Daily Check in Tuesday October 2, 2012


Good Tuesday Morning Americans,

Today I did STS Meso 3/Wk 4 Shoulders/Bi's/Tri's and added in Cross Fire segments during the rest periods. I superset to gain time so I can do cardio. Needless to say - sweaty mess.

Conni - You had me thinking about Body Max 2 yesterday. Was it tough to do with the weights? I am thinking of doing it....

Carmen - I agree - you should have a chance to try these....

Annette - I am sorry to hear about our MIL. Good to hear you still get in some stress release!

Zhaoyang - I am guessing you have rotator cuff injuries?

Have a good day everyone. It was soooooooooo busy at work yesterday. I hope today is a bit lighter.
Hi ladies,

Siobhan - I like a few of the premixes from BM 2. You just have to be ready to switch from the step to the ball really fast .

Carmen - I like to use Jillian every now and then, I can't deal with her every day.

Today was the first day of the October rotation - I just did TB, so I subbed Booty Barre. I like Tracey, but she cues so fast that sometimes I miss things...especially when I am facing down and can't really understand her that well. I have to keep the volume low in the morning so I don't disturb anyone!
Hi ladies,

I woke up with a headache so I did the floorwork only off of Jeannette Jenkin's Sexy Arms, abs and legs for a short workout. I am always sore after the legwork on this one so it is good.

I have my annual squishagram :eek: tomorrow so I may get a workout in or not, time will tell. I need to work another day so hopefully Thursday I will have a job, I already have one for Friday.

Have a great day!!
I'm doing almost nothing physical today. :)

CeciFifi - Thank you for asking. It's mild and might yet go away completely. If I had corrected only two things a few years ago I might have avoided the problem (and I'm posting this because it might help someone):

1) In years past, while using the computer I would let my right arm hang with the weight on my wrist and shoulder, ultimately hanging lazily on the supraspinatus. I would stand up and the shoulder would hurt; it did warn me. :( Now I have a chair with padded arms and I'm trying to always keep the weight on the elbow, and I'm spending a lot less time at the computer too.

2) After a lifetime of sleeping on my side (with the shoulder pushed forward for hours at a time), I am successfully forcing myself to sleep on my back, and also without a pillow. If I wake up and my desire to roll on my side is strong enough, I just get up for a few minutes.

Zhaoyang :)
Hi ladies - I did HIS from 4DS (step cardio only). I had not done that one in a long time. I really like the combos and blasts on that one....the music too. I tried to tack on a ZWOW (short intense bodyweight workout) but could only muster one round.

Siobhan Our computer crashed a month or so ago so I lost MMA and MMA fusion. I had them on the hard drive and never got to the chance to put them on CD, can you believe that???

Z - that is very interesting about your shoulder. I'm a side sleeper too (right side). I too have been forcing myself to sleep on my back without a pillow. We recently bought a new bed and i'm hoping it helps.

Great workouts ladies.

good night.


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