Daily Check-In Wednesday, 4/25


Good Morning Fit Chicks!

I'm just getting this party started! I'll be doing iTread 11/40. I'll check back after work.

Jane: I echo everything you wrote....well said.

Heather: DOH! You're an hour behind me no?

Have a great day!
Hey Gals!

PUB and the bonus cardio for me today. I always feel so strong after PUB.

Tammy, are you looking forward to Friday? Will you have to work any weekends?

Vilma, I bought both types of Vapor bras, one in tulip and the other in wave blue. I also bouth the action tech bra in harbor blue. I'm anxious to receive them!
Hey, great idea using the BC cardio premix instead of the bonus cardio.

Tomorrow I have CF on tap. I have to admit I'm a little askeered! I've done it before and I know that I'll be wiped! The anticipation is always worse that the actual thing

Phyllis http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

Good Morning Fitties!

Hi Tammy!

Jane, that was a beautiful email ! No wonder Sean put it front and center on his website.

Yesterday was great with Brayden.:) He is such a happy, fun little guy. We played outside , took a long walk in the neighborhood looking at flowers (he loves to smell them!) Talk about taking time to smell the flowers! Kids know how to!!
We had lunch and he loves to be read to. So I set out a bunch of books and he picked the ones he wanted to read and he backed up right into my lap and sat down and we read & read !
That made him sleepy, so I tucked him in bed and he fell fast asleep.;) :eek: He is so good for his Nana.:D :D

Today is Cardio Fusion. I (sort of) remembering previewing it when it first came but I haven't ever done it. Is it straight stepping....high intensity? .....intervals?? Do you guys like it?
I'm just trying to figure out if I can do it, or need to sub.

I feel my biceps today after upping the weights in PUB again yesterday. I did 10, 12, and 15 for biceps. Usually I do 8,10, 12.
It makes a difference!! yikes!

It looks like rain today and I think I have to do some housecleaning.

Have a good one everybody!:)
Hi Phyllis!!! :7 We posted at the same time!
Good Morning Ladies;

Today I have Cardio Fusion to do - OY!

I'm dressed and ready for it as soon as I get back in. I feel the Carolina Humidity already plus my allergies are flaring up so I need to do CF asap LOL

Personals later on - need to take the kids to school now :eek:
Good morning fitness buddies!

I emailed you Becky... I think you can do CF.... just modify some the high impact moves. It is a compliation of the cardio from LIC, BM2, and DM.

As I said on last night's post, I was a little surprised to see my email posted there. I truly feel that way. CC PP gave me a feeling that none of the other CC's have, a profound sense of thankfulness for being able to do what I do everyday.

Phyllis - I admit I feel a little apprehension about Cardio Fusion because it is so darn tough but it doesn't have a dread factor for me at all because it's so fun!!

Conni - I'm so glad DH is progressing the right way. After his long sleep, it may take some time for the cobwebs to clear.

Good morning to Tammy, Vilma, Wendy...

Today is a 30 minute interval run but I'm make it steady state. The last two SS runs on the rotation, I've turned into interval runs. So I need to tone it down today, especially since I have CF coming up this week as well as IMAX1.

I don't have my rotation in here but I believe there is a CoreMax and a StretchMax on the rotation for today also.

I'm going back to see my little precious today and take him and DIL to the pediatrician for his two week check. I'm getting some more pictures made at WalMart today. I believe I'm going to put all these on DVDs to make it easier.

Have a good day!!!
Greetings all. It sounds like everyone is doing great. I'll be doing step blast tonight if all goes well. For some reason I feel more compelled to do cardio. Weird, huh? LOL!
Cardio Fusion was fun and there was sweat flying everywhere but I had a great WO this am - I finished off with Stretch Max using the band.

Now I feel ready to tackle whatever comes my way LOL.

I used my other Vapor bra the one with the racing stripes I guess you can call it and it's a great supportive sports bra and like the seamless vapor bra it wicks fantastically.

