Daily Check-in, Wednesday, December 6, 2023

aqua girl

Good morning all!

Today's workouts:

CatheLive- "Wicked Upper Body" - (I did 30 min. of this longer workout)
Hydrow Circuit Training # 42- 20 min. Rowing & Bodyweight EMOM
YT-Anabolic Aliens- 5 min. Biceps weight plate workout

Everyone have a good day!
Good Morning Everyone,

Today I did a mix of Jeff Hirsch for 27 minutes - a metabolic cardio workout. I added on 14 minutes of a hoco. It's a long 14 minutes of planks and legs. I will do my own stretch now for 10 minutes or so.

More Cathe this morning Linda! Great work!
Wowza of a workout yesterday Annette and Nora!
Anita - I love the LIS series - especially Cardio Supersets and don't do it enough. Thanks for the reminder

Have a wonderful day friends.
Good Morning, everyone!

Just completed Gym Styles: Back, Shoulders and Biceps for the first time. Killer. Good stuff! 50 mins

Will go back later and get Core Max: Stability Ball Abs 20 mins. (I have done that one before and it’s not too hard. I can probably knock it out on our lunch break.)

Good job, Linda on:
CatheLive- "Wicked Upper Body" - 30 min.
Hydrow Circuit Training # 42- 20 min. Rowing & Bodyweight EMOM
YT-Anabolic Aliens- 5 min. Biceps weight plate workout

I still think “Anabolic Aliens” is funny.
And Siobhan:
Jeff Hirsch 27 minutes - metabolic cardio workout.
HOCO for a long 14 minutes of planks and legs. That sounds excruciating LOL
WTG, getting a stretch for 10 minutes. That really makes a difference.

I have been doing the 90-day Xtrain/LIS rotation just because I hadn’t utilized those series’ nearly as much as I’d liked. But I got kinda antsy after 45 days of it and started plugging in some “new” purchases (of older videos I’d never bought, like Gym Styles).

I love Xtrain, for sure. But I only own the first five. The latter half of the series I just know I would never do because it looks like all high impact or what I call “soda bottle” cardio. You feel like a bottle of soda that’s being vigorously shaken while you’re doing it. I might have been on board for that in my 20’s or 30’s. But not now. I need something fluid and strong. Something with some elegance and flow. My muscles and joints just don’t like feeling like I’m headed for a car crash. It’s also just too much for my brain. Overwhelming. I’m already thinking about so many things all at once. I don’t need that kind of cortisol. Lol

SuperCuts has been the stand out on that series. I really like that one. But Burn Sets is a favorite, too.

LIS IS HARD! But I really like it. It fits in really well with my (above) philosophy. There are favorites and not-so-favorites, for sure. Low Impact Challenge, Cardio SuperSets, Total Body Trisets, are all pretty solid.

I’m scared of AfterBurn (I got injured doing it about a year ago and I’m still gun shy), Athletic Training is brutal, Turbo Barre I have yet to complete in full because it’s just so long, and Slide and Glide is kinda monotonous.

TL;DR I’m definitely a low-impact girl.
Hope you’re well, Annette and Nora! Looking forward to seeing what y’all are up to today.
Great job Anita with Gym Styles: Back, Shoulders and Biceps - 50 min. WTG!
and also the stability ball abs from Core Max - 30 min. Nice l o n g workout!

I am definitely low impact all the way person As well. Even my jump roping is
low impact with a ropeless jump rope. I have learned all the lower impact
modifications so I am good to go and still get a great workout.

nice workout for you as well, Siobhan, with Jeff Hirsch for 27 minutes - a metabolic cardio workout & 14 minutes of a hoco.
Hi ladies,

Today I stayed home and found a new garage Taebo on YouTube uploaded to YouTube less than 24 hours ago. It was a total time of 70 minutes of Taebo (I had on my boxing gloves for most of it) , plus he had some weight work (I used 3's and 5's) and finished with floorwork for abs and legs. I sweated but managed to do the whole thing, YAY ME!!

Nice workouts everyone!!
Merry morning/afternoon everyone;)

Linda- As always great sounding workouts today with:

Today's workouts:

CatheLive- "Wicked Upper Body" - (I did 30 min. of this longer workout)- I can just here Cathe do a witchy cackle LOL!!
Hydrow Circuit Training # 42- 20 min. Rowing & Bodyweight EMOM- Sounds amazing
YT-Anabolic Aliens- 5 min. Biceps weight plate workout - I gotta check out Anabolic Aliens sometime, I keep forgetting.
WTG & high fives on your workout today. Have a good day;)

Siobhan- Great job on today's workout with:

YT- Jeff Hirsch- metabolic cardio workout
Then added on 14 minutes of a hoco, lots of planks & legs.
Finally adding on your stretch 10 Min or so. I'm sure the stretch felt wonderful after all that hard work. WTG & high fives, way to get it done;) Have a great day:)

Anita- Wonderful workout today with:

Gym Styles: Back, Shoulders and Biceps for the first time= 50 Min.You are right that is killer!
Plan to later and do Core Max: Stability Ball Abs 20 mins. Great choice to add-on with. XTrain is tough and so is LIS I agree, but you can do it!:)
Have an amazing day:)

Annette- Another fun and challenging at home workout with:

YT- Taebo latest upload- 70 Min Plus weight work with 3's &5's pound db's. So cool you gotto use your boxing gloves. Then finished with floorwork for legs & abs. Bravo that sounds like fun and a major sweatfest, awesome stuff, WTG & double high fives!!;)
Enjoy your Wednesday with blessings:)

Here's today's workouts:

Ripped w/HiiT- Lift It Legs= 41 Min
Les Mills Combat- Power Kata= 45 Min
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Fitness- 20 min Refreshing Active Recovery Ride= 21 Min

Enjoy your day everyone & Merry Christmas:)

Nicely done Nora with Ripped w/HiiT- Lift It Legs= 41 Min & Les Mills Combat- Power Kata= 45 Min & YT- Kaleigh Cohen Fitness- 20 min Refreshing Active Recovery Ride.

Nice 70 min. Taebo workout today Annette!

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