Hi ladies,
Today was an off the cuff weight circuit gym workout. I got here and all the regular machines I start with were occupied so I had to improvise my workout.
So I started with a leg machine, then went to cables and did 2 different cable exercises covering shoulders and upper back, then went to dumbbells doing chest press and flyes with 15, 17.5 and 20's. Then hammer curls and hammer with a twist with the same weights. Triceps with 15 and 17.5, seated clean and press with 10's. Bicep curls up and reverse down with 10's .
Then sled up the 11 plates, then floorwork for abs, legs and glutes with some light dumbbells for abs, triceps and back. Finished with a stretch for an 85 minute workout.
Nice workout Linda and rest day Siobhan.
Hello to all who follow.