Daily check-in - Wed- 3-15

Good Afternoon Fit Chicks!

This morning I did KM (including the LCD) and it kicked my booty.

Annette: Isn't great when a workout justs synchs with what you need?

Lisa: MIS is another one of those oldies but goodies.

Sandra: Enjoy your rest...you definitely deserve it!

Wendy: AllStep is awesome isn't it? I think it is my favorite CTX workout.

Carole: Great workout for you....I'm glad you enjoyed your massage.

Becky: Excellent mish-mosh!

Kali: Great workout. I have to exercise on an empty stomach...one of the reasons I work out first thing in the morning. I hope you are feeling better now!

Dutchie: Congratulations to Spooky....great workout for you.

Conni & Shannon: LowMax has a way of creeping up on you slowly, until...BAM! you're drenched with sweat...well at least it does that to me!

Pamela: I hope you enjoyed your rest day.

Katie: I hope your shoulder feels better soon.

Jane: I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better....great workout!

ETA: HI JANE!!! HERE I AM! It has been one of those days when life gets in the way of the Cathe boards.

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