Daily Check in Tues July 25

That sounds great Wendy. I can't wait to get my R to the C.
I just did PLB and cardio from C&W. I am completely fried!!! I have Imax2 set for tomorrow, so I really hope my legs like me tomorrow!!
You guys all did great today!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Susan: I just love CardioCoach. The workouts are VERY hard and each volume is harder than the preceding one. Volume#5 is killer. I even go back and do Volume #1 every now and again because it clocks in at just 30 minutes. No matter which volume I do, I exit the treadmill TOTALLY dripping with sweat and buzzing with an amazing endorphin rush!

Wendy: Thanks for the gym shopping tips. There are 3 gyms in my little town and I'll have to start scoping them out. One of them is an all girls gym.

Gym-Mom, Robin and Wendy: I'm thinking of joining a gym primarily for weight training, but would love to take some different cardio classes.
Good afternoon ladies,

I want to be a Catheite, but I don't think I'm qualified. I did fittv cardio and weights and then tried to add mic step to it. 5 minutes into it I was pooped and couldn't get through it. x( ! It is very hot and humid this afternoon here.

Tomorrow I am going to do Legs and Glutes and then try to add some cardio onto the end of that. Maybe tomorrow I want be a big loser!!:(

Phyliss- feel better.
Becky-Happy b-day.

All others have a great Tuesday night. It is Contender night baby!! Yeah!!!:9

((((Jen)))) ~ MIC after C&W is quite an undertaking! Don't beat yourself up...sometimes you're the windshield and some days you're the bug! I know personally that a lot of days I feel like the bug...LOL!

Hand in there!!!!
Hello everybody...

still battling motivation problems but I did a 40 minute power walk in the outdoor sauna!!! Hot and humid! I then did PS back. Better than doing nothing I guess.....
I definitley get enough cardio and upper body weights, but I tend to do the same thing over and over and I never work abs or legs. I notice you really mix things up a lot. I really need to do that. You seem like you wake up and see how you feel and you then determine what you are going to do. I write it down the night before and if I don't do it, I hate myself. I told you I need a kick in the pants really just to do seomthing besides running and interval workouts. How do you keep yourself from doing the same thing over and over? I have never worked abs because I have never carried my weight there. I don't usually work legs because I run so much. I really have this fear if I don't do my cardio everyday that everything will go to pot.

Anyway, that is a long version of the simple question you asked. I bet you are sorry you asked:)

Have a good evening.

Hi Susan. Nope, not sorry I asked!;) I had to laugh though when I got to the end of your post cause I asked Tammy the same question when I answered her about picking a gym!:7

I am the same way about cardio...I feel like if I don't do it atleast 5 days per week all of my efforts will be in vain!

I am mixing it up so well right now cause I am limiting my running due to my knee issue. Once that clears up I won't be doing so much variety b/c I'll be spending lots of time logging mileage instead.

BTW, do your leg work! I let mine slide when I started running as well and now I'm paying for it with this knee thing I have going on! I am going to make sure I work legs consistently from now on.

Have a great night!:)

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