@ DAILY CHECK IN Weekend Feb. 27-28th@


Look ladies I did a weekend workout! !!

You know I had to try one of my new workouts.[emoji2]

So I did the Timesaver #1 34 minutes. So the warm up/cardio boxing/kickboxing and the cooldown/ stretch.

Definitely lots of jacks and all the 'kicks' were in the warm up but I do, do KCM Boxing workout and like it so this one is just a Cathe version.

I like the length of the first segment, I'll try more of it later.[emoji133]

Have a great weekend!
So I did it! ICE CLB incl. BB followed by ICE LIS incl. BB and stretch. A total of 2 hours and 1120kcal. My son had a 3.5hr bball clinic today so after driving him there I had just enough time to go home do this double w/o, shower and then pick him up.

I wasn't sure if I could manage it, but yesterday I had a rest day and tomorrow is Xtrain Bi's and Tri's so I figure my legs should be able to handle it.

Annette - it is indeed jacks, jacks and more jacks in that w/o you did.

Have a good weekend ladies!

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Hi ladied, it was a great day for my workout as well! I did Cathe's Cross Fire + core! It has become a littke easier for me over time so this means I am making progress in my fitness level, doesn't it???? Have a beautiful week end.
Cecififi how are you? Come back soon!!!!
Hi everyone. I finally worked out today. I did an xfa qinetic arm workout + Suzanne Bowen leg segment. It was short but great to do something.

Henrietta - whoa!
Annette - hardstrikes?
Sandy - I'm back! Slowly. Crossfire is enduring for me

Great workouts everyone. See you all tomorrow.
Hey excellent workouts! :) Annette, nothing like a new workout right?!
I cannot believe it's the end of the month already!

Today I did a fitnessGlo balance & foam rolling challenge workout which was a challenge for me, also a new-to-me workout in ICE MTB Timesaver MishMosh which just hit the spot today + 2 sets of 11 incline hammer raises on the ball.

Have a lovely weekend! I have a lot of organizing etc. tomorrow, so may or may not have time left for a workout.
02/28 Hi everybody, today was Step, Jump and Pump, I skipped only the chest, shoulders and triceps work because I will be working those tomorrow but added a few sets of chin-ups and pull-ups using the bar which I attach to the doors frameworks. I keep it low, so it works in a similar way as does Cathes's in Sts. I love this workout, the music is so energizing!
Good Sunday Morning friends,

Today I did ICE Metabolic Total Body. It was tough at times (my breathing/chest still not back to normal). I also did the Chest Meltdown. I am sweaty.

Love SJP - just don't do it much. It's the music that I love too. I love all the music from that series.

It's gonna be warm today. Enjoy.

Boy do I feel yesterdays double workout! I already started to feel it during the night. I got hungry and my legs and butt were sore. They're still sore now!
Unfortunately I have had an upset stomach all day and a bad headache... Again, plus I can't seem to get warm. I have decided to skip the Xtrain bi's and tri's and listen to my body, so I have spent most of the day on the sofa with my Kindle and a cherry pit pillow.

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