Daily Check in, Thursday Oct.4


Hi ladies,

Today was Hiit 30/30 and core - CLX Extreme Abs.

Short and sweet, I had to get to the office, major computer problems that started yesterday and I was hopeful would get cleared up. Not so lucky, we are still down and it is frustrating.
Hi everyone,

Conni - Computer down? That is frustrating! and you are the one responsible for ensuring it all gets fixed? Yikes! Good luck.

Today I did Cathe Cardio & Weights + Horizontal Conditioning Volume 3 - 1 segment. Sweat was pouring off me. I thought C&W is supposed to be easy? It was fun!

Carmen - in the beginning, I loved the triset workout but not the music. Now I just love the whole gosh darn thing. Major DOMS with this one.

Zhaoyang and Annette - enjoy your workouts

I hope you all have a good day.

Hi ladies rest day for me very tired today.

Siobhan I still have doms from the trisets leg work from earlier this week!

Connie good luck on that computer problem....how did we get along without them?

Good night

Hi everybody :)

Cardio: The usual.
Core: Boot Camp Core Only. I can't do the pushup planks yet.

Shoulders and back: I'm trusting Cathe but also adjusting for my current priorities. I started logging reps x lbs for five common exercises (all of which appear in Cathe videos).

Zhaoyang :)

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