Daily Check in Tuesday September 8, 2015


It's back to schooooooooooooooooooooool today.

Good morning ladies. Today I did Tonique Premier minus the floor and ab work - 50 minutes. Such a sweat fest.

Good luck at work today Conni.

Great to see you Carmen. I wish you good luck with your campaigning.

Annette let us know about the college interview....

have a good day everyone.
Lots going on today!

I am fine, ignoring the goofball in the office completely. Got my Pandora turned up and am getting it done today!

This morning was Cathe Live Solid Upper Body and Core. Nice to be lifting!!

DS went back to school last night, Mom had a weepy evening...better today and back on track.
Hi CeCi and Conni,

I did not get a job at the college but they are keeping my information if a class opens up that I could teach.

Today was 2 Taebo Express workouts.

Have a great day!

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