Daily Check-in, Thursday, February 13, 2025

aqua girl

Good morning ladies!

Today's workouts:

YT-gosimpli- Seated Upper Body Med Ball workout - 20 min.
YT-Earth & Owl- 15 min. "Knee Friendly" Rebounder workout

That's it! Thursday short day! Hope to get my cleaning done & out for some errands later. We had about 6+ inches of
snow Tues. but it's supposed to be in the 50's today! Crazy weather!

I guess Siobhan will be back with us soon.....hope your trip is going great. Nicki, I hope your leg is feeling better!

Have a good day!
LMR Functional Yoga is on the rotation schedule for today. However, I couldn't face doing repeated Sun Salutations or Warrior poses today. I have tried many times throughout the years to like yoga, but it is really my least favorite type of exercise. I feel energetic today, so I took the cellophane wrapping off of X10 to explore this DVD. I chose X10 Low Impact & absolutely loved it! This is exactly what I needed today, short but intense. I also added on STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up.

Enjoy your day everyone!
Good morning ladies!

Today's workouts:

YT-gosimpli- Seated Upper Body Med Ball workout - 20 min.
YT-Earth & Owl- 15 min. "Knee Friendly" Rebounder workout

That's it! Thursday short day! Hope to get my cleaning done & out for some errands later. We had about 6+ inches of
snow Tues. but it's supposed to be in the 50's today! Crazy weather!

I guess Siobhan will be back with us soon.....hope your trip is going great. Nicki, I hope your leg is feeling better!

Have a good day!
You guys post so many workouts I've never heard of!
Hi ladies,

So where is Siobhan?

Today I got to the gym early to see my friend Judy and we talked for 2 hours :eek: !!

So I got started with my workout later than I was hoping. But I still managed a 97 minute gym circuit consisting of 4 machines including the fancy big leg press contraption. Then cables for upper body mostly shoulders and triceps.

Then dumbbells for chest press (17.5, 20 and 25's), same weights for hammer curls and hammer with a twist, overhead 1 arm separately for triceps with 17.5 and 20's, then 2 arm holding dumbbell with both hands for triceps with a 25. Biceps with rotation down with 10's and 12.5's. Seated clean and press with 10's.

Then sled to only 10 plates, I felt off today doing the sled, not sure why, could be that I got up earlier and don't eat before I workout on weight days and I went longer before beginning my workout.

Finished my workout with floorwork for abs, legs and glutes and light dumbbell for triceps and weights used in the ab work. Stretched and I am finished !

Nice workouts ladies.

Deanna, lots of workouts on YouTube check some out.
Annette, here is Siobhan’s post from last weekend
I am heading to Ottawa for a few days (winterlude) so may not check in (that password issue again). '
Nice long 97 min gym circuit hitting it all today & a nice long visit with Judy!

Deanna, nice workout today doing X10 Low Impact & STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up. I love those weight plate abs!!
Hi girls;)

I thought I already checked in today, but I did not. Its been very cold here, freezing rain, ice ,and snow. The last couple of mornings its been extremely cold. Today, inside the house felt like around 36 degrees. Our ceiling heat does not work in living room or its too expensive to use in other rooms. So, we use a free standing wood stove. Which usually works great, but I built a fire and lit it and its starts good then dies completely and I tried three more times, but no joy. I had my son build it and finally it took. So, I had to wait to warm up before attempting to workout. I was able to finally especially after my nap, laundry, and unloading the dishwasher. Luckily no more washing machine. We have a different washer now, YAY!!

Linda- Great job on today's workouts with:

YT-gosimpli- Seated Upper Body Med Ball workout - 20 min.- Ooh Love Med Ball Stuff!
YT-Earth & Owl- 15 min. "Knee Friendly" Rebounder workout - That is so nice to hear, my knees are not happy with impact these days. Good for you finding a fun zero impact one.;)

Hope you had a nice day:)

Deanna- I'm like you have done yoga many times, but just never find myself loving it or reaching for it. Although, I have found that I'm receptive to flexibility & mobility exercises more so than standard yoga. With MS my balance is a big issue so I have to be careful.

Great job on todays very challenging workout with:

X10 Low Impact- I've tried them all on that disc but the X10 Low Impact- I'll have to give it a try- Short & sweet workout, got to love that;)

STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up- Love This one!
Awesome job on today's workout. Enjoy your evening:)

Annette- Great job on today's workout- 97 Min Gym Circuit workout hitting everything, and getting it done big time! As always you are legendary, bravo! Have blessed evening;)

Hello's and waves to Siobhan & Nicki- Take care and have a blessed evening;)

Here's today's workouts:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20 min. HIIT Indoor Cycling Workout= 21 Min
Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Lower Body- Premix #4 No Blasts = 31 Min

Take girls get a good nights sleep ;)

Nice workout Nora!
YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20 min. HIIT Indoor Cycling Workout= 21 Min
Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Lower Body- Premix #4 No Blasts = 31 Min

hope you have warmed up! I hate to feel cold…I walk around inside the house with
2 sweatshirts on sometimes !
Hi girls;)

I thought I already checked in today, but I did not. Its been very cold here, freezing rain, ice ,and snow. The last couple of mornings its been extremely cold. Today, inside the house felt like around 36 degrees. Our ceiling heat does not work in living room or its too expensive to use in other rooms. So, we use a free standing wood stove. Which usually works great, but I built a fire and lit it and its starts good then dies completely and I tried three more times, but no joy. I had my son build it and finally it took. So, I had to wait to warm up before attempting to workout. I was able to finally especially after my nap, laundry, and unloading the dishwasher. Luckily no more washing machine. We have a different washer now, YAY!!

Linda- Great job on today's workouts with:

YT-gosimpli- Seated Upper Body Med Ball workout - 20 min.- Ooh Love Med Ball Stuff!
YT-Earth & Owl- 15 min. "Knee Friendly" Rebounder workout - That is so nice to hear, my knees are not happy with impact these days. Good for you finding a fun zero impact one.;)

Hope you had a nice day:)

Deanna- I'm like you have done yoga many times, but just never find myself loving it or reaching for it. Although, I have found that I'm receptive to flexibility & mobility exercises more so than standard yoga. With MS my balance is a big issue so I have to be careful.

Great job on todays very challenging workout with:

X10 Low Impact- I've tried them all on that disc but the X10 Low Impact- I'll have to give it a try- Short & sweet workout, got to love that;)

STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core Warm Up- Love This one!
Awesome job on today's workout. Enjoy your evening:)

Annette- Great job on today's workout- 97 Min Gym Circuit workout hitting everything, and getting it done big time! As always you are legendary, bravo! Have blessed evening;)

Hello's and waves to Siobhan & Nicki- Take care and have a blessed evening;)

Here's today's workouts:

YT- Kaleigh Cohen Cycling - 20 min. HIIT Indoor Cycling Workout= 21 Min
Ripped w/HiiT- HiiT Circuit Lower Body- Premix #4 No Blasts = 31 Min

Take girls get a good nights sleep ;)

Oh wow, MS...that really must be a huge challenge! I am just like you, I love mobility/flexibility/stretch but just don't care for yoga so much. I will do it, but it's my least used type of exercise.

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