Daily Check in Wednesday September 6, 2017


Hi Everyone,

Today I did more daily burn - bi's/tri's + body weight workout for 20 minutes. I am really enjoying daily burn. cancelled skogg to accommodate the cost.

Great workouts yesterday ladies.

Missy - 700 calories on errands - whoa! amazing.

Enjoy the day and your workouts.
Hello Ceci & great job on your workouts!! I appreciate your empathetic words the other day. Thank you.

Today I did a 53 min Power Step workout. It was fun.
Just being going on short walks mostly as of late. Our air is still all smokey from the forest fires. Even with walking, my chest gets tight.

Hey to all who follow today!!! Just on my way out to go to the bakery. Take care.
Hi gals,

Today I taught my chair kickbox circuit workout to 4 ladies for an hour, then my one lady and I got to talking and she got a private kicking and stretching one on one with me for about 20 minutes.

Then I did 45 minutes of weight work including abs and floorwork legs. I only managed 115 on the barbell chest press, but in class I hit biceps hard (We used both the barbell and dumbbells in class), and I hit them again during my weight time. Also did lat pull downs wide arms and under hand close grip, along with flies, overhead one arm criss cross for triceps, hammer curl bicep popping exercise, then did some ball ab work, and floorwork abs and floorwork legs to finish.

Lots of trees down due to the storm we got last evening.[emoji44]

Have a great day and workout!!

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Hi ladies!

Good workouts!

Today I worked half a day as always on Wednesdays but due to also having a check up with the midwife and having lots of errands to run and laundry etc I didn't sit down all afternoon. First chance to sit was during dinner, so I definitely got my steps in and I am tired and feeling it in my back. [emoji853]

So rest day for me today.

Peg - overall my legs and balance are fine. I haven't had any balance issues and my legs just feel more tired and squatting and lunging is getting tougher due to my belly, but overall I would say I am fine.

Fortunately my midwife gave me the green light to continue with my workouts as long as I feel good. I have a nice low blood pressure, the baby is following the growth curve completely and has a good steady heart rate so it is all good [emoji846]

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Hi everyone! Ceci thanks for getting us started. Annette, I bet you made your one lady feel special doing 1 on 1 with her. That was nice of you. Elsie, I love a good step workout! Be careful with the bad air. You don't want any lingering problems. I'm still sending hugs your way. Henriette, I think what you keep doing is amazing! I doubt I could!! And your baby is reaping the benefits too I bet.

Today was the first day of school for the kids. I'm the school nurse for about 400 kids in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade. So I got bombarded by the parents, paperwork, medications etc. It was rough but it's over! Tomorrow is another day. This morning I did Dana Peiper Kickboxing, it was just what I needed to get the nerves settled. Have a great evening everyone!

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