some kind of sinful dessert - my mother will make the dressing (I could literally eat till I died .. it is so freaking good) - SIL is supposed to bring something but she is NOt a cook sooooooooo :confused: ... not sure what to expect :p ... and DONT YOU ADD UP ANY OF THOSE CALORIES GIRLIES :mad: .. i know horribly fattening meal :eek:.. but I will only have a little spoonful of everything .. but I dont skimp on the dressing :eek: .. LOL .. have a great one ...
Hi Ladies,

I'm working from home today so I can also get some desserts made for tomorrow. We are going to SIL's, she's hosting and making the Turkey, everyone else brings everything else. I'm responsible for desserts, sweet potatoes and something else...I'll have to call her since I can't remember.

Yesterday I ended up doing bootcamp (original) after reading Lori's post. (thanks Lori) It was fun to do as made since I've been doing the premixes using it. Not sure what I will do today. I have bootcamp tonight so I'm not too worried about it. Stepblast is sounding fun but so is Kickbox Xtreme...I'll figure it out later.

I booked my travel for xmas night. DH was not happy with me but leaving xmas night allows me to spend our normal xmas together as a family. It also means DS will be alone on xmas, but DH didn't seem to care about that. He said I'd rather spend it with DS1 than with the family. My family all has each other, DS1 is alone. It wasn't worth arguing about though.

Wendy-I'm surprised you don't have DOM's from the X. Good job with CPR! Enjoy your day off! Maybe you haven't been working long enough to enjoy the days off. We get 10 pd days of each year. NY Day, Memorial Day, July 4, labor day, 2 days thanksgiving, ususally 2 days xmas, and 2 or 3 personal choice days. It's a long time from New Years day to Memorial day too.

Lori-I sure hope everything works out for you with the new owners. Xmas is so much more fun with little ones! I don't decorate nearly as much as I did when the kids were little. We will be putting up our tree this weekend though and I am looking forward to that.

Jen-I did wear my GWF for bootcamp, the cals burned were 413. I'm sure it's lower because we did a circuit and not solid cardio. Yes, my legs were already sore when I was leaving class. Fortunately the pain was gone yesterday. Glad you are able to help out your friend.

Laura-We are going SIL's, dinner will be at 12:30. DH doesn't want to go so it may just be me and the boys. Unless I have everything made by tonight, I probably won't work out tomorrow.

Jacque-It doesn't sound like you are getting much relief from the PT. At least your able to do some workouts. I noticed things like the squat thrust climbers and the jumps were easier in BC, I'm sure its due to Insanity.

Have a great day ladies. bbl
Hi ladies,

No workout to report as of yet. I'm hoping that around 3 I'll have a chance to get my workout it in.

Roselyn-we all seem to be doing our own thing right now but focusing on weight training. A couple of us are mixing Insanity with P90X. I've been using the Gym Styles, Leaner Legs etc. Hope you find a rotation to your liking.

Hey Ladies! :)

Rpage: I am one who is combining the X with Insanity. I am doing the main X weight work outs every other day and three Insanity cardios on the other 3 days. I am also adding an Insanity ab work out once a week. I thought it might be too hard but so far so good. I am doing all month 1 work outs from Insanity except where Shaun has you repeat the same work out 2x I am putting Max Interval Sports Training in it's place. Can't wait to see what my results are after a month of this and then we'll see if I have the gumption to move on to month 2 Insanity work outs! :eek:

Diana: Yay for booking your trip to see DS1. Good for you! :) Oh I can already appreciate the holidays even though I've only been in this job a little over a month now. Technically it's a 4 day weekend for me too but me and my VBF are going in on Friday to do work that can't get done during the normal work day. I don't mind. I'm getting paid for it and chances are good if I were home we would not be doing anything exciting anyway. Glad you enjoyed BC today! I haven't pulled that one out in a while!

Laura: Yeah I know, I need to de-funk and get in the spirit but so far it's not happening. :confused: Got some good news tonight though. Turns out we don't have to make the 2.5-3 hour trek up to my sister's house for both Turkey Day AND Christmas. She offered to come down to my mom's for Christmas so that's only 30 mins from us. YAY! Perhaps this will help to put some spirit in me! ;)

Jen: So what's the story with your friend's dad? Is he around?? Mom sure does sound like a piece of work. She is lucky her kids are letting her in their lives at all!!!! :confused: So nice that you will have your friend for Turkey Day. Where are you celebrating it?

Lori: Fingers crossed that the happenings at work mean positive changes for you and your co-workers!!!! Yeah, ofcourse you know that I am wierd! And I just keep getting wierder by the minute but I must say that you are not so normal yourself either missy! :p:D

Okay, I got everyone!:) Have a good night and a happy holiday if you can't check in tmrw!
Hi Girls!

I lay down with DS when he went to bed, which was late b/c he had a nap, and I fell asleep to. I shouldn't even be typing this b/c Im not fuctioning very well and have made a million mistakes already! LOL

Todays workouts were kinda all over the place, like I figured. I did GS chest and tris in the a.m. After lunch I did the 1st insanity workout (circuit) then tonight my running partner and I went for a small run. I didn't realize it until after we had started running but she did her long run yesterday (training for marathon) and then she went out again tonight? I We had to stop a few times b/c her hip was bothering her. I could have kept running and running but we had to cut it short and we were only out for 38 mins or so. I told her she should have taken a rest day, which she agreed with but said she didn't want to pass up on a beautiful night.

Jen** Good job with your workout earlier, sounds like you fried those legs:) No one has really told us much at this point. I have a feeling that things will stay the same, along with everyone else. This company also owns 2 other companies like us and they have kept everyone hired on plus, kept the doors open. Whatever it is, it is. No point in worrying, i would just like to know. I love my job so who knows, working for someone else may be brutal!

Laura** Did things pick up later today? Nothing wrong with a slow day every once in a while. My boss won't get anything. There is nothing for him to sale. Financial he should be o.k for a while....I would think if he has played his cards right. They own one of the biggest houses in this town and Im pretty sure they are morgage free. He does have another business on the side but thats seasonal. I haven't really been talking to anyone today but I am back to work on fri so i can feel everything out then.

Diana** Sorry to hear you were put in that situation and I can see where both of you guys are coming from. DH probably feels as if DS is old enough to be on his own, while you should be home with them? While of course, it breaks your heart to know that DS will be alone. But atleast he has coming home to look forward to!

Wendy** Are you drinking martinis tonight? I wish I were!! I would have went to my SIL's house tonight for a drink if I didn't have to put DS to bed:confused: DH and her DH were at hockey so we could have had a chat and caught up on some stuff!

So the only real news I received from work today was a text from my coworker. She said that our boss had been talking to the new owners and they are meeting with us next week to make mutual agreements? Kinda sounds alright but one never knows.

BB in the a.m!


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