Daily Check in Tues June 13

Good Morning.

Phyllis: Can you finish the ab work AFTER the regular work out? I can't! I do PUB abs either BEFORE PUB or on a different day!:p

So the DOMS truck pulled into town last night and has been parked on my back!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: At about 9-10pm I noticed it starting to creep in. Let me tell ya, yesterday's work out has my arms and back SCREAMING right now! I LOVE it!:+ }( :+

Not sure what's on tap for today. With Joey coughing I will not be heading for the gym so I don't know what to do. It's a steady state cardio day for me...Anyone have a suggestion? I could be here all day trying to decide! LOL :p
Good Morning Fit Chicks!

Today for me will be another cardio coach workout and then MM & HSC abs.

Phyllis: Great workout!

Wendy: LOL! That was some workout you did yesterday.

Hello to all that follow....have a great day!
Hi Girls!

I have some DOMS after my u/b workout yesterday. Today calls for kickboxing and arm drills and I'm going to sub a run . Just never would choose kickboxing, & my arms are already sore!!!:p

Rhythmic step maybe Wendy???
I always have fun with that one. If it was me though, I'd go for one of the older ones . I forget about them so when I DO pull them out, it's like having a new workout !! And that's a GOOD thing!:D

Gotta run........LITERALLY!!!

Have a great day all!
Good morning ladies,

Yeah, I have been away and have missed all of you. I have been busy with work and kids sports. You know how that is. I have been also working on this foot and making some good progress. YeePee! So I wanted to join in with you girls with my exercising.

Yesterday I did LG and 25min. jogg on treadmill
Today will be 30min.jogg and 30mins. of taebo.

Well off to work for four more hours and then out for summer.

Check back in later after workout.

Hey there Kim! Welcome back!

I was just thinkin' about you!

Jogging, huh? Sounds like you are DEFINATELY doing better with that foot! Good for you! It's about time! :+

Have a great day!
Morning everyone -
Today was a 3M walk followed by CoreMax 1, abbreviated version - my lower back can't handle any of those rotating moves Cathe does, so I just do straight crunches while she does the corkscrew thingys. After breakfast I"m going to do StretchMax 1 to try and loosen up a bit.

Upper body is STILL sore from Sunday's workout and my hip is acting up from last night's 3M walk/jog. I probably shouldn't have done any running last night, but oh well, live and learn.

Today is my last day of physical therapy. Yea!! :)
My workout is complete!

1/2 mile walking w/u, 4 mile treadmil run, 1/2 mile walking c/d.

Heading for a smoothie and shower!
Good morning,

Today was Seasun's Bosu Blast, but sans bosu. I used my step instead and still got an incredibly intense workout! Great core section also. This is on the same DVD as All Body Cardio with Sharon Twombley. Great value for the price!

Have a great day everyone.
Morning fit ladies! I decided not to do the June rotation after all and go back to the rotation I got such good results from. It was Cathe's Aug 04 Body Fat/Legs and Glutes rotation. I tweaked it a little to add some newer workouts, but I did it a couple months ago and got great results. Plus it was tons of fun. So, today was Legs & Glutes followed by a 30 minute interval run.

Hope everyone has a great day!

My work out is done!

Thanks for the suggestion of RS, Becky but I decided to "do my own thing" again. :)

This time I used my rebounder for a completely home-made work out. It was a 30 min cardio work out (not including w/u and c/d) that was comprised of 5 mins segments of running on the rebounder divided up with jumping jacks, jump rope, speed skaters and plyo lunges. It was fun, burned lots of calories and it really got my HR going which I was surprised at!

HRM: 30 mins--avg hr: 148--pk hr: 170--calories burned: 362

Have a great day gals!:)
Good morning all.
Phyllis, ab work can be enjoyed anyday!
Wendy, I'm sending a tow truck to get that illegally parked DOMS truck. I hope Joey is better soon.
Tammy, hi girl. Is you back holding up alright?
Becky, kickbox is on my schedule today too, but I'd rather do that then run
kim, welcome back
gym mom, I hope your back feels better soon
Conni, I've been looking at some of the bosu workouts. So you can do them on the step and still get a workout?
Katie, I never make it through a whole month's rotation. Life always gets in the way.
As I said, kickbox is today's plan. Probably KickMax. Have a wonderful day all.
Hey Robin,

Oh yes, at least with this one you can. Seasun has one person doing the workout on a step, and it is quite intense, very high impact, she even has some intensity blasts that are wild! ( And I have all the Imaxes).

Check out a clip on the Collage website, if you are interested!

Have a great day,

Hi all,

I did PUB down only premix going heavy, then did LL's abs and the 8 min. taebo for a little cardio. Nice workout and I should feel it tomorrow.

Have a great day!!:7
Hey all,

Did SH Chest & Triceps last night. Supposed to do IMAX tonight. Not looking forward to it, but I know it's doable, and I always feel really good at the end (just like it feels better to pull your hand *out* of the fire!). :)

Ha, ha, Sandra. My DH always said the best part of exercising is when you are done. I like the IMAX's because they seem to go so fast.
Conni, I just ordered Seasun's latest Step video, since I heard good things about it here. I may have to order the one with the bosu workout with my birthday money.
Hey Wendy- Yes I am definitely doing better with my foot, which I am having a hard time jumping on the ball of my foot. It's weird how I can jogg, but can't do those windmills on KPC. But I am working on it.

Katie- I started the Aug.04 rotation yesterday and glad to hear someone saw results. I am also modifying some of the exercises but for the most part I am following it. I hope I can see results in 3 weeks, due to I am going to the beach on July 4th. Lowerbody is in dier need of work.

Hey ladies! Sounds like you all have done some kick a$$ WO's today!
I just finished lowmax. It was my steady cardio day. I am thinking of taking the boys for a little walk when they wake up. Not much for upping the heart rate, but good for the soul!!
Nice job ladies!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

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Hey ladies,

Well this sucks! I was jogging on my treadmill when it just stopped. I checked everything and can't for the life of me figure out what caused it. My dh had to tighten the belt a week ago and said that maybe the circuit in it tripped. I hope it is something simple. This is the one thing that I love to do and is helping me lose weight. Well anyway, I will do taebo later and some other extra cardio.

See ya,


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