Good morning Siobhan - I just finished Lauren Brooks KB Revelation workout #2. Did the high pulls using 25 lb KB! Yay! Hope to get in a yoga or stretch later.
My official last day is Monday. I'm so glad to be out from under that do nothing boss. My retirement made the paper when someone suggested I was leaving to run for office!
Its bright and sunny here. Are your Christmas trees up?
Today I did CTX Leaner Legs (standing only) + JNL Fusion Ballistic Backside - 20 minutes + long stretch. Sweaty mess.
Conni - that stuff went out in the mail yeseterday - FYI.
Carmen - Congrats! I agree with Conni. You are a curious and busy lady.
Good Sunday morning! I did warm up and Tabatacise #1 from Xtrain, then added several heavy weights and bodyweight exercises. Totally worked out. Lots of chores to finish today. Great workout ladies!!