Good morning girls
Linda- Great job on today's workout with:
Blender- "Lower Body Options" - 29 min.
STS Ab Circuits- Med Ball Abs - 10 min.
Hydrow Circuit Training- 10 min. Total Body Rowing & Weights EMOM
Wow! what a great workout, it gets a bit of everything WTG & high fives! Have a beautiful day
Deanna- Great job on today's workout with:
XTrain Hard Strikes-Premix #3 which includes Burn Set Tri's & Core #1- WOW! Awesome workout and premix option- tough workout, WTG & high fives on that incredible workout!
Have a great day
Annette- Great job on today's workout with:
YT- Kombat Fitness Kombat 48 = 41 Min Cardio Only
YT- Kombat Fitness-Kombat 49 = 24 Min completed
Awesome workout today, WTG & high fives- Fun Stuff!
Have a blessed day
Here's today's workout:
YT- Phoenix Nation - 10 Minute Kettlebell-Jump Rope Skipping Workout for Beginners = 11 Min
Fit Split - Shred Cardio + Pull Day= 56 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Strength- 15 min. Flexibility & Mobility = 15 Min
Enjoy your Wednesday