On to personals:

* Tammy -
I really enjoy iTread 11/40 - great wo in my opinion - enjoy! Have a good day at work.

* Phyllis -
I tell you I did PUB and matched Cathe and woowee my biceps are singing today :eek:

You got the same colors as I did with the Vapor bras; I really am pleased with their performance, the fabric is so soft and smooth. I hope you enjoy them.

I wish I would've thought about that cardio only premix in BC before as I really did not care for the bonus cardio's running up and down the stairs as I felt I would fall down them LOL, but it was very, very comparable to the bonus cardio I think.

I just finished CF in its entirety - don't be scared, the WO goes by very quickly and it was fun. Personally I need to get better with drills 5 & 6 though but wowzers talk about a sweat fest my puzzle mats were covered LOL

* Becky -
Oh yeah PUB had my biceps 'talking' today LOL. So what are you going to do about CF? Are you going to try it out? You can always modify, it is doable, I just made sure to have an extra cup of coffee as you need lots of energy for that one ; I believe ;)
Glad you had a great time with Braydon yesterday.

* Jane -
Since you have done CC PP- would that be comparable to the original IMAX? I have IMAX1 scheduled for Friday and was still debating with myself about CC.
The baby is already 2 weeks old? My goodness! It seems like just yesterday we were congratulating you on your grandbaby's birth! Wow!

* "Beavs"-
Did you enjoy your snooze max and the bon bons? ;)
Have fun with Step Blast tonight.

Hellos going out to all who follow - I need to go out and run some errands but I hope to checkin later on in the day.

Have a beautiful Wednesday Ladies!:7
I did do Cardio Fusion and really liked it !:D

The way it started out kind of threw me.....I wasn't very familiar with that step combo from BM2 so I was floundering a bit there trying to keep up.....
The step from LIC was much more familiar so I kept up there......
The power circuits and drills I had to modify some. I couldn't do the jumping on and off and the length of the step , high kicks and some of the other things they were doing, but I just made it work for me.

It flew by and I know this is something I'll do often.
Yes, I was sweating and I know it will be an even better workout once I learn it and get more familiar with it.
}( FUN!:7
I'm about to go out the door but wanted to answer Vilma....

Vilma, IMO CC PP would be a fine sub for IMAX1. They are both high impact and interval work, just a different aerobic medium, step versus running. I think your results would be similar. I track my calorie burns and with CC PP I burned more calories than IMAX1. CC PP is a little longer (about 10 minutes) than IMAX1, but I still burned more with CC PP factoring that in.

Becky - when I do CF, that throws me too because she uses the finished combos from BM2 and LIC in CF and I am floundering there on the first steps of each combos.

Gone to see my baby!

Oh and I did a 30 min SS run outside today. Boy I need to start taking some of the SS's outside because IT IS harder to run outside than on the TM. I was an exclusive outside runner until I got my TM at the end of November and today was the first day I've been outside since I got my TM. I need to focus more on outside running on SS's weather permitting so I won't lose anything. I did the 30 minute run with no problem but I could definitely tell a difference.

I did CM#2 and TBS #1 with the ball.

Vilma: I loved the bon bons. That Greer chick is onto something ;-)
I think I may just add Stretch max to the end of Step Blast
Jane - Thanks for answering about CC PP

Ok, it's settled then; I will get CC PP and sub it for Friday's Imax1.

I can see myself trying it out for twenty rather than buying the whole lot for just under seventy dollars.

Determining how I feel about it, that will help me in regards to the other CC's, esp. w/ his moving sale. Someone in OD said it's like the 'best of the best' in the CCs.

I think what has me on the fence is that he does not throw out any numbers or inclines and I like the iTreads I do have because of that - it gives me a gauge of what I should be striving for esp. since I do not have a HRM but I do remember you all telling me I don't need one for the CC.

Thanks once again ;)
Hi guys...

I'm sorry I stink at checking in...tax seaosn ended with the in laws coming that same day, and work is still busy, so I haven't had the "me" time yet!

Still getting the workouts in...did PUB Mon, BG yesterday and man my legs were jello after that!

Hope to catch up the next night or two with posts, so I know what's been going on!

Hey Ladies.

I just finished 60 mins of Yoga X and hope to hit the gym for a short run tonight.

Have a great afternoon!:)
Shoot I forgot to post this afternoon after my workout, I did Hardcore Kickbox Circuit then did weighted exercised for my biceps, triceps and shoulders to finish things off.

Have a great evening!!:7
I knocked out ITread set 5/40 mins at the gym tonight. Lots of inclines and 2 sprints. GREAT work out!}(

have a great night folks!:)
Daily Check-in

This was one of those days. Hell days I like to call them. Days like this have been piling up on me lately. I was tired last night but did not settle down until midnight. I was so ready for a restful night of sleep, but it was not to be. I did not sleep a wink last night. Why? So glad you asked. A couple of rowdy young men decided to have a shouting match between midnight and 3:00 a.m. outside my window! Did I mention that I hate obscene language? Hate it, hate it, hate it. I was tempted to grab a bar of soap and go outside and wash their mouths out with soap and choke them with the bar of soap while I was at it so I could get some sleep. They seemed violent, so I decided to pray instead. Very effective! I started praying, a big storm rolled in, and they left!

Since I could not sleep, I beat myself up for eating unclean yesterday. I was bloated and miserable all night. I started thinking about my mother’s upcoming visit in a few weeks and the Road Trip and how big my butt still is and was feeling like a total failure. Why oh why is it taking me so many years to shed this blasted fat?! Those negative tapes were playing over and over again in my head. I think the devil was having a party in and around my home. Out my house! Out my house! In the mighty name of Jesus!

I started reading Beth Moore’s new book this morning, which inspired me and made me laugh out loud. Yes, I am in a pit in more ways than one. Yes, I feel stuck. Yes, I want to get out. I love Miss Beth! I did my Breaking Free Bible study lesson and was fired up and ready for my beloved Kick Max boot camp challenge premix.

Kick Max was interesting to say the least. Cathe was green this morning. Yes, green. I thought I had a pickle juice hangover that was clouding my vision, which would have been better than the realization that my new TV (that I bought a little over a year ago) is on the fritz. The warranty expired last month, and this repair would cost more than I paid for the thing brand new! I did not budget for a new TV this month. My original TV was a 1991 model that was still going strong but did not connect to a DVD player, so I bought a new one last year expecting at least a few good years out of it. According to the guy at the repair shop, most TVs that were made after 1991 are junk and are built to survive the warranty period. I want to do some research before I invest in a new TV, so it looks like I will have to deal with pickle juice Cathe for a few more days. Thankfully, the sound is fine. But everything is neon green. Everything. It looks like viewing the world through green tinted glasses. On the bright side, I have another weapon if those rowdy men return tonight. That and my scale. I hate my scale the morning after succumbing to the lure of a giant pickle. I hate sodium bloat. I think I should hurl my scale and my green screen TV at the next hooligan who interrupts my sleep.

I was too tired to move today. My boss returned to the office after being out since last Thursday, and he was not in a good mood. Yes, it was hell day.

I like to end each day on a positive note. I went to the club tonight and jogged in the pool with Rebecca. She prayed over me, and I felt much better after her intervention. I picked out a new TV tonight that will not break the bank. It looks like an LCD TV is in my future. This one has a digital tuner and an analog tuner. I want to read a few reviews before I make a final decision, but the price is right. Everything is converting to digital eventually, so I will be prepared. After writing recently that I would not buy a new TV for Cathe’s digital downloads, here I am buying a new TV (but not by choice).

Speaking of new toys, I ordered my digital camera today! I am excited! It is time to call it a day.

Tammy, yes! I wake up at 4:00 a.m. in Texas, which is 5:00 a.m. in New York.

Heather B.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us” (Hebrews 12:1 NIV).

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