
Hi ladies,

Today I got to try out the new blu-ray player and did a new to me Taebo I bought earlier this week used. I would classify it as intermediate since it was only 43 minutes but I had on my wrist weights so that helped the intensity.

So we tested all the DVDs that weren't playing on the old player and all played but my Cathe Kick Punch and Crunch DVD. So alas it has bit the dust. But at least I got the others back so yay for small victories.

Have a great weekend and workout or rest days!!
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Annette, yes, I imagine the wrist weights intensified your workout! Good job! You always rock on your workouts!

Today I did a 45 minute HiiT workout at my gym and then there was a 45 minute workshop practicing and showing the proper form for hip thrusts. My 3 rep max was 175. I am proud of that!

Hello to Linda, Nora and Siobhan! Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!
Happy Saturday all!:)

Annette- Yay!!! The new Blu-Ray player works and can play all your dvd but, sadly one. Congrats on your new Taebo dvd workout with wrist weights = 43 Min WTG and high fives!!
Have a great day & weekend;)

Nicki- Great job on today's workout with:

a gym workout with: a 45 minute HiiT workout plus a workshop at the gym showing the proper form for hip thrusts. WTG on your 3 rep max of 175, bravo!! Excellent workout WTG & high fives!!

Hello's & waves to: Siobhan and Linda. Enjoy your day & weekend!:)

Here's today's workout:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 20 Min Full Standing Lean Legs Strength Training = 25 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - Happy Abs -12 minute Circuit Workout
Strong & Sweaty - Boot Camp- Timesaver #3 Wup + Rounds 1-5 + Stretch= 38 Min

Enjoy your Saturday & weekend ladies:)

ps. I won't be working out Monday I'll be out of town.
Good Morning Everyone,

Rest day yesterday for me.

Today I did a mix of STS Meso 2 for chest/shoulders/triceps for about an hour - I modified some moves to move through the workout faster. I added on 2.0 Jump Rope Bonus. I love Cathe's jump rope workouts!

Annette - yeah for you! you got some of your workouts back with the new blu-ray player!
Nicki - congrats on 175 pound hip thrusts!
Nora - nice long workout yesterday. Enjoy your day away
Linda - waves!!!! see you at the check-in tomorrow morning!

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning ladies! Great workouts yesterday & this morning! WTG!

Annette, glad your new player is working good and will now be able to get back to most of your fav workouts!
Good job with the Taebo workout!

Nicki, nice 45 minute HiiT workout at the gym and another fun practice session! Sounds great!

Nora, good workout choices with YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 20 Min Full Standing Lean Legs Strength Training , Kaleigh Cohen Strength - Happy Abs -12 minute Circuit Workout & Strong & Sweaty - Boot Camp- Timesaver #3 = 38 Min Nice variety!

Siobhan, good job this AM with STS Meso 2 for chest/shoulders/triceps for an hour & also Cathe's Jump
rope bonus add-on. Awesome!

Enjoy the day girls!

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