Daily Check in Wed Aug 9


Good Morning.

I slept in a little this morn. I have some DOMS in my chest and it felt great just to curl up in bed. I'll wo tonight. Night wo are a rarity for me, but I'm bound and determined to make it happen!

DD(12) comes home from her Nevada trip tonight. I've missed her!
:-( It's been fairly quiet in the house with just the other 2 (17,15). I know they have enjoyed the break.

Have a good day. Phyllis

Good morning Phyllis and all who follow.

I am supposed to be resting today but am feeling antsy already. LOL I haven't been to the gym since a week ago today :eek: so I just might have to go there today for some ellipitcal or spinning fun!;)

Phyllis: What was your DD in Nevada for?

Tammy and Meggy: I did R to the C yesterday and was thinking of you both!}( Let me know when you both get S & L and what you think!:)

I ordered a garmin the other day...can't wait for it to get here! I plan to do a good amount of outdoor running over this next week so hopefully I'll have in time for that!:+

Have a great work out everyone!
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning for me is GS C/T and CTX 10-10-10.

Phyllis: My DS#2 returns home from Italy today and I can't wait to see him! Enjoy your DD's homecoming!

Wendy: You are such an enabler}( !

Meg: I hope you and your boys are doing well. Count me in as another Cathe-ite with Raynaud's.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
Wow, it's almost like Reynauds is a prerequisite for Cathe!

Wendy, DD went to Nevada with a friend. The friends mom lives there. The dad is here in NJ. (parents are in the midst of divorce)

Tammy, how long has DS been away? Vacation?

Good morning ladies!

Today was BodyMax for me. I had never done that one before. It was tough! I just recently acquired all of Cathe's w/o except her beginner series, so I am doing rotations to allow me to do all of them. It will take 3 months. I am loving the variety.

Hope everyone has great workouts!

Good morning,

Kudos to you Becky, Bodymax is the toughest workout Cathe has, imo. I do like the way the cardio flys by,though. That is pretty cool when she asks if you "want to do it again?" and she is actually kidding.:)

Today was HSC.

Have a great day!
Morning everyone -

Today I just didn't feel like working out - it's been weird. I feel a little sore, a little tired and just blah. Normally I'll push myself to wo anyways, but somehting in the back of my head said just take a rest day. So I am. I did stretchmax in order to get the soreness out. If I feel like it, I may walk later, but not a power walk. Just a nice leisurely "enjoy the day" kind of walk.

DH is leaving for Maine today to visit his sister. I wish DD could go with him, I like getting the house all to myself once in a while. But I guess DD and I will end up having some girl time instead. That's always nice too.

Phyllis - was this DD's first trip away from home w/o you? The first time is always the worst.

Wendy - what's a garmin?

Tammy - DS went to Italy? And he didn't take you?

Becky - I'm jealous. Maybe if I had ALL of Cathe's wo I would have found something to motivate me to do more today.

Happy hump day!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Phyllis - I jsut read your post from yesterday - Despite my lack of motivation today - I've decided to quit this rotation and do some more intense cardio over the next week. (maybe that's why I just wasn't motivated today? I haven't had time to create a new plan).

I'm ten days away from vacation and would prefer not starting off with a few extra lbs. That can turn into five or ten lbs in no time with me. At least I've learned from this experience. I'll be taking some measurements tonight to see if any changed from the three weeks I was on this rotation and I'll use that info plus what I know about my need for cardio to create a new rotation.

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Hi Everyone,

This morning I did Rythmic step and Core wo 2 and 4 from the Timesaver DVD. It felt great! :)

My sister had quintuple bipass surgery last night and is stable. So now it is a waiting game. Thank you for all your thoughts. It is pretty scarey, considering she is only 50.

Elaine glad to hear the your sister's surgery went well, she will continue to be in my prayers.

I did CTX Kickbox cardio only and then did All Step abs.

Nice shorter workout since I slept in by accident this morning.

Have a great day!!:7
Daily Check-in

After my Bible study this morning, I did my beloved Rhythmic Step without the challenge. I am hoping to give that a whirl soon.

I shared last week that a sweet lady who has been reading my journal over at the Ya Yas offered to give me IMAX3 so her unused DVD would have a good home. I offered to pay for shipping, but she blessed me by covering the postage too. My package arrived today, and she surprised me by sending Hardcore Extreme, IMAX3, Low Max, Kick Max, and High Step Challenge! :) I can afford to buy the rest of the series. Thanks to her kindness, the whole series will cost me what everyone else paid for the original presale! I am blown away that someone I have never met would do this for me. She could have easily sold these on the Ya Yas Swap.

I started previewing Low Max tonight. It looks like a lot of fun! :) I have not watched the whole thing, but the music sounds good so far. The premix I watched played fine as well.

I am excited! I have new Cathe workouts to preview. I am hoping to learn the choreography and start a Hardcore Series rotation next month. Did I mention that I love surprises? :7

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).

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