Daily Check in Weekend April 12 & 13, 2014


Good morning friends,

Today I did KCM's Trim Down. It's fairly similar to Circuit Burn which is my favourite KCM.

I will do some ab/stretch work later.

I forgot to check in yesterday. Friday morning I did 3 10 minute torchers + the low impact segment from X10. It was a good workout considering I didn't feel like working out.

Good to see you all check in yesterday. I am glad all is well with us.

Have a good day.
Great Saturday morning ladies! First one off for me in a loooooong time. Today I did workout #3 of a total body kettlebell workout by Marcus Martinez. I used 20 lbs db and the 15 kb for the figure 8 with hold. Hope to get myself a 20 kb today....

Here is his site. signup — MBody Pro. I'm following the free trial 3 day total body kb workout. The other days I'm doing cardio.

Have a great day.

Hi ladies,
Sorry I forgot to check in yesterday , another hectic weekend. Saturday was Afterburn and today was Crossfire with core. Busy with rehearsals this weekend, things are heating up with 2 wks left before the show.
Great weather here so DS and I did some yard stuff today, then he is off to the golf course for his first round of the year while I see DH at rehab. Hopefully getting a little down time this afternoon.,
Hi no workout for me today. Rest day. Bathed four dogs today!! They smell sooooooo good! Enjoying the day with DH and the pups!:cool:

Hi everyone,

I worked out late today. I did cathe great glutes - standing and disc section + catwalk confidence core section. I did v-core segment yesterday too. Abs are very sore today.

See you all tomorrow.

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