Daily Check-in Tues June 27

Maeghan...Congratulations!!!! I'm sorry you had some not so good days in there. I hope the rest of the week is a bit brighter for you.

Take care,

P.S. I did get up the ambition to add RS to today's schedule when I got home tonight. I'm glad I did...I feel grrrrreat!
Welcome Jenn!

I am fairly new here too...everyone is really nice.

I already posted that I did MIC this morning, but after work my new Cathe DVDs came in!!! (LowMax, IMAX 3, High Step Challenge, Muscle Max)

So...I did the upper body push/pull premix on Muscle Max and then the 2nd Core Max workout.

Sounds like everyone else had great workouts today too!
Selcome Jenn!

Beckymd - isn't so exciting to get a new DVD? I got two yesteday too - Slwo and Heavy series and Cardio Hits. I can't wait to pop them in.

Went for an hour walk tonight. My knee felt funny at the end, like it got a shot of electricity. I'm icing it, just in case. I plan on doing one of my new cardio workouts tomorrow and I don't want to be sore!

Night, all!

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