Daily Checkin-Monday July 17

G'morning Kim and all who follow!:)

Kim, I haven't done the GS series in a while. I'm going to have to start a rotation using them again soon. They are sooo awesome!!! Lowmax is a great work out as well!

So my knee is acting wierd but there is no rhyme or reason to what exact movements cause it to hurt...I think I am going to go to the gym and try using the elliptical. I think that is my safest bet besides the rebounder for cardio at this point. I took an unscheduled rest day yesterday to give it a break so hopefully it helped. It began hurting after my run on Saturday morning. I am also due for a weight work out. I will decide on which I am doing when I am actually ready to do it. :)

Have a good Monday...if that's possible!;)


Hello to Tammy down vvvv!:)

Laurie: I guess your running friend is the one who is telling you how to train for your half? You said you ran 10 mins/walked 1 min for 10k the other day I think? If you don't mind my picking your brain and being a pain :p , could you expand on how you are building up your running to be able to run the entire half? Thanks!:)
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

CTX: PowerCircuit and GS Back for me today.

Kim: That looks like a great workout...UB, LB and cardio!

Wendy: I hope your knee is feeling better.

Laurie: I am a cardio coach junkie. You are so right about finding something that works for you and that you enjoy.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Good Morning Girls!

I just finished a 45 min. steady state run and now it's time for Stretch max #2.

Yesterday I did GS legs floorwork only, abs/core from Rock Steady Step, and a 40 min. walk.

Wendy-eliptical sounds like a good choice . Did you try ice on you knee and some advil ?

Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Morning Everyone,

I did PUB (up only), GS Legs floor and HSC abs and stretch. I love reading everyone's workouts. It is very motivating.

Wendy: Hope your knee feels better. The RICE method works great along with some advil.

Have a great day to all!!:)

Good morning,

Happy Monday everyone. I did CW today and was dripping by the time I was done. I was almost slipping on my step on the last cardio portion from sweating on it during the tricep extensions in the previous segment!

Saturday - Gay Gasper Cardio Step Express with Core.
Sunday - LL

I was supposed to do KPC on Saturday, but I just wasn't in the mood. Maybe tomorrow...

Have a good one, stay cool!
Good Morning:) Today is a recovery day from a long run yesterday so today it's BodyPump and a loooong stretch. I have no problem not running today, too stinkin' hot!! My running group starts 'hill training' on Wednesday and I'm already dreading itx( .

Kim, I've been using PS lately and enjoying very much, have fun!

Wendy, I love your new avatar, you look fit, happy and gorgeous! The elliptical sounds like a good option. My friend and I will run the race together but train seperately, we live in different cities and sourced out different training groups. They run every other day no less than 8K with a long steady run on Sunday, they are already running 18K. We run 5x/week with shorter steady runs and hill training but won't hit 18K for 7 weeks yet (it's a 16 wk programme). It fascinates me that they are so different yet the objective is the same. Exercise physiology is subject to so many variables (body type, individual metabolism, cardio capacity...) that I have no doubt that both ways are effective but each better suited to some of these variables. I guess all will be revealed on race day. I'll stop now and PM you after my workout with the details of my programme.:)

Tammy, CTX PowerCircuits is one of my favourites! Enjoy:)

Becky, sounds like a good workout, your legs will enjoy the stretching:)

Have a great Monday all!

Take Care
Good morning ladies.

Today was IMAX 3 and then Coremax #1. I really enjoyed IMAX3 today. I now pretty much know the choreography and am able to have fun with it! Yippee!

Morning everyone -
Back from Canada and ready to workout again.

I did ME today. Had to skip the abs because DD is a junior camp counselor and started at 8 am today so I had to be out early. I'll probably have to do shorter workouts all week due to driving her, but that's ok. Next week will be back to normal.
Unscheduled rest day for me today.x( I'm hoping I can get some kind of workout in after work today, but that's always so difficult with my daughter at home and my husband usually still at work. If it weren't 114 degrees here I'd take my daughter for a walk, but it's just too hot!

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions for a quick, but effective workout I can do tonight with a 2 1/2 year old at my feet?

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hello ladies,

I was able to make it through 3 combos of LM. I still have to build the endurance for making the step higher. I did it at 6 inches today for the first time in a while. I had to see if my foot would allow it.

Since I couldn't do all of LM I put in KPC and did only the intermediate drills. So I basically did a 30 min. workout.

Weights will come later on today.

Hey guys! My name is Rebecca Dotson and I am 13(going on 14 years old) and I think I want to join you gals on your daily check-ins if that's ok! I am a HUGE Cathe fan also and think this would help me stay motivated! :)

Rebecca Dotson
Good morning everyone!

Happy monday. It is supposed to be 105 here today, yuk! I am going to take a break from cardio today and do GS Ba,sh,bi. I am trying to learn to be okay with not doing cardio every day. I am such a cardio junkie. I ate everything in sight over the weekend. I will try to do better today.

Wendy, I hope your knee starts to feel better. I hope the elliptical doesn't bother it. Take it easy.

Tammy, I order cardio coach 2-5 yesterday. It was buy one get one free. I can't wait to try it. I know you enjoy them.

Welcome Rebecca:)

Hello to everyone else that follows.

Hi all, despite all the heat and no AC I did weights instead of cardio today.

I did PUB warm up, shoulders, triceps and biceps with abs off of LL today!!

Very hot!!!

Welcome Rebecca! I have an almost 14 year old son.:7
Hey, thanks for welcoming me into this check-in group! You guys support each other so well!

I swam for 2 hrs. this morning }( (incase any of you gals don't know, which you probably don't, I am a competitive swimmer) and I am going to try to talk my mom into taking me to a spin class tonight, if that doesn't work I will probably do SJP or KPC and shoulder work! There is endless possibilites with Cathe aren't there! :)

Talk to you guys later!
Rebecca ;-)
Hey ladies,

Just finished PS CST, and I totally enjoyed it. The moves are a change from the other series I have been doing. It is a pleasant change. It is doesn't seem to last a long time to me.

Hope everyone has a good night!


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