Daily Check In: Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Good morning!

I just finished GS Chest & Triceps, followed by TimeSaver #2. Good workout. The GS workout claims it's for chest and triceps, but I always feel it really good in the shoulders and biceps, too. I'm pleased to note that, this being my third week through the Gym Styles, I was able to go heavier with some of the weights, and only had to go to my knees for 6 of the pushups (took longer rests between sets, too).

Shelley - the floating floor we have is better in many respects than carpeting, but I'm also finding it very slippery. I don't know if other laminates are less slippery, but you might want to check it out before you buy the floor.

Laurie - as Paris keeps saying every time she sees an Oiler's flag on a car, "This city is going nuts!!". They weren't expected to make it through the first round of playoffs, never mind to reach the Cup round! I love the Arrogant Worms, and catch them live whenever I can. They're just a hoot and a half.

Tammy - I'm glad you're seeing good results with E2L, after your initial weight gain. Are you enjoying the food?

Jill - your business sounds like it's right up my alley. Too bad I live in a different country.

Phyllis - one of my favourite mish moshes is to do the SJP step, followed by the SB Challenge. It clocks in at 45 mins. I also have a Leaner Legs/Cardio Kicks circuit mish mosh that I really like. Your mish mosh yesterday was terrific.

Caitlin - Cardio Kicks was put out as a stand-alone VHS workout, and also on dvd with Circuit Max. It was her first kickboxing workout, and is very different from KPC or KM. CTX Kickbox is like a short version of Cardio Kicks.

"Happy workouts and great day!" to the whole Check-In gang!
Morning Sandra and all who follow:)

Thanks for the tip on the flooring. I'll keep that in mind when I start looking!

I didn't work out yesterday. It was a long, draining day. It was about 100 degrees here with the humidity and the a/c broke in my car. And DD got to bed later, so I ran out of time. All sorry excuses, I know. I have Stepfit on tap for tonight.
Hi Fitties!

Yesterday I finally fit in shoulders. Did shoulders from PH, BM & MIC. It sounds more impressive than it is. They are all short workouts on their own, but together it was pretty good.:p

Today I think I'll do step and biceps. Haven't picked out which yet.

Another 92 degree day here......I think summer has finally arrived!!:7

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Morning everyone.

Yesterday was my 40 min ITread w/o.

Today is a circuit. I was wanting to do BC last week but it didn't happen so I guess that is what I will do today! It's been a long time...I hope I survive it!}( ;)

Must grab some breakfast so that I can get a move-on! HOT one here again today and the a/c in my w/o room isn't in yet!:eek:
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

This morning I'll be doing CC#5 on the treadmill.

Sandra: I'm loving the food on E2L and I am amazed at my newly found creativity with veggies! Could you please tell me about GS Timesaver#2? I have that on my schedule later in the week.

Shelley: Have fun with Stepfit.

Becky: Enjoy your workout...summer has arrived here too:7

Phyllis: Great workout.

Hello to all that follow...have a great day!
G'morning:) I haven't done SJP as produced in ever so long so I'm thinking I might give that a go with CM3. My Elizabeth is 17 today and she has requested that I make her a cake that is 'chocolate, chocolate with chocolate'. I am famous for my yummy but always wonky looking 2 layer cakes, maybe I can get it straight this time:) We'll have dinner at 'Woodenheads' a lovely, ambient wood fired pizza place.

Sandra, nice job on upping your weights.

Shelley, hope things cool down for you today. My car has the 4X40 AC (4 windows down, 40 miles/hour:+)

Becky, summer is most definitely here!

Phyllis, glad you enjoyed the movie, I have a tough time sitting through anything longer than 2 hours, I'll wait till it's on DVD :)

Enjoy your day all!

Take Care
Teaching a 35 minute Circuit Training class today, and will probably do a couple of segments of Cardio Toolbox or a Mindy's Bootcamp segment in addition at home. Too hot to walk outside today - cooler later in the week.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Wendy, I did BC lastnight (late), I survived (barely)! My whole body was a skakin' after!!!
I have Step Blast today. Definately have the AC going too!!
Sounds like everyone has good WO planned today! Hope you all sweat buckets today!!!!!! HA HA!!!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

Wendy - I almost did BC today after you mentioned it, but
I'm in the minority here and it's not a favorite of mine. I'm just not crazy about the super fast pace. I feel sometimes I am losing my form & concentration by having to move so fast from exercise to exercise.

Anyway, I decided on Circuit max! That's one I don't pull out often and when I do I'm always surprised that it kicks my butt!!!}(

I was putting my stuff away & my DS called and asked me to walk with him! So we are braving the heat and going for a walk in a bit!!
If you don't hear from me again, I've melted and I'm a puddle on the side of the road!!!!:eek:

Good workouts everyone!!! Enjoy the day!
Daily Check-in

I had a restful and restorative holiday weekend and had fun trying some new Kari Anderson workouts for the first time. It was good to hear Cathe’s voice again this morning! I did Timesaver 1 this morning and plan to add some extra cardio after work.

I dropped a pound last week. With the lack of sleep and shorter Timesaver workouts, I am very pleased with that result!

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Daily Check-in

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend, I just love the 4 day work week!

Saturday - Still Jumpin, ab hits.
Sunday - 2 mile run on the treadmill and abs.
Monday - Amy Bento A Team Bootcamp.
Today - Mindy Action packed Cardio and ab hits.

This warm weather makes me feel so revvved up! I love sweating in this heat!
RE: Daily Check-in

Morning ladies. Well, I feel much better but decided to give myself one more day to fully recover before working out again. I've only worked out like 3 times in the last 2 weeks so I'm really scared to see how much strength or endurance I have lost in that time.

Hope everyone has a great day!

RE: Daily Check-in

Hello ladies,
I am doing a 3 mile run today and then GS legs. I haven't do Gs legs in awhile. I hope I won't be in too much pain}(

Hi all, since my PF is back in my other heel I took a break from cardio today and did PUB down only premix with abs off of MIS for my workout. I will be sore tomorrow because I always go heavier with the weight when starting with the heaviest weight. Go figure. I am strongest in the beginning.

I am trying to get in to see my foot doctor but need a referral so I am waiting to hear back from my regular doctor.

Have a great day!! I am down 4 pounds from my new high so that is good.:7
Sandra, do you think that Cardio Kicks is worth it to get another kickboxing workout? I have tried other instructors than Cathe, and the only ones I really like are the Powerstrikes; I have all three. I didn't care much for Billy Blanks or Janis Saffell. I try to kickbox in my gym twice a week, and once at home. Likewise, I step three times a week, once in the gym and twice at home. I get bored easily.

Last night, I did Christi's Totally Cool Step, and Cathe's Low Max right after. It clocked in at an hour and 45 minutes, and I burned 700 calories. This is the only thing that is helping me in my weight loss. I am down another pound, and I haven't seen this weight on the scale in around four years.

Shelley, the AC in my car is broken, and it is so miserable. It needs a new compressor, and that it a great deal of money.

Becky, where do you live? It was 92 here also, and I hate the heat.

Phyllis, I hope you had fun with MIS; I am always afraid to skip cardio as I still have pounds to lose. It is too daunting for me to do an hour of cardio and then an hour of MIS.

Congrations, Heather, on losing a pound. It isn't easy losing weight.
Hi, congrats on the weight loss Heather and Caitlin. I just finished Step Blast and had to PEEL my clothes off for the shower. And I had the AC on!!! Guess it is about 90 here today.
Well, off to find some food!!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/159/.png[/img] [/url]

I'm one of those people who thinks sometimes you have to do a LOT of cardio to lose weight. If I did alternating days of cardio and strength training, I'll guarantee I'd gain weight. I try to do at least an hour of cardio 6 days a week. Sometimes that may be walking and mowing the yard, but I'm breaking a good sweat 6 days a week.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Boy, a holidy weekend sure does screw up your schedule - I completely forgot about checking in all weekend.

This morning was a 3.5 mile walk. My hip & back have been acting up so I felt a walk was safe. That was followed by a nice massage and then physical therapy, where I got the equivalent of a few of Cathe's intervals from IMax. So much for the benefits of that massage.

Happy Tuesday!

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