Hi Ladies - Happy Sunday. I missed working out all last week.
But today I got in an 18 min Marcus Martinez KB and bodyweight workout. Total sweat and heart spike at the end there, whoa!
On labor day I got bit by fire ants and by the end of the evening foot and ankle were very swollen. Had to get on Prednisone pack for the week. some people get much worse reactions. I had a little heart flutter at the time but didn't realize it was part of the whole reaction to the stings.
I have decided to stop working in December (early retirement). My boss does not know yet. I plan to tell him two weeks before. Our working relationship is very phoney. He seems very insecure. Someone recently told me that the word out in the street is that I am running for office! Honestly you cant just care about the community and do a good job without people thinking I must have ulterior motives. I am involved in so much volunteer community work I decided to retire to give me more time to do more fulfilling work then take phone messages.
I am volunteering with the Hispanic Institute to start a Leadership Program. I'm so excited to see the University is receptive and asked me to be part of the curriculum committee.
I'm picking up a little more interest with my home based jewelry business and that's making me happy too.
I miss working out with all of you but I figure soon I will have more time to get those workouts in early in the day.
Thank you for letting me share. Have a great day.
PS: I have been taking Veggie Festiv and Fruit Festiv for the last month. They are dietary supplements filled with fruit and veggie super foods. I have lost about an inch in the waist, pants are looser in the that area. Tummy area is also smaller. We buy them on amazon, but I think you can get them at Walgreens. They are similar to a very expensive supplement called Juice Plus that is a direct sell product. In my opinion and for the price, Fruid Festiv is very good. I highly recommend